[rede.APPIA] [CfP] 1st Workshop on Evolutionary Generative Models at GECCO25

Dear Colleague(s),

Below you will find the extended deadline call for papers for EGM 2025 – The first workshop on Evolutionary Generative Models.


Feel free to distribute, and thank you for your time.

Best regards,

The Workshop Chairs

João Correia

Jamal Toutouh

Una-May O’Reilly

Penousal Machado

Erik Hemberg



1st Workshop on Enhancing Generative Machine Learning with Evolutionary Computation


Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'25)

Malaga, Spain, July 14 to 18, 2025

#Overview and Scope

Generative Models have emerged as key to the field in Artificial Intelligence (AI). In general, a generative model is an AI algorithm that learns the underlying data distribution to produce new distributions, thus generating new data. Evolutionary generative models refer to generative approaches that employ any type of evolutionary algorithm, whether applied on its own or in conjunction with other methods. In a broader sense we can divide evolutionary generative models into at least three main types:

(i) Evolutionary Computation (EC) as a Generative Model focuses on exploring how EC techniques that serve directly as generative models to produce data, designs, or solutions that fulfill specific criteria or constraints;

(ii) Generative Models Assisting EC consists in modern generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks or diffusion models, that enhance the performance and capabilities of EC methods (e.g., using generative models such as surrogate).  

(iii) EC Assisting Generative Models discusses the role of EC techniques in enhancing generative models themselves, particularly through optimization and exploration. This includes approaches where EC is used to evolve or optimize the parameters of generative networks, help address generative models issues, or introduce adaptive mechanisms that improve model flexibility and resilience. It also delves into topics related to EC population dynamics such as cooperative or adversarial approaches.

The workshop on Evolutionary Generative Models (EGM) aims to act as a medium for debate, exchange of knowledge and experience, and encourage collaboration for researchers focused on generative models in the EC community. Thus, this workshop provides a critical forum for disseminating the experience on the topic using EC as a generative model, generative models assisting EC and EC assisting generative models, presenting new and ongoing research in the field, and to attract new interest from our community.

# Topics:

. Evolutionary Generative Models

. Generative Models in Evolutionary Computation

. Evolutionary Machine Learning Generative Models

. Evolutionary Generative Artificial Intelligence

. EC-assisted Generative Machine Learning training, generation, hyperparameter optimisation or architecture search.

. Co-operative or Adversarial Generative Models

. Evolutionary latent and embedding space exploration (e.g. LVEs)

. Interaction with Evolutionary Generative Models

. Real-world applications of Evolutionary Generative Models solutions

. Software libraries and frameworks for Evolutionary Generative Models

All accepted papers of this workshop will be included in the Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'25) Companion Volume.

# Important dates

Submission opening: February 10, 2025

Submission deadline: March 26, 2025

Acceptance notification: April 28, 2025

Camera-ready and registration: May 5, 2025

Workshop date: TBC depending on GECCO program schedule (July 14 or 18, 2025)

# Instructions for Authors

We invite submissions of two types of paper:

·     Regular papers (limit 8 pages)

·     Short papers (limit 4 pages)

Papers should present original work that meets the high-quality standards of GECCO. Each paper will be rigorously evaluated in a review process. Accepted papers appear in the ACM digital library as part of the Companion Proceedings of GECCO. Each paper accepted needs to have at least one author registered by the author registration deadline. Papers must be submitted via the online submission system https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/gecco/. Please refer to https://gecco-2025.sigevo.org/Paper-Submission-Instructions for more detailed instructions.

As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/toc), including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/research-involving-human-participants-and-subjects).

# Workshop Chairs

·         João Correia, University of Coimbra (PT), jncor@dei.uc.pt

.         Jamal Toutouh, Univ. of Málaga (ES) – MIT (USA), jamal@lcc.uma.es

·         Una-May O’Reilly, MIT (USA), unamay@csail.mit.edu

·         Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra (PT), machado@dei.uc.pt

·         Erik Hemberg, MIT (USA), hembergerik@csail.mit.edu

More information at https://sites.google.com/view/egm-2025