[rede.APPIA] Machine Ethics – From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality | Luís Moniz Pereira | Springer

The English version of our new book is available for preorder, in Springer’s SAPERE series:

Machine Ethics

From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality

Luís Moniz Pereira is Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal. He is a member of the NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA-LINCS) of the Informatics Department. In 2001 he was elected Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence (EurAI). In 2006 he was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa by the Dresden Technical University. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees and Scientific Advisory Board of IMDEA, the Madrid Institute of Software Advanced Studies, since 2006. In 1984 he became the founding President of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). His research focuses on the representation of knowledge and reasoning, logic programming, cognitive sciences and evolutionary game theory. In 2019 he received the National Medal of Scientific Merit. More information, including other awards and his publications at: http://userweb.fct.unl.pt/~lmp/

António Lopes has a Licentiate’s degree in Philosophy from the Portuguese Catholic University, and a Master in the same area from the Nova University of Lisbon. He is a philosophy teacher at the Anselmo de Andrade High School, where he is Coordinator of the Department of Social and Human Sciences. He published – with the Parsifal editions – the novels Como se Fosse a Última Vez (As If It Were the Last Time) and O Vale da Tentação (The Valley of Temptation). He is co-author of the book Animais que Ficaram para a História (Animals that Went Down in History), recently published by Editora Manuscrito, an imprint of the Grupo Presença. He collaborated in the book A Máquina Iluminada – Cognição e Computação (The Enlightened Machine – Cognition and Computation), authored by Luís Moniz Pereira, published by Fronteira do Caos Editores, 2016.