EPIA 2025

Conferência EPIA 2025 na Universidade do Algarve em Faro

É com grande prazer que anunciamos a realização da Conferência EPIA 2025, na Universidade do Algarve, na pitoresca cidade de Faro de 1 a 3 de outubro de 2025.

Marquem nas vossas agendas e preparem-se para uma semana repleta de insights valiosos e oportunidades de networking em um dos mais belos destinos de Portugal. Mais detalhes sobre inscrições, submissões de trabalhos e programação serão disponibilizados em breve.

Contamos com a sua presença para fazer da EPIA 2025 um sucesso memorável!

Honoured by EPIA 2024

Honoured by APPIA on EPIA 2024

It is a great honor to gather here to recognize the professors and researchers who have had a significant impact on both APPIA and the development of artificial intelligence in Portugal.

In the past, we have had the opportunity to honor other founders and pioneers of AI in Portugal, such as Professor Eugénio, who is here with us today, as well as Professor Helder Coelho, professor Moniz Pereira, Professor Pavel, professor Maia Neves between others.

Throughout the years, these professors and the ones we are honoring today, have not only advanced knowledge in our field but also helped train new generations of researchers and professionals. Their dedication and leadership have left a lasting legacy.

However, their contributions are far from over. As they move into this new phase, their expertise and insights remain critical to our community. We still need their guidance and support as we face new challenges in AI, and their continued involvement will be key to our progress.

So, we not only celebrate their past achievements but also acknowledge the important role they still play. Now, I invite my colleagues from the APPIA board to join me in presenting the awards to these distinguished professors. This gesture reflects our deep appreciation and serve as a reminder of the deep respect and admiration we hold for each of you, and of how much your continued presence means to us.

the honoured are:

Amilcar cardoso
António Porto
Bernardete Ribeiro
Ernesto costa
João Gama
João pavão martins
Pedro Barahona
Gabriel Pereira Lopes

Thank you.

Amilcar Cardoso

António Porto

Bernadete Ribeiro

Ernesto Costa

João Gama

João Pavão Martins

Pedro Barahona

Gabriel Pereira Lopes

Parabéns mais uma vez!

Vencedor do Concurso Melhor Tese de Doutoramento

Parabéns ao Vencedor do Prémio de Melhor Tese de Doutoramento 2023

Temos o prazer de anunciar que o Prémio de Melhor Tese de Doutoramento de 2023 da APPIA, foi entregue no Jantar da conferência do EPIA 2024. O vencedor foi o Miguel Vasco do Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Título da Tese:

Multimodal Representation Learning for Agent Perception and Agency


Prof. Ana Paiva e Prof. Francisco S. Melo

Parabéns mais uma vez por esta conquista merecida!

Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence (EAIA2024)

EAIA2024 – Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence

Visite o site oficial

Keynote Speakers

  • Paulo Dimas – Unbabel

  • Amparo Alonso-Betanzos – Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at CITIC-University of A Coruña (UDC)

Some of the Lectures

  • Abbas Abdolmaleki – Abbas Abdolmaleki is a research scientist at DeepMind.
  • Behrus Puladi -Behrus Puladi is specialist at the Department for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital RWTH Aachen and chair of the Joint-Research Group “Digitaliziation in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Institute of Medical Informatics, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany.


  • 15 July 2024: Early Registration


EAIA 2024 is a Portuguese Advanced School on AI organized by Portuguese Association of Artificial Intelligence (APPIA).

EAIA 2024 will provide an interdisciplinary setting in which courses are offered in areas of Artificial Intelligence.

EAIA is a central meeting place for students and young researchers in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research and share knowledge.

Courses will consist of two 90-minute sessions, offered on the two days (Monday-Tuesday), to allow students to develop in-depth knowledge of a topic.

There will be two parallel sessions in which students choose the topic they want to assist.


EAIA aims to cover all subdisciplines of AI and the interactions between them.

  • General Artificial Intelligence
  • Generative AI – Fundamentos e Aplicações
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • AI in Humanized Medicine (ML)
  • Ethical and |Responsabile in AI
  • Art and Creativity
  • Intelligent Robotics

Each course will consist of two 90-minute lectures, offered daily (Monday-Tuesday) before EPIA Conference.

While introductory courses will typically focus on one subarea of AI, introductory and advanced courses are encouraged to present a broader perspective on AI and should be of interest beyond one specific area.

Each course has a theoretical and a practical part.

© 2024 EAIA.

Prémio Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2023: Deadline 15 de julho de 2024

Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2023

Prémio da Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial

A APPIA institui o Prémio para a Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2023, com a finalidade de distinguir trabalhos doutoramento de elevado mérito na área da Inteligência Artificial e que tenham sido obtidos numa instituição de ensino superior portuguesa durante o ano de 2023.
Em anexo segue o regulamento do prémio, sendo que as candidaturas devem ser efetuadas via preenchimento deste formulário até à data limite: 15 de julho de 2024.

O prémio tem um valor simbólico de 1000 euros, sendo que o candidato (ou seu representante) receberá o certificado do Prémio de Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2023, em Setembro de 2024, durante a realização da 23th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2024, https:// epia2024.pt)
Goreti Marreiros, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

João Leite, Universidade Nova de Lisboa