Open postdoctoral position at HUMAINT team in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning
Application deadline: April 15th – EXTENDED TO MAY 17th
We are looking for a highly motivated and outstanding postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in Machine Learning. The researcher will contribute to our work on Fairness and Transparency of Machine Learning and to the development of practical methodologies for trustworthy Machine Learning systems. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the work of AI Watch to build scientific evidence for the definition of a possible regulatory framework for AI. The candidate will have to be able to work independently in the framework of the HUMAINT team and contribute to the research activities of the team and the Digital Economy Unit to support AI-related European policies.
We are looking for a researcher with a strong scientific academic background, a robust professional record in research and experience in Machine Learning with:
- PhD (doctoral Diploma) or a university degree and a minimum of five years of experience in any area of Machine Learning;
- Research experience on fairness and transparency of Machine Learning is an asset, including the development of practical methodologies and tools. Topics: explainability, testing/evaluation, traceability, reproducibility, fairness, bias mitigation, human oversight;
- Research track record demonstrated by scientific publications and practical developing expertise;
- Very good writing and communication skills for scientific, policy, and the general public;
- Very good (C1) knowledge of English;
- Experience in working within interdisciplinary teams, following reproducibility practices and contributing to community is an advantage.
36 months initial contract with possible renewals up to a maximum of 6 years.
Working place in Seville, Spain
The project HUMAINT aims to understand the impact of machine intelligence on human behaviour, with a focus on cognitive and socio-emotional capabilities and decision-making.
Artificial Intelligence at the European Commission
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an area of strategic importance and a key driver of economic development. That is why the Commission set out an AI strategy – COM(2018)237 -and agreed a Coordinated Plan with the Member States to align strategies – COM(2018)795. That Plan generated the set up of AI Watch, the Commission Knowledge Service to monitor the Development, Uptake and Impact of AI.
The Commission also established a High-Level Expert Group that published Guidelines on trustworthy AI in April 2019 and in the “White Paper On Artificial Intelligence – A European approach to excellence and trust” COM(2020)65 the Commission acknowledges that as with any new technology, the use of AI brings both opportunities and risks. Citizens fear being left powerless in defending their rights and safety when facing the information asymmetries of algorithmic decision-making, and companies are concerned by legal uncertainty.
How to apply
- Express your interest by applying to the JRC permanent call for researchers or the CAST permanent.
- Only then you can apply to this position
More information
Code: 2020-SVQ-B6-FGIV-014111 – SEVILLE
FG IV- Scientific Project Officer in the field of Trustworthy Machine LearningDeadline: EXTENDED TO 17/05/2020 23:59 Brussels time
Category: [rede.APPIA]
A [rede.APPIA] é a lista de distribuição de correio electrónico da APPIA, com o objectivo de divulgar notícias de interesse para a comunidade científica da Inteligência Artificial, disponível através do endereço rede [at] appia [ponto] pt.
[rede.APPIA] CFP: Workshop on the Future of Co-Creative Systems @ ICCC 2020
Begin forwarded message:
From: “anna.kantosalo” <>Subject: [computational-creativity-forum] CFP: Workshop on the Future of Co-Creative Systems @ ICCC 2020Date: 5 May 2020 at 08:38:05 WESTTo: Computational Creativity Forum <>
Over the last few years, as systems become more applied and usable, co-creativity has become a key focus for computational creativity researchers. We would like to invite you to participate in planning the future of co-creative systems with us! This one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers to discuss the future of co-creativity from a range of perspectives, organised around two main topics:(i) what are the open questions in co-creativity research?(ii) what common language is needed for co-creativity researchers from a range of backgrounds to work together and progress the field?
Participants may contribute to these topics through discussions of areas including (but not limited to): studies of creative practice; creative ideation and development as a collaborative and socially structured search process; user-experience research; explainable AI; the integration of existing algorithms into co-creative applications; conversational interfaces; evaluation of co-creative systems; and co-creativity in specific application areas.
Submit your extended abstracts (~400wds, about one page) describing open questions in co-creativity research and/or designs for establishing a common language for co-creativity research. Accepted abstracts will be allocated a short presentation time and they will act as a basis for further discussion during the workshop.
Detailed information about the workshop and submission instructions can be found at:Dates:Abstract submission DL: 25th of MayWorkshop dates: 7-11 September, in connection with the ICCC 2020 conference[rede.APPIA] Fwd: Seminários sobre Computational Social Choice
Partilho uma iniciativa de seminários sobre o assunto em epígrafe, divulgada na rede COMSOC: dois primeiros seminários ocorrerão no dia 24 de abril:– Computational Social Choice for Moral Artificial Intelligence (Vincent Conitzer)– Keeping Your Friends Close: Land Allocation with Friends (Edith Elkind)
[rede.APPIA] Fwd: [Infos] Online debate: Is the EU doing enough on AI?
[rede.APPIA] CFP: HLPP2020 – Deadline Extended *** May, 4th (AoE) ***
HLPP 2020
The 13th International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications
Porto, Portugal, 9-10 July, 2020
———————- *** NEW *** Covid‑19 (Coronavirus) ———————-
We are monitoring the ongoing outbreak, and following recommendations and guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
The safety of all conference participants is our main priority. In this perspective, regardless of the outbreak outcomes in July, we will make HLPP2020 an online (synchronous and/or asynchronous) event and we will maintain the regular publication activities, i.e., accepted papers will be selected for IJPP.
Moreover, we have also extended the submission deadline to May, 4th (AoE).
The assessment of the outbreak’s impact in HLPP2020 will be done at June, 15th. By that time, we will make an announcement, on HLPP2020’s webpage, about its new format (schedulement, registration values, etc).
Stay safe!
———————- Aims and scope of HLPP ———————-
As processor and system manufacturers increase the amount of both inter- and intra-chip parallelism it becomes crucial to provide the software industry with high-level, clean and efficient tools for parallel programming. Parallel and distributed programming methodologies are currently dominated by low-level techniques such as send/receive message passing, or equivalently unstructured shared memory mechanisms. Higher-level, structured approaches offer many possible advantages and have a key role to play in the scalable exploitation of ubiquitous parallelism.
Since 2001 the HLPP series of workshops/symposia has been a forum for researchers developing state-of-the-art concepts, tools and applications for high-level parallel programming. The general emphasis is on software quality, programming productivity and high-level performance models. The 13th Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications will be held in the Porto, Portugal.
—— Topics ——
HLPP 2020 invites papers on all topics in high-level parallel programming, its tools and applications including, but not limited to, the following aspects: * High-level programming, performance models (BSP, CGM, LogP, MPM, etc.) and tools * Declarative parallel programming methodologies * Algorithmic skeletons and constructive methods * Declarative parallel programming languages and libraries: semantics and implementation * Verification of declarative parallel and distributed programs * Software synthesis, automatic code generation for parallel programming * Model-driven software engineering with parallel programs * High-level programming models for heterogeneous/hierarchical platforms * High-level parallel methods for large structured and semi-structured datasets * Applications of parallel systems using high-level languages and tools * Formal models of timing and real-time verification for parallel systems
—————— Local Organization ——————
Inês Dutra, University of Porto, Portugal Miguel Areias, University of Porto, Portugal Ricardo Rocha, University of Porto, Portugal
—————– Program Committee —————–
Agostino Dovier, University of Udine, Italy Aleksandar Prokopec, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Christoph Kessler, Linköping University, Sweden Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Dalvan Griebler, PUCRS/SETREM, Brasil Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Frederic Loulergue, Northern Arizona University, USA Frédéric Dabrowski, LIFO – Université d’Orléans, France Gaetan Hains, Huawei Paris Research Center, France Herbert Kuchen, University of Münster, Germany Joel Falcou, Univeristé Paris Sud, France Kiminori Matsuzaki, Kochi University of Technology, Japan Kostis Sagonas, Uppsala University, Sweden Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy Massimo Torquati, University of Pisa, Italy Michel Steuwer, University of Glasgow, UK Murray Cole, The University of Edinburgh, UK Peter Kilpatrick, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
—————- Important dates —————-
Submission deadline: May, 4th (AoE) Author notification: June, 4th Camera-ready for draft proceedings: July, 1st Early registration deadline: June, 10th Symposium: July, 9th-10th (Thursday/Friday) IJPP (HLPP special issue) submission deadline: October, 1st IJPP (HLPP special issue) camera-ready for journal publication: December, 1st
—————- Paper submission —————-
Papers submitted to HLPP 2020 must describe original research results and must not have been published or simultaneously submitted anywhere else.
Manuscripts must be prepared with the Springer IJSS latex macro package using the single column option (\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3}) and submitted via the EasyChair Conference Management System as one pdf file. The strict page limit for initial submission and camera-ready version is 20 pages in the aforementioned format.
Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews by members of the international technical program committee. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and quality of presentation.
After the symposium you have ample time to revise the paper incorporating potential comments and remarks of your colleagues. We expect the the HLPP 2020 special issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP) to appear online-first by the end of the year and the printed edition in mid-2021.
———– Proceedings ———–
Accepted papers will be distributed as informal draft proceedings during the symposium. Accepted papers will be published by Springer in a special issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP).
Carlos Ferreira
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 |[rede.APPIA] Text2Story@ECIR’20 – CfParticipation – Free Online Workshop, Tue, Apr 14th, 2020
It’s just a couple of days until the Text2Story@ECIR’20 workshop, this year an open online event, subject to free registration.
The final program is now available at
++ How to participate ++
The 2020 edition of the Text2Story workshop will be held online.
We will be using Zoom to broadcast the workshop.
Drop me a note if you want to participate – it’s free.
++ Invited Speakers ++
– Mark Finlayson (Assistant Professor at School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida – US) will give a talk on “Recent Advances in Narrative Natural Language Processing”
– Sebastião Miranda (Head of Development at Priberam) will give a talk on "Tailoring Media Monitoring with User Feedback"
++ List of Papers ++
– Incorporating Context and Knowledge for Better Sentiment Analysis of Narrative Text
(Chenyang Lyu, Tianbo Ji, Yvette Graham)
– Temporal Embeddings and Transformer Models for Narrative Text Understanding
(Vani Kanjirangat, Simone Mellace and Alessandro Antonucci)
– Measuring Narrative Fluency by Analyzing Dynamic Interaction Networks in Textual Narratives
(O-Joun Lee and Jin-Taek Kim)
– Towards a Cross-article Narrative Comparison of News
(Martino Mensio, Alistair Willis and Harith Alani)
– Time-centric Exploration of Court Documents
(Philip Hausner, Dennis Aumiller and Michael Gertz)
– Creating Signed Networks of News Events
(Roshni Chakraborty, Srishti Bhandari, Nilotpal Chakraborty and Ritwika Das)
– Batch Clustering for Multilingual News Streaming
(Mathis Linger and Mhamed Hajaiej)
– Timelines: Entity-centric Event Extraction from Online News
(Jakub Piskorski, Vanni Zavarella, Martin Atkinson and Marco Verile)
– A Framework towards Computational Narrative Analysis on Blogs/Social Media
(Kiran Kumar Bandeli, Muhammad Nihal Hussain and Nitin Agarwal)
– Teargas, Water Cannons and Twitter:A case study on detecting protest repressionevents in Turkey 2013
(Fatma Elsafoury)
– Breaking the Subtopic Barrier in Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution
(Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers, Shany Barhom, Ido Dagan and Iryna Gurevych)
– Scene Linking Annotation and Automatic Scene Characterization in TV Series
(Aman Berhe, Camille Guinaudeau and Claude Barras)
– Moving beyond triples
(Fabian M. Suchanek)
[rede.APPIA] CFP: SoGood 2020 – 5th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good ( ECML-PKDD 2020)
Call for Papers
SoGood 2020 – 5th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good Affiliated with ECML-PKDD 2020, 14-18 September 2020,
Workshop site:
This is the fifth edition of the workshop; the previous workshops were held jointly with ECML-PKDD 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019
The possibilities of Data Science for contributing to social, common, or public good are often not sufficiently perceived by the public at large. Data Science applications are already helping in serving people at the bottom of the economic pyramid, aiding people with special needs, helping international cooperation, and dealing with environmental problems, disasters, and climate change. In regular conferences and journals, papers on these topics are often scattered among sessions with names that hide their common nature (such as “Social networks”, “Predictive models” or the catch-all term “Applications”). Additionally, such forums tend to have a strong bias for papers that are novel in the strictly technical sense (new algorithms, new kinds of data analysis, new technologies) rather than novel in terms of social impact of the application.
This workshop aims to attract papers presenting applications of Data Science for Social Good (which may, or may not require new methods), or applications that take into account social aspects of Data Science methods and techniques. There are numerous application domains, a non-exclusive list includes:
* Government transparency and IT against corruption * Public safety and disaster relief * Public policies in epidemic growth and related issues * Access to food, water and utilities * Efficiency and sustainability * Data journalism * Economic, social and personal development * Transportation * Energy * Smart city services * Education * Social services, unemployment and homelessness * Healthcare * Ethical issues, fairness and accountability * Trustability and interpretability * Topics aligned with the UN development goals:
The major selection criteria will be the novelty of the application and its social impact.
We are also interested in applications that have built a successful business model and are able to sustain themselves economically. Most Social Good applications have been carried out by non-profit and charity organisations, conveying the idea that Social Good is a luxury that only societies with a surplus can afford. We would like to hear from successful projects, which may not be strictly “non-profit” but have Social Good as their main focus.
There will be an award for the best paper.
Paper submission: Authors should submit a PDF version in Springer LNCS style using the workshop EasyChair site: The maximum length of papers is 16 pages, consistent with the ECML PKDD conference submissions.
Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author will attend the workshop and present the paper. Papers not presented at the workshop will not be included in the proceedings.
In light of COVID-19, we will follow ECML PKDD’s policy for attendance and presentation (face-to-face, virtual or hybrid). ECML PKDD is considering contingency plans and will announce its final decision before the early registration deadline (second half of July).
Paper publication: The proceedings of the workshop will be published either by Springer as a Lecture Notes volume or by CEUR in their workshop proceedings series ( Selected workshop papers will be invited for extension and submission to a special journal issue.
Workshop format: * Full-day workshop * 1-2 keynote talks, speakers to be announced * Oral presentation of accepted papers * Panel discussion with the audience
Important Dates: * Workshop paper submission deadline: June 11, 2020 * Workshop paper acceptance notification: July 2, 2020 * Workshop paper camera-ready deadline: July 16, 2020 * Workshop: September 14 or 18, 2020 (TBC)
Program Committee members (more to be added): * Carlos Ferreira, ISEP, Portugal * Marta Arias, UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain * Albert Bifet, Telecom ParisTech, France * José del Campo-Ávila, University of Malaga, Spain * Hau Chan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln * Itziar de Lecuona, University of Barcelona, Spain * Yann-Ael Le Borgne, University Libre Bruxelles * José del Campo, University of Málaga, Spain * Jeremiah Deng, University of Otago, New Zealand * Cèsar Ferri, Technical University of Valencia, Spain * Geoffrey Holmes, University of Waikato, New Zealand * Konstantin Kutzkov, Amalfi Analytics, Spain * Josep-Lluís Larriba-Pey, UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain * Rafael Morales-Bueno, University of Málaga, Spain * Nuno Moniz, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal * Ana Nogueira, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal * Alexandra Olteanu, Microsoft Research, USA * Panagiotis Papapetrou, Stockholm University, Sweden * Maria Pedroto, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal * Sonia Teixeira, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal * Emma Tonkin, University of Bristol, UK * Alicia Troncoso, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain * Evgueni Smirnov, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands * Kristina Yordanova, University of Rostock, Germany * Martí Zamora, UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain
Organizers: * Ricard Gavaldà (UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain), <> * Irena Koprinska (University of Sydney, Australia), <> * João Gama (University of Porto, Portugal), <> * Rita Ribeiro (University of Porto, Portugal), <>
Carlos Ferreira
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 |