[rede.APPIA] 22nd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2021) — Call for Applications




EASSS 2021

22nd European Agent Systems Summer School


July 19-23, 2021

– online event –


We invite researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, namely Ph.D. / M.Sc. students and post-doctoral researchers interested in Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, to attend the 22nd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2021).


Important Dates

Application deadline: May 31, 2021

Acceptance decision: June 8, 2021

Registration deadline: June 30, 2021

EASSS 2021: July 19-23, 2021


About EASSS 2021

The 22nd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2021) is organized by the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab of the University of Porto (LIACC), and held online, on July 19-23, 2021. EASSS 2021 is organized under the auspices of the European Association for Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS) and the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA), as an Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence.

The main goal of EASSS is to provide an exchange of knowledge among individuals and groups interested in various aspects of autonomous, agent-based and multi-agent systems research and practice. This dissemination is provided by formal state-of-the-art courses conducted by leading experts in the field and by informal meetings during the event. The school attracts both beginner and experienced researchers, encouraging cooperation between representatives of many branches of the Multi-Agent Systems research community.



The school will be composed of the following tutorials:

A Machine Learning perspective of Agent-Based Models with R and Python

– Pedro Campos (University of Porto and LIAAD INESC-TEC, Portugal) and Joaquim Sousa (Microdigital, Portugal)

Computation of Nash Equilibria: Algorithms and Complexity

– Argyrios Deligkas (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)

Statecharts use in Agent Technology

– Nikolaos Spanoudakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece)

Logic-based specification and verification of strategic abilities in multi-agent systems

– Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Formal argumentation

– Bruno Yun (University of Aberdeen, UK)

Auctions, Markets, and Automated Mechanism Design: Learning and Building Incentives for Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Scarcity

– Aris Filos-Ratsikas (University of Liverpool, UK) and Paul Tylkin (Harvard University, USA)

Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods (EurAI Talk)

– Nicolas Maudet (LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)

Accountability and Multiagent Organizations: from Concepts to Software Engineering

– Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio and Roberto Micalizio (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)

Constrained Optimisation for Multi-Agent Systems

– Filippo Bistaffa (IIIA-CSIC, Spain)

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Fundamental Problems & Solutions

– Michael Kaisers (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands) and Frans Oliehoek (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Continuous Control

– Abbas Abdolmaleki (DeepMind, London, UK)

Planning for SuperHuman Autonomous Vehicles

– Zlatan Ajanovic (Virtual Vehicle Research Center, Graz, Austria)

Affective Computing – from theoretical models to applications for Human-Agent Interaction

– João Dias (INESC-ID and University of Algarve, Portugal)

Agents Enabling Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) and Mobility Paradigms

– Rosaldo Rossetti (FEUP, Portugal), Zafeiris Kokkinogenis (CEiiA, Portugal) and Pedro d’Orey (FEUP, Portugal)

Cyber-physical multi-agent systems

– Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Gabriel Santos, Luis Gomes (GECAD, School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal) and Phuong Nguyen (Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

The complete provisional program can be found online, at



Application and Registration

Applications should be made until May 31, using the following form:


Candidates will be notified of the decision until June 8, 2021, and will receive instructions on how to register. Given the online nature of the school, there will be no registration fees.


EASSS 2021 Committees

Scientific Committee

Ana Paiva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Ann Nowé, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Carles Sierra, IIIA, Spain

Mario Paolucci, ISTC-CNR, Italy

Organizing Committee

Henrique Lopes Cardoso, LIACC / Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Luís Paulo Reis, LIACC / Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Thiago Reis, LIACC / Universidade do Porto, Portugal

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: Divulgação Workshop: Biases in Artificial Intelligence & Applications to NLP


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 Biases in Artificial Intelligence & Applications to NLP

Jean-Michel LOUBES, Professor of Mathematics , Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier; Chair Fair and Robust Machine Learning at Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI)


05 may 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 11h00 a.m.

In this workhop we will review how Artificial Intelligence's algorithms work and what is the machine learning process. We will also study the impact of certain biases, with a particular focus on Natural Language Processing cases.

Neste workshop, apresentaremos como funcionam os algoritmos de Inteligência Artificial, e em que consiste o processo de aprendizagem de uma máquina. Estudaremos também o impacto de alguns enviesamentos, dando um foco particular a casos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural.

Free attendance, by zoom, https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86750029079  


Organisation: Catarina Vaz Warrot (awarrot@letras.up.pt )

Alexandra Guedes Pinto (mapinto@letras.up.pt)



[rede.APPIA] Fwd: [Infos] Dissertation award – deadline extension

Dear EurAI societies and fellows,

In response to several requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for nominations for the 2021 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award until 15th May 2021. Can I please encourage you to forward this announcement to potentially interested applicants? As in previous years, the award includes €1500 and a certificate signed by the EurAI president. 
Instructions on how to apply are provided here:
Best wishes,
Steven Schockaert, on behalf of the EurAI board

Prémio Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2019-2020

A APPIA institui o Prémio para a Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2019-2020, com a finalidade de distinguir trabalhos doutoramento de elevado mérito na área da Inteligência Artificial e que tenham sido atribuídos por uma instituição de ensino superior portuguesa durante o ano de 2019 ou 2020.

O prémio tem um regulamento específico, sendo que as candidaturas devem ser efectuadas via preenchimento deste formulário até à data limite: 28 de Maio de 2021.

O prémio tem um valor simbólico de 1000 euros, sendo que o candidato (ou seu representante) receberá o certificado do Prémio de Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2019-2020 em Setembro de 2021, durante a realização da 20th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2021, http://www.appia.pt/epia2021/).

Goreti Marreiros, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Francisco Melo, Instituto Superior Técnico

[rede.APPIA] 2020 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI

Call for Nominations: EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2020

Nominations are invited for the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI, the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. Please take a moment to nominate your students, or to recommend to your colleagues to nominate their students. This Award includes a certificate signed by the EurAI President and 1500 Euros (which includes the travel grant for the Award ceremony).

Nominations are due by April 12, 2021 by submitting a single PDF file as described below listing both the NOMINATED candidate and the NOMINATOR as the AUTHORS through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=euraiphdaward2020

Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended after December 1, 2019 in the general area of Artificial Intelligence. The dissertation must have been defended at a European university and the author must be a personal member of a EurAI member society. In case a thesis is nominated for another national or international award before or during its review for the EurAI dissertation award, the author is requested to inform the EurAI dissertation award committee about this fact.

To be considered, a dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor, who must submit the following items as a SINGLE PDF file in the order:

– Nomination cover-page that includes: the name, affiliation, and contact details of the nominator; the date of the defense of the dissertation; and the names of the jury/examiners involved in its defense;

– nomination letters, either digitally signed or scanned original, from two referees supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award.

– if the thesis was not written in English the nomination must include an English paper describing the core ideas of the thesis that has been submitted for publication in an international journal or a prestigious conference.

– the full nominated dissertation.

The selection will be based on the originality, impact, and written quality of the work. Work that has been submitted to and/or accepted at workshops, conferences, or journals will be considered more favourably. Work that is primarily attributed to the student's own initiative will also be considered more favourably. Finally, the quality of the written document will be considered.

Please address any queries to Carles Sierra – sierra@iiia.csic.es

The outcome will be announced by the end of May.

The Award will be presented during ACAI2021. Details to be announced.