[rede.APPIA] NLP: Bolsa de doutoramento com propinas pagas durante o período da bolsa

A equipa de NLP do LIAAD – INESC TEC, Porto, procura candidatos de excelência com o grau de mestre que queiram fazer um doutoramento nesta área de investigação. O prazo de candidatura é 6 de janeiro.

A linha de trabalho está inserida no projeto Text2Story, cujo desafio é extrair narrativas de texto, havendo uma forte atenção para o processamento de texto em Português, sendo por isso dada preferência a falantes do Português. O projeto tem já vários resultados e uma equipa alargada incluindo cientistas de computares de linguistas.

A bolsa inclui o pagamento de propinas de doutoramento e a possibilidade de apresentar artigos em conferências.

Em alternativa os candidatos mestres podem realizar trabalho de investigação durante 12 meses, inseridos numa formação não conferente de grau, sendo no entanto dada preferência ao doutoramento.

Para mais detalhes e para concorrer: http://www.inesctec.pt/pt/oportunidade/AE2021-0281

Info sobre o projeto: https://text2story.inesctec.pt/

Podem também contactar-me por email.

Alípio Jorge
U. Porto / INESC TEC

[rede.APPIA] White Paper Artificial Intelligence

Caros APPIAnos,
Está a decorrer uma consulta pública sobre um “White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – a European Approach” aberta a todos os agentes relacionados com IA. Deixo aqui o link caso pretendam contribuir com sugestões e divulgar por outros potenciais interessados.
Alípio Jorge

[rede.APPIA] Postdoctoral and PhD positions on Natural Language Processing (Porto)

—————————————————————————————————————————————————– Postdoctoral and PhD positions on Natural Language Processing / Information Extraction, INESC TEC / University of Porto. —————————————————————————————————————————————————–
The Artificial Intelligence Lab (LIAAD) of INESC TEC / U. Porto is (www.inesctec.pt/en/centres/liaad) is looking for one highly motivated post doc and two MSc holders to join the team of researchers working on the Text2Story project. The topic is Narrative Extraction from Text. The aims of the project are to develop Machine Learning and Information Extraction algorithms and tools for Identifying, formally representing and reusing narrative structures from textual sources.
The selected candidates will join the Machine Learning and NLP team of LIAAD-INESC TEC (FCUP or INESC TEC) and will have the opportunity to work in an exciting and young environment in close interaction with research engineers, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are working on varied aspects that concern Machine Learning, Information Extraction and Computer Science.
The ideal candidates will have a PhD (or MSc) in NLP or equivalent and the following skills:
* Strong motivation to work with NLP from algorithms to demos and tools; * Theoretical background and hands-on experience on NLP, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Information Extraction; * Good communication skills and ability to cooperate within a team; * Good knowledge of programming languages such as, Python, R and Java; * Knowledge of Python and development tools (e.g. GIT); * Being able to use Portuguese as a language of study is important.
For the postdoc mostly: * Motivation to co-coordinate work-packages, co-supervise students and help with project management; * Motivation to articulate with other projects on the topic and go after funding for the research line;
This positions are supported by the FCT project Text2Story. FCT is the Portuguese National Science Funding Agency.
For more information and applications:
Postdoc: www.inesctec.pt/en/opportunities/natural-language-processing-machine-learning-AE2019-0343 MSc: www.inesctec.pt/en/opportunities/machine-learning-AE2019-0342

[rede.APPIA] MSc holder and BSc-holder positions on Machine Learning at FCUP / University of Porto in collaboration with Bosch

MSc holder and BSc-holder positions on Machine Learning at FCUP / University of Porto in collaboration with Bosch

**Deadline: 06/11/2019

The Department of Computer Science / U. Porto is looking for highly motivatedresearchers to join the team of researchers working on the SafeCities project, a joint venture between U. Porto and the company Bosch. The topic is Machine Learning for Sensor Data for false alarm reduction. The aims of the project are to develop Machine Learning models and algorithms, statistical data analysis and variable selection, in the context of large scale and heterogeneous data. The selected candidate main tasks will be to develop research in these areas.

The selected candidate will join the Machine Learning team of FCUP / INESC TEC and will have the opportunity to work in an exciting and young environment in close interaction with research engineers, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are working on varied aspects that concern Machine Learning, Information Extraction and Computer Science. The candidate will also have close interaction with our project partners at Bosch in an industry setting.

The *ideal* candidate will have a MSc/BSc in Machine Learning or equivalent and the following skills:

* Strong motivation to work with ML algorithms, demos and tools;
* Theoretical background and hands-on experience on Machine Learning / Data Mining / Data Science;
* Experience with ML toolkits and packages such as TensorFlow;
* Good communication skills and ability to cooperate within a team;
* Good knowledge of programming languages such as, Python, R and Java;
* Knowledge of development and versioning tools (e.g. GIT);
* Experience with HPC / GPU and cloud computing.

This position is supported by the Project “Safe Cities”, ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-041435, financed by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), through COMPETE 2020 and Portugal 2020.

The successful candidate will be offered a grant with the net monthly value of 989.7€ (MSc) or  which can be extended until the end of the project (3 yrs). There is a possibility of continuing research after the end of the project subject to the candidate performance and funding availability. 

PhD and MSc positions for this project are also available.

To submit send en email to (amjorge@fc.up.ptrecrutamento@fc.up.ptdutra@fc.up.pt)  with the 

subject as advised in the announcement.

MSc-holders: either
99, 100 e 101 Bolseiro Mestrado (FCUP) n.º 3, 4 e 5 Sub-Projeto 2
98 Bolseiro Mestre (FCUP) n.º 2 Sub-Projeto 2

BSc-holders: either
93, 94  e 95 Bolseiro Licenciado (FCUP) n.º 7, 8 e 9 Sub-Projeto 2

92 Bolseiro Licenciado (FCUP) n.º 6 Sub-Projeto 2

Please attach the following documents in pdf format:
– Motivation letter
– Academic certificates
– Detailed curriculum vitae
– Other relevant documents such as reference letters

**Deadline: 06/11/2019

[rede.APPIA] 3 yr Postdoctoral position on Natural Language Processing / Information Extraction, INESC TEC / University of Porto.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————– Postdoctoral position on Natural Language Processing / Information Extraction, INESC TEC / University of Porto. —————————————————————————————————————————————————–
The Artificial Intelligence Lab (LIAAD) of INESC TEC / U. Porto is (www.inesctec.pt/en/centres/liaad) is looking for a highly motivated post doc to join the team of researchers working on the Text2Story project. The topic is Narrative Extraction from Text. The aims of the project are to develop Machine Learning and Information Extraction algorithms and tools for Identifying, formally representing and reusing narrative structures from textual sources.
The selected candidate will join the Machine Learning and NLP team of LIAAD-INESC TEC (FCUP or INESC TEC) and will have the opportunity to work in an exciting and young environment in close interaction with research engineers, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are working on varied aspects that concern Machine Learning, Information Extraction and Computer Science.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in NLP or equivalent and the following skills:
* Strong motivation to work with NLP from algorithms to demos and tools; * Theoretical background and hands-on experience on NLP, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Information Extraction; * Good communication skills and ability to cooperate within a team; * Good knowledge of programming languages such as, Python, R and Java; * Knowledge of Python and development tools (e.g. GIT); * Motivation to co-coordinate work-packages, co-supervise students and help with project management; * Motivation to articulate with other projects on the topic and go after funding for the research line; * Being able to use Portuguese as a language of study is important.
This position is supported by the FCT project Text2Story. FCT is the Portuguese National Science Funding Agency.
The successful candidate will be offered a contract with the duration of the project of nearly 30 thousand euros per year (taxes apply). To stay after the end of the project is a possibility that depends on the success of the candidate chosen.
PhD positions for this project are also available.
For more information please contact: Alípio Jorge (amjorge@fc.up.pt)
** Please send me an informal note of interest. How to formally apply will be announced soon.

[rede.APPIA] Concursos para Professor Auxiliar para o Departamento de Ciência de Computadores da FCUP

**Por favor divulgar**

Estão abertos dois concursos para Professor Auxiliar para o Departamento de Ciência de Computadores da FCUP nas áreas de:.

Complexidade Computacional ou Algorítmica, Algoritmos Quânticos, Criptografia, Métodos Formais e Metodologias de Software e Implementação de Serviços

Algoritmos e Linguagens de Programação

Alípio Jorge
Diretor do DCC
FCUP – Universidade do Porto