[rede.APPIA] 1 Posdoc Position – Applied machine Learning – formal methods applied to artificial intelligence

——– Mensagem reencaminhada ——– Assunto: Pedido Data: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 13:50:26 +0000 De: Eduardo Fermé <eduardo.ferme@staff.uma.pt> Para: Paulo Novais <pjon@di.uminho.pt>

Boa tarde,
Podes difundir na rede Appia?
1 Posdoc Position – Applied machine Learning – formal methods applied to artificial intelligence
The NOVA LINCS Knowledge-Based Systems Group at Madeira University is seeking candidates for a PostDoc position to work within the scope of the following project: Project BRANT – Belief Revision applied to Neurorehabilitation Therapy (PTDC/CCI-COM/30990/2017).
Cognitive deficits are common after brain injury, dementia and in normal cognitive decline due to aging. Current cognitive rehabilitation therapy has been shown to be the most effective way to address this problem. However, a) they are not adaptive for every patient and b) have a high cost, and is usually implemented in clinical environments.
The Task Generator (TG) is a free tool for the generation of cognitive training tasks. However, TG is not designed to adapt and monitor the evolution of the patient. Here we propose BRaNT, an enhancement of TG with Artificial Intelligence modules, gamification and remote monitoring capabilities to enable Health Professionals to provide long-term personalized cognitive rehabilitation therapy at home. BRaNT is an interdisciplinary effort that addresses scientific limitations of current practices as well as provides solutions towards the sustainability of health systems and contributes towards the improvement of quality of life of patients.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. Suitable disciplines include Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Machine Learning and other related areas. A strong publication record is considered a plus. Candidates are expected to be fluent in spoken and written English. PostDocs can, optionally, supervise MSc and/or PhD projects.
It is desirable that the candidate has the following experience/skills:
1. Knowledge in logic or formal methods applied to artificial intelligence.
2. Knowledge in Applied Machine Learning and Data Science.
3. Strong programming skills
Tasks will include, among others, to participate in a interdisciplinary team to perform:
(a) Patient Profile Generator
Based in normalized data in a database, we will create a assistive tool to create a patient profile which represents his/her cognitive competences. This training profile will be created by operationalizing tasks according to how their different parameters impact different cognitive domains (Attention, Memory, Executive Functions, Language, Processing Speed). This will be achieved by means of a participatory design methodology involving 20 rehabilitation experts and end-user groups. Through modeling we expect to quantitatively determine how independent variables (task parameters) impact each of the profile domains. For each patient, this profiling and parameter matching process will result in the selection of a number of tasks that are adjusted to the patient and delivered as the prescribed training.
(b) Belief Revision adaptation engine (BR-E: Adaptation).
The aim of this WP is to create the computational infrastructure based on the Belief Revision framework that will enable the accurate generation of cognitive profiles for patients, as well as the update of these profiles over time to accurately capture the patients’ evolution over time and the consequent adaptation of cognitive training (Belief Revision adaptation engine). The BR-E must be capable to  detects inconsistencies (i.e., formal contradictions) and incoherencies (i.e., results between different assessment that are outside of expected differences). In case of normal evolution/involution the system will be update the profle accordingly and cycle the process with the updated profile.
Gross Salary: Approx. 36K€ x year.
The positions are available from 1/4/2018. The positions are fixed-term and filled initially for 1 year with the option to be renewed until the end of the project (30/9/21).
Applicants should express their interest by sending the following documents by email to Eduardo Fermé (ferme@uma.pt) no later than 20/12/2018, according to the instructions below:
– a cover letter briefly describing your background and interests;
– a Curriculum Vitae (with contact details);
– names and contact information (email) of at least two references;
– a link to electronic copy of Ph.D. Thesis (if available);
– links to electronic copies of 1-2 most relevant publications.


——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: [Iai-societies] IJCAI-19 AWARDS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 12:50:38 +0200 From: Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz <vsfritz@ijcai.org> Organisation: IJCAI To: IAI Societies <iai-societies@ijcai.org>

Deadline for nominations: Monday, January 7, 2019
The IJCAI Awards Committee hereby invites nominations for the IJCAI-19 awards: The Award for Research Excellence; the Computers and Thought Award; and the John McCarthy Award.
The Research Excellence award is given to a scientist who has carried out a program of AI research of consistently high quality throughout an entire career yielding several substantial results. Past recipients of this honor are the most illustrious group of scientists from the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Past recipients of the award are: John McCarthy (1985), Allen Newell (1989), Marvin Minsky (1991), Raymond Reiter (1993), Herbert Simon (1995), Aravind Joshi (1997), Judea Pearl (1999), Donald Michie (2001), Nils Nilsson (2003), Geoffrey E. Hinton (2005), Alan Bundy (2007), Victor Lesser (2009), Robert Anthony Kowalski (2011), Hector Levesque (2013), Barbara Grosz (2015), Michael I. Jordan (2016), Andrew Barto (2017), and Jitendra Malik (2018).
###################################################################### IJCAI-19 COMPUTERS AND THOUGHT AWARD
The Computers and Thought Award is presented at IJCAI conferences to outstanding young scientists in artificial intelligence. The award was established with royalties received from the book, Computers and Thought, edited by Edward Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman. It is currently supported by income from IJCAI funds.
Please note: Nominees for the IJCAI Computers and Thought Award should be no older than 35 at the start of the IJCAI-19 conference (appropriate exceptions will be made for parenting leave, etc – please indicate such circumstances in the nomination letter).
Past recipients of this honor have been: Terry Winograd (1971), Patrick Winston (1973), Chuck Rieger (1975), Douglas Lenat (1977), David Marr (1979), Gerald Sussman (1981), Tom Mitchell (1983), Hector Levesque (1985), Johan de Kleer (1987), Henry Kautz (1989), Rodney Brooks (1991), Martha Pollack (1991), Hiroaki Kitano (1993), Sarit Kraus (1995), Stuart Russell (1995), Leslie Kaelbling (1997), Nicholas Jennings (1999), Daphne Koller (2001), Tuomas Sandholm (2003), Peter Stone (2007), Carlos Guestrin (2009), Andrew Ng (2009),Vincent Conitzer (2011), Malte Helmert (2011), Kristen Grauman (2013), Ariel Procaccia (2015), Percy Liang (2016), Devi Parikh (2017), and Stefano Ermon (2018).
##################################################################### IJCAI-19 JOHN McCARTHY AWARD
The IJCAI John McCarthy Award is intended to recognize established mid-career researchers, typically between fifteen to twenty-five years after obtaining their PhD, that have built up a major track record of research excellence in artificial intelligence. Nominees of the award will have made significant contributions to the research agenda in their area and will have a first-rate profile of influential research results.
The award is named for John McCarthy (1927-2011), who is widely recognized as one of the founders of the field of artificial intelligence. As well as giving the discipline its name, McCarthy made fundamental contributions of lasting importance to computer science in general and artificial intelligence in particular, including time-sharing operating systems, the LISP programming languages, knowledge representation, common-sense reasoning, and the logicist paradigm in artificial intelligence. The award was established with the full support and encouragement of the McCarthy family.
Past recipients of this honor have been: Bart Selman (2015), Moshe Tennenholtz (2016), Dan Roth (2017), and Milind Tambe (2018).
###################################################################### NOMINATIONS
Nominations for IJCAI awards may be made by any member of the AI community. Nominations should take the form of a **single** PDF document, uploaded to the relevant nomination web site (see below). The nomination should on the first page clearly state the name of the candidate being nominated, their email address and website (if available), and the name and contact details of the nomination coordinator. The nomination should contain a statement (no more than 2000 words) clearly setting out why the nominee is deserving of the award. The nomination should also contain letters of support from up to 3 supporters from the AI community, who should also clearly state why they believe the nominee is deserving of the award (each supporting statement should be no more than 1000 words, and should identify the supporter).
Websites for uploading nominations:
Research excellence nomination site: goo.gl/forms/DVDUIpi2HQUQqoOv2
Computers and Thought nomination site: goo.gl/forms/u5jRnaFG7cjiV14y2
John McCarthy nomination site: goo.gl/forms/5ualkTiTzalrk5d93
Nominations must be uploaded no later than:
***MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2019**
Nominations received after this deadline will not be considered.
Informal enquiries or points for clarification may be sent to the chair of the awards committee: Michael Wooldridge <mjw@cs.ox.ac.uk>.

[rede.APPIA] EPIA-2019, Call for Thematic Tracks (Extended Deadline: 30/9/2018)

Extended Deadline
EPIA 2019
19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence
September 3-6, 2019
Vila Real – Portugal
The EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a well-established European conference in the field of AI. The 19th edition, EPIA 2019, will take place at Vila Real in September 3rd-6th, 2019. As in previous editions, this international conference is hosted with the patronage of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). The purpose of this conference is to promote research in all areas of AI, covering both theoretical/foundational issues and applications, and the scientific exchange among researchers, engineers and practitioners in related disciplines.
Conference format
To promote discussions among participants, the scientific program of EPIA 2019 will be composed of a set of thematic tracks. In addition to the parallel sessions for the different tracks, there will be plenary sessions with invited lectures given by leading scientists, tutorials focusing on specific subjects of AI, demonstrations and a doctoral symposium.
More detailed and up-to-date information may be found at:
The worldwide AI research community is invited to submit thematic track proposals for EPIA 2019. Thematic tracks are intended to provide an environment that fosters an active exchange of ideas between researchers within specific sub-areas of AI, including theoretical/foundational, integrative, application-oriented and newly emerging areas.
Each track is coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, researchers from two different countries. Track organizers should also create a highly international Program Committee for the track, with recognized researchers within the corresponding scientific areas.
The selection of proposed thematic tracks will be made by the Program Chairs and Steering Committee of EPIA 2019. We aim to build a strong, well-balanced conference program. If there are significant thematic gaps in the program after the track proposal submission closes, the chairs may actively solicit additional proposals. Likewise, significant overlap between tracks will be addressed by suggesting merging tracks.
Papers accepted in thematic tracks will be published by Springer, in a volume of the Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the corresponding format, with a maximum of 12 pages.
Presentation slots will be accommodated in the conference program for every accepted paper, in thematic sessions that may run in parallel.
The Organizing Committee of each track will be responsible for:
– Creating an international Program Committee for the track.
– Publicizing the track by all necessary means, including distributing the call-for-papers of EPIA 2019.
– Coordinating a double-blind review process for papers submitted to the track, ensuring that each paper is reviewed by at least three program committee members.
– Assisting the Program Chairs of the conference in the paper selection process.
– Ensuring the delivery of camera-ready versions of papers accepted for the track in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by the conference organizers.
– Coordinating track session chairing assignments.
The organizers of EPIA 2019 will ensure:
– A web-based tool to support the scientific organization process (paper submission, reviewing, selection, etc.).
– The coordination and final deliberation on paper acceptance decisions.
– The publication of thematic track papers in the conference proceedings.
– A meeting place and time for holding the track sessions, including common equipment (e.g. computer and beamer).
EPIA 2019 organizers reserve the right to cancel a track if deadlines are missed, or if the track organizers are unable to attract a minimum number of quality paper submissions. If that is the case, track session merges may also be imposed.
Proposal submission
Track proposals should not exceed 3 pages and must be submitted as a PDF file, at the conference submission system: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epia2019
The proposal should contain the following information:
1. Thematic track title. 2. Name, affiliation, postal address, phone and email address of all members of the track Organizing Committee, which must include researchers from institutions in at least two different countries. 3. Identification of the Organizing Committee contact person. 4. A brief description of the specific scientific/technical scope of the track 5. A list of topics of interest. 6. The reasons why the track should be held within EPIA 2019. 7. A tentative list of members of the proposed track Program Committee, which should be highly international (e.g. no more than 50% from a single country). 8. A preliminary version of the track call-for-papers. 9. The planned format (e.g., invited talks, paper presentations, panel discussions, etc.) and duration of the track. 10. Any plans on preparing a journal special issue for selected and extended versions of papers accepted in the track. 11. Planned forms of publicizing the track. 12. A list of technical/room requirements for the track. 13. Specific initiatives to support and improve the quality of the overall conference. 14. Sponsors or other funding initiatives for the thematic track.
Important dates
Thematic-track proposal deadline: *Extended to September 30, 2018*
Notification of track acceptance: October 15, 2018
1st Call-for-papers: November 15, 2018
Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019
Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019
Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019
EPIA 2019 Committees
Event and Program Chairs
Paulo Moura Oliveira, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal Paulo Novais, ALGORITMI, UMinho, Portugal Luís Paulo Reis, LIACC, UPorto, Portugal
Organization Chairs
Eduardo Solteiro Pires, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal José Boaventura Cunha, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal Paulo Jorge Matos, IPB, Portugal
International Steering Committee
Amedeo Cesta, CNR-ISTC, Italy Ana Bazzan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Ana Paiva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Ernesto Costa, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Eugénio Oliveira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Helder Coelho, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal José Júlio Alferes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Juan Pavón, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain Luís Paulo Reis, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Marco Dorigo, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Paulo Novais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Pavel Brazdil, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Peter McBurney, King’s College London, UK Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz, Germany
EPIA 2019 Event/Program Chairs
epia2019@utad.pt <mailto:epia2019@utad.pt>

[rede.APPIA] REMINDER Jubilação do Professor Eugénio Oliveira

——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: [rede.APPIA] Jubilação do Professor Eugénio Oliveira Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 10:13:42 +0100 From: Henrique Lopes Cardoso <hlc@fe.up.pt> To: rede@appia.pt

A APPIA informa que a cerimónia de jubilação de Eugénio da Costa Oliveira, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e membro fundador do LIACC, terá lugar no dia 26 de Setembro de 2018, às 17h00, no Auditório da FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
Mais informações no site da APPIA, em www.appia.pt/2018/08/20/jubilacao-do-professor-eugenio-oliveira/

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: RECPAD 2018

——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: RECPAD 2018 Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 12:40:02 +0100 From: Bernardete Ribeiro <bribeiro@dei.uc.pt> Reply-To: bribeiro@dei.uc.pt To: Paulo Novais <pjon@di.uminho.pt>, Cesar Teixeira <cteixei@dei.uc.pt>

Caros Colegas
Se for possível, agradeço a divulgação do Encontro RECPAd2018 em Coimbra, 26 Outubro recpad2018.dei.uc.pt/ A deadline é já no dia 10 de setembro.
O call for Papers está em anexo.
Abraço, Bernardete
–Bernardete Ribeiro