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O ISLab (, no âmbito do Perfil em Sistemas Inteligentes do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática (, organiza no dia 5 de junho de 2017 pelas 11h00 no DI-A2, uma palestra por Mohammad Al-Zinati, da Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan), intitulada “DIVAs 4.0: A Framework for the Development of Situated Multi-Agent Based Simulation Systems”.
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Mais informações em:
Cumprimentos Paulo Novais e Cesar Analide
ORADOR Mohammad Al-Zinati, Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan)
LOCAL Auditório DI-A2 Departamento de Informática Universidade do Minho Campus de Gualtar, Braga
DATA & HORA Segunda-feira, 5.junho.2017 11h00
RESUMO In this talk we present DIVAs 4.0, a framework that supports the development of large-scale agent-based simulation systems where agents are situated in open environments. DIVAs includes high-level abstractions for the definition of agents and open environments, a microkernel for the management of the simulation workflow, domain-specific libraries for the rapid development of simulations, and reusable, extendable components for the control and visualization of simulations. We illustrate the use of DIVAs through the development of a simple simulator where virtual agents are situated in a virtual city.