[rede.APPIA] CFP: SoGood 2021– 6th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (ECML-PKDD 2021)

Call for papers  SoGood 2021 – 6th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good  Affiliated with ECML-PKDD 2021, 13-17 September 2021  Workshop URL: https://sites.google.com/view/ecmlpkddsogood2021      This is the sixth edition of the workshop; the previous workshops were held jointly   with ECML-PKDD 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.    The possibilities of Data Science for contributing to social, common, or public good   are often not sufficiently perceived by the public at large.   Data Science applications are already helping in serving people   at the bottom of the economic pyramid, aiding people with special needs,   helping international cooperation, and dealing with environmental problems,   disasters, and climate change. In regular conferences and journals,   papers on these topics are often scattered among sessions with names   that hide their common nature (such as "Social networks", "Predictive models"   or the catch-all term "Applications").     Additionally, such forums tend to have a strong bias for papers that   are novel in the strictly technical sense (new algorithms,   new kinds of data analysis, new technologies) rather than   novel in terms of social impact of the application.    This workshop aims to attract papers presenting applications   of Data Science for Social Good (which may, or may not require new methods),   or applications that take into account social aspects of   Data Science methods and techniques.   There are numerous application domains, a non-exclusive list includes:    * Government transparency and IT against corruption    * Public safety and disaster relief    * Access to food, water, and utilities    * Efficiency and sustainability    * Data journalism    * Economic, social, and personal development    * Transportation    * Energy    * Smart city services    * Education    * Social services, unemployment and homeless    * Healthcare    * Ethical issues, fairness, and accountability.    * Trustability and interpretability    Topics aligned with the UN development goals        The major selection criteria will be the novelty of the application   and its social impact. Position papers are welcome too.    We are also interested in applications that have built a successful business model   and are able to sustain themselves economically.   Most Social Good applications have been carried out by non-profit and charity organisations,   conveying the idea that Social Good is a luxury that   only societies with a surplus can afford. We would like to hear from successful projects,   which may not be strictly "non-profit" but have Social Good as their main focus.    There will be an award for the best paper.        Paper submission:    Authors should submit a PDF version in Springer LNCS style using EasyChair.    The maximum length of papers is 16 pages, consistent with the ECML PKDD conference submissions.    Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted,   at least one author will attend the workshop and present the paper.   Papers not presented at the workshop will not be included in the proceedings.    In light of COVID-19, we will follow ECML PKDD’s policy for virtual attendance and presentation.        Paper publication:    Accepted papers will be published by Springer as joint proceedings of several ECML PKDD workshops.        Workshop format:    Full-day workshop    1-2 keynote talks, speakers to be announced    Oral presentation of accepted papers    Panel discussion with the audience          

Carlos Ferreira

ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: [Infos] EurAI Last call: conference sponsorship Autumn 2021 (extended deadline May 17!)

Dear EurAI societies,

Dear EurAI fellows,


We recall that EurAI sponsors invited talks at international conferences. The guidelines for eligibility and duties of sponsored conferences can be read at



Conference organizers who want to apply to funding for a conference that takes place before the end of December 2021 should apply **before May 17, 2021**.


The submission URL for EurAI Sponsorship is



There will be another call in autumn of this year for conferences that take place in the first half of 2022.


Best regards,


Catholijn Jonker, on behalf of

The EurAI board.


Prof. Dr. C.M. Jonker
Interactive Intelligence Group, Fac. EEMCS, TU Delft and

Explainable Artificial Intelligence, LIACS, Leiden University

Delft office: West6.600 in Building number 28
Delft phone: +31.15.2781315 (is active whenever my laptop is connected to the internet)

Mobile phone: +31.6.48875207
Websites: http://ii.tudelft.nl/~catholijn and catholijnjonker.nl



[rede.APPIA] DaSSWeb – Data Science and Statistics Webinar – 11 May – Info-metrics, by Pedro Macedo

DaSSWeb – Data Science and Statistics Webinar
Tuesday 11 May, 14:30
Speaker: Pedro Macedo University of Aveiro
Title: Info-metrics: some attractive tools for Data Science and Statistics
Zoom link: videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83875914782
Abstract: Info-metrics is a research area at the intersection of statistics, information theory, computer science and decision analysis, where the maximum entropy principle, established by Edwin Jaynes in 1957, plays a fundamental role. The maximum entropy principle provides a tool for solving ill-posed problems that occur in diverse areas of science and it can be seen as an extension of the Bernoulli’s principle of insufficient reason. Some methodologies and related concepts from info-metrics will be briefly presented and illustrated in the webinar.

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: [Infos] Meet AIPlan4EU an AI planning technology project

AIPlan4EU is a project that focuses on AI planning technology and bringing it to innovators and practitioners.

Our first Open Call is ongoing and 5 use-case proposals will be funded.
These use cases can be from different sectors such as: space, agriculture, manufacturing, logistics, autonomous driving, automated experimentation, subsea robotics, or any others that prove to be relevant.

Overall, the project offers:

  • Funding €1500 per individual/SME in Open Call #1 for Use-Case.

  • The chance to be funded up to €30.000 to support the use-case implementation in the future open calls, including supporting the evaluation phase of these open calls.

  • Opportunities to connect with users and suppliers from various industries.

  • Access to a sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders active in multiple AI Planning domains.

Applications are open on F6S until 12 May 2021 at 17h00 CEST


For more information, please visit AIPLan4EU’s website, or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook

[rede.APPIA] Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa (5 de maio)

A IA na celebração do Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa
(5 de maio de 2021)

Imaginem um planeta remoto em que a Biologia era feita apenas sobre uma das suas 7000 ilhas. Porquê? Porque concentrando 1/3 do PIB desse planeta, essa ilha tinha de longe o mais generoso financiamento para estudos biológicos, feitos sobre a sua fauna e flora. Haveria progresso científico da Biologia dessa ilha? Com tantos recursos aplicados, certamente. Haveria progresso científico da Biologia desse planeta? Com 6999 ilhas praticamente ignoradas e todos os biólogos a quererem ter publicações sobre a outra ilha, mesmo que financiados pelas restantes, muito enviesadamente.
Considerem agora um planeta real em que a ciência e a tecnologia da linguagem humana é feita esmagadoramente sobre uma das suas 7000 línguas. Porquê? Porque concentrando cerca de 1/3 do PIB mundial, países que têm o Inglês como língua oficial (EUA, Reino Unido, Canadá, Austrália) atraem a esmagadora maioria do esforço de investigação para essa língua. Há progresso científico sobre essa língua? Com tantos recursos aplicados, sem dúvida. Há progresso científico sobre a linguagem humana? Com muito poucas das 6999 línguas escassamente estudadas e a esmagadora maioria das restantes ignorada, muitíssimo enviesadamente.
Com o advento da era digital e o crescente papel crucial do processamento computacional das línguas na sua utilização e difusão, este estado de coisas, a médio prazo, coloca em perigo a sobrevivência da esmagadora maioria das línguas do planeta e da diversidade linguística, e com isso, de uma janela única para se avançar na compreensão do funcionamento da mente e da cultura humanas.
O Grupo de Fala e Linguagem Natural nlx.di.fc.ul.pt/ da Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa dedica-se à Inteligência Artificial com enfoque especial no Processamento de Linguagem Natural e é um dos contribuidores para a PORTULAN CLARIN Infraestrutura de Investigação para a Ciência e Tecnologia da Linguagem portulanclarin.net/, pertencente ao Roteiro Nacional de Infraestruturas de Investigação de Relevância Estratégica www.fct.pt/apoios/equipamento/roteiro/index.phtml.pt e parte da infraestrutura internacional CLARIN ERIC www.clarin.eu/.
Como forma de nos associarmos à celebração do Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa, a 5 de maio de 2021, convidamos todos a experimentarem as demos online das nossas ferramentas para o processamento do Português que, juntamente com ferramentas de outros colegas e grupos, encontram na bancada de trabalho portulanclarin.net/workbench/ desta infraestrutura.

[rede.APPIA] IEEE/ACM/ASA DSAA’2021: CFPs Research, Application, Industrial, PhD and Special Sessions Tracks

CALL FOR PAPERS: Research, Application, Industrial, PhD and Special Sessions Tracks
Research & Application Tracks: dsaa2021.dcc.fc.up.pt/calls/research-applications-tracks
Industrial Track: dsaa2021.dcc.fc.up.pt/calls/industrial-track
PhD Track: dsaa2021.dcc.fc.up.pt/calls/phd-track
Special Sessions: dsaa2021.dcc.fc.up.pt/calls/special-sessions
Important Dates
Research, Application, Special Session, and Tutorials: submission deadline: 23 May 2021
Research, Application, and Special Session tracks notification: 25 Jul. 2021
Research, Application, and Special Session tracks camera ready due: 8 Aug. 2021
PhD Track submission deadline: 1 July 2021
PhD Track notification: 15 July 2021
Attached to this e-mail you can find a document containing detailed information about the Call For Papers.

Best Regards,
Carlos Ferreira
Publicity Chair

Carlos Ferreira
[https://www2.isep.ipp.pt/assinatura_email/EMAIL_ISEP.png]<www2.isep.ipp.pt/assinatura_email/> ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt<www.isep.ipp.pt>