[rede.APPIA] DaSSWeb – Data Science and Statistics Webinar – 11 February – Karel Hron – Density Data Analysis

DaSSWeb- Data Science and Statistics Webinar


Tuesday, 11 February, 14:30 (GMT)



Karel Hron
Dep. Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics
Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Density Data Analysis: Analyzing Samples of Probability Distributions Using Bayes Spaces



The analysis of distributional data (probability density functions or histogram data) has recently gained increasing attention in applications. Distributional data are often observed by themselves or as a result of aggregation of large data streams. This talk will provide an introduction to the analysis of such data using a Functional Data Analysis (FDA) approach grounded in the perspective of Bayes spaces. These spaces are mathematical spaces whose points are densities (or, more generally, measures) that generalise to the FDA setting the Aitchison simplex for multivariate compositional data. The talk will give a brief overview of the concise theory of Bayes spaces and the exploratory data analysis developed in this setting. Theoretical considerations will be illustrated with examples from real case studies.



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