[rede.APPIA] Summer School on Machine Learning and Big Data with Quantum Computing @ Porto (Portugal), 7-8 September 2020

Summer School on Machine Learning and Big Data with Quantum Computing (SMBQ 2020)
Porto, Portugal, September 7-8, 2020
Machine Learning (ML) is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) branch, is about teaching computers how to learn from data to make decisions or predictions. Deep Learning (DL) is part of a broader family of ML algorithms, that is based on artificial neural networks. Arguably, DL techniques demand for big amounts of data and, as such, they require huge computational resources and advanced processing techniques.
Cloud Computing is a well-known alternative to deal with big amounts of data, since its elasticity allows for an efficient scalability of huge computational resources, such as, data storage and processing power. On the other hand, Quantum Computing is an advanced processing technique, that uses the fundamentals of quantum mechanics to accelerate the process of solving highly complex problems.
SMBQ 2020 addresses the current trends in AI and in the computational techniques that deal with big data demands, together with, a powerful processing technique that will shape the future of computation.
During 2 days, from 7-8 September 2020, we will introduce concepts, discuss the current trends and provide direct practical experience in hands-on lessons.
For more information visit: smbq2020.dcc.fc.up.pt/
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/1055 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
The city of Porto is famous for its Port wine and beautiful scenery, architecture and cultural events.
Portugal has again been awarded the best European Tourist Destination by the World Travel Awards, the Oscars equivalent in the field of tourism.
Registrations include attendance to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, wi-fi internet and access to a desktop during the hands-on sections. We have a limit on the number of registrations (60 attendees), please register early!
Early Fees: 150 euros
Contact Persons:
Carlos Ferreira, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, LIAAD – INESC TEC, E-mail: cgf@isep.ipp.pt Miguel Areias, University of Porto, CRACS – INESC TEC, E-mail: miguel-areias@dcc.fc.up.pt

Carlos Ferreira
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] CfP ICCC’20, Coimbra, Portugal – Deadline March 1 (full papers)


The 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20)
June 29 – July 03 2020, Coimbra, Portugal

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’20 subscribe:


Computational Creativity (or CC) is a discipline with its roots in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that explores the potential for computers to be autonomous creators in their own right. ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***
Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

– Applications that address creativity in specific domains such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games, visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, and programming.
– Applications and frameworks that allow for co-creativity between humans and machines, in which the machine is more than a mere tool and takes on significant creative responsibility for itself.
– Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational systems, and for the evaluation of how systems are perceived in society.
– Syntheses of AI/CC treatments of very different genres or domains of creativity (e.g. art and science, humour and mathematics, language and image, etc.)
– Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and representation.
– Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for creative systems, especially resources and data collections that are scalable, extensible and freely available as open-source materials.
– Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or testing of CC systems, as well as studies that explore the societal impact of CC systems.
– Cognitive and psychological computational models of creativity, and their relation with existing cognitive architectures and psychological accounts
– Innovation, improvisation, virtuosity and related pursuits investigating the production of novel experiences and artefacts within a CC context.
– Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise(unexpectedness), reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures.
– Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, and creativity in social settings.
– Perspectives on computational creativity which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in a context of creative intelligent systems.
– Computational creativity in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected creative behaviour in computational systems.
– Big data approaches to computational creativity.
– Debate papers that raise new issues or reopen seemingly settled ones. Provocations that question the foundations of the discipline or throw new light on old work are also welcome.

Papers on computational paradigms of all kinds – from symbolic to statistical to deep learning models, as well as hybrid approaches – are welcome, provided they address pertinent aspects of CC as sketched above.

*** Paper Types ***
We welcome the submission of five different types of papers: Technical papers, System or Resource description papers, Study papers, Cultural application papers and Position papers.

*** Important Dates ***
Submissions due: March 1, 2020
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: May 22, 2020
Conference: June 29 – July 03, 2020

*** More Information ***
More information on the paper types and submission process can be found at

*** Organising Committee ***
– General Chair Amílcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Program Chairs: Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland
– Workshop Chairs: Oliver Kutz, University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy and Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon, IST
– Tutorials Chair: Christian Guckelsberger, Queen Mary University, London
– Local Chair: Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Media Chair: João Miguel Cunha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Code-Camp Chairs: Hugo Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Philipp Wicke, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Follow us at:
facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/


The 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20)
June 29 – July 03 2020, Coimbra, Portugal

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’20 subscribe:


Computational Creativity (or CC) is a discipline with its roots in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that explores the potential for computers to be autonomous creators in their own right. ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***
Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

– Applications that address creativity in specific domains such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games, visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, and programming.
– Applications and frameworks that allow for co-creativity between humans and machines, in which the machine is more than a mere tool and takes on significant creative responsibility for itself.
– Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational systems, and for the evaluation of how systems are perceived in society.
– Syntheses of AI/CC treatments of very different genres or domains of creativity (e.g. art and science, humour and mathematics, language and image, etc.)
– Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and representation.
– Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for creative systems, especially resources and data collections that are scalable, extensible and freely available as open-source materials.
– Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or testing of CC systems, as well as studies that explore the societal impact of CC systems.
– Cognitive and psychological computational models of creativity, and their relation with existing cognitive architectures and psychological accounts
– Innovation, improvisation, virtuosity and related pursuits investigating the production of novel experiences and artefacts within a CC context.
– Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise(unexpectedness), reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures.
– Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, and creativity in social settings.
– Perspectives on computational creativity which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in a context of creative intelligent systems.
– Computational creativity in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected creative behaviour in computational systems.
– Big data approaches to computational creativity.
– Debate papers that raise new issues or reopen seemingly settled ones. Provocations that question the foundations of the discipline or throw new light on old work are also welcome.

Papers on computational paradigms of all kinds – from symbolic to statistical to deep learning models, as well as hybrid approaches – are welcome, provided they address pertinent aspects of CC as sketched above.

*** Paper Types ***
We welcome the submission of five different types of papers: Technical papers, System or Resource description papers, Study papers, Cultural application papers and Position papers.

*** Important Dates ***
Submissions due: March 1, 2020
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: May 22, 2020
Conference: June 29 – July 03, 2020

*** More Information ***
More information on the paper types and submission process can be found at

*** Organising Committee ***
– General Chair Amílcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Program Chairs: Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland
– Workshop Chairs: Oliver Kutz, University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy and Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon, IST
– Tutorials Chair: Christian Guckelsberger, Queen Mary University, London
– Local Chair: Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Media Chair: João Miguel Cunha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Code-Camp Chairs: Hugo Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Philipp Wicke, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Follow us at:
facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/

[rede.APPIA] CFP: SBAC – PAD 2020 – IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing

Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences, University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
sbac2020.dcc.fc.up.pt <sbac2020.dcc.fc.up.pt/>
sbac2020@dcc.fc.up.pt <mailto:sbac2020@dcc.fc.up.pt>
Call for Papers
SBAC-PAD is an international symposium, started in 1987, which has continuously presented an overview of new developments, applications, and trends in parallel and distributed computing technologies. SBAC-PAD is open for faculty members, researchers, specialists and graduate students around the world.
In this edition, the symposium will be held at the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. The city of Porto is famous for its Port wine and beautiful scenery, architecture and cultural events.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts on a wide range of high-performance and distributed computing areas. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Application-specific systems
Architecture and programming support for emerging domains (Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine learning, Cognitive Systems)
Benchmarking, performance measurements, and analysis
Cloud, cluster, and edge/fog computing systems
Embedded and pervasive systems
GPUs, FPGAs and accelerator architectures
Languages, compilers, and tools for parallel and distributed programming
Modeling and simulation methodology
Operating systems and virtualization
Parallel and distributed systems, algorithms, and applications
Power and energy-efficient systems
Processor, cache, memory, storage, and network architecture
Real-world applications and case studies
Reconfigurable, resilient and fault-tolerant systems
Paper Submission
Submissions must be in English, 8 pages maximum, following the IEEE conference formatting guidelines. To be published in the conference proceedings and to be eligible for publication at the IEEE Xplore, at least one of the authors must register at the full rate and present her/his work.
Authors may not use a single registration for multiple papers. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication on the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. The call will be open and will follow the normal journal submission procedure.
Important Dates
Abstract deadline:

*May 15th, 2020*
Paper deadline:

*May 22nd, 2020*
Reviewing period:

*May 24-Jun 21, 2020*
Author notification:

*June 26th, 2020*
Camera-ready submission:

*July 3rd, 2020*
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
InêsDutra.ines@dcc.fc.up.pt <mailto:ines@dcc.fc.up.pt>(University of Porto, Portugal)
Jorge Barbosa,jbarbosa@fe.up.pt <mailto:jbarbosa@fe.up.pt>(University of Porto, Portugal)
Miguel Areias,miguel-areias@dcc.fc.up.pt <mailto:miguel-areias@dcc.fc.up.pt>(University of Porto, Portugal)
Program Co-chairs
Jorge Barbosa (University of Porto, Portugal)
Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, ENS Lyon, University of Lyon, France)
Lucia Drummond (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
Track Chairs
/*Computer Architecture*///
*Chair*: José Moreira (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
*Networking and Distributed Systems*
*Chair*: Jesús Carretero (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
*Parallel Applications and Algorithms*
*Chair*: Alba Melo (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
*Performance Evaluation*
*Chair*: Ariel Oleksiak (Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Cente, Poland)
*System Software*
*Chair*: Jidong Zhai (Tsinghua University, China)
Publicity Chairs
Carlos Ferreira, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Portugal
Miguel Areias, University of Porto, Portugal
Feng Zhang, Renmin University of China
Workshop Chairs
Miguel Areias, University of Porto, Portugal
Iván Carrera, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Equador and University of Porto, Portugal
Publications Chairs
IEEE – Proceedings
Rui Camacho, University of Porto, Portugal
Iván Carrera, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Equador and University of Porto, Portugal
JPDC – Special Issue
Jorge Barbosa, University of Porto, Portugal
Carlos Ferreira
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] ICCC 2020 – Call for Workshop Proposals

Deadline extended to February 17th.

Begin forwarded message:

From: João M. Cunha <joaompcunha@gmail.com>
Subject: [computational-creativity-forum] Re: ICCC 2020 – Call for Workshop Proposals
Date: 10 February 2020 at 20:26:19 WET
To: Computational Creativity Forum <computational-creativity-forum@googlegroups.com>

Dear all,

The deadline of the ICCC’20 Call for Workshop Proposals was extended! 
Submissions due: February 17th!

More info at:

segunda-feira, 6 de Janeiro de 2020 às 19:51:53 UTC, Kutz Oliver escreveu:


The 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20)
June 29 – July 3 2020, Coimbra, Portugal

Call for Workshop Proposals

Held: during 29th – 30th June at ICCC’20

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)


The International Conference on Computational creativity is soliciting proposals for workshops to be held along with the main ICCC conference. We welcome proposals for half-day, full-day and one-and-a-half day workshops on any aspect of computational creativity research. Workshops offer a great opportunity to exchange ideas, and a chance to drive broader adoption of your systems and methods. We welcome a diversity of formats, such as academic workshops (with a process of peer-review for submitted papers) or hands-on, practical workshops. Please feel free to contact the organisers to discuss the possibilities further. All workshops will be academically self-contained: they should have their own organising committee and conduct their own peer-review and publication process where necessary.

*** Important dates ***
Workshop proposal submissions due: February 10th, 2020. 

Workshop organisers are also encouraged to submit their proposals earlier than the deadline and request an earlier response in order to allow more time for their own submission process.

Notification of workshop acceptance: February 24th, 2019.
(Earlier acceptance may be possible at the chairs’ discretion, to allow workshops a longer lead-time).

Note: all workshops should manage their own paper submission, review and publication process, with appropriate timelines.

*** Submission Instructions ***
Please submit a PDF proposal of no more than 3 pages detailing the following:

– Title and theme of workshop;
– Description of the workshop’s scope and the type of papers and/or works that will be accepted (feel free to refer to previous instances of the workshop, including publications);
– Expected duration, number of participants, format and rough event schedule (duration can be half-day, full-day or one-and-a-half-day);
– Any technical or space requirements (e.g., projector, PA, whiteboards);
– Details of your workshop timeline;
– Preliminary organising committee.
– Details of any invited speakers, if known at the time of submission

Please email your submission as a single PDF file with the subject line “ICCC 2020 Workshop Proposal” to workshop…@computationalcreativity.net

*** Workshop Chairs ***
Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Sofia Pinto, IST, INESC-ID, Portugal

*** More Information ***
For more information please contact:

Follow us at:

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to computational-creativity-forum+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/computational-creativity-forum/ef4df176-94ab-4f5a-9f32-70abe1a1a9af%40googlegroups.com.

[rede.APPIA] Final CfP and deadline extension: Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (AAMAS 2020)

Deadline Extended: Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2020 (Auckland, New Zealand)

** Apologies if you receive more than one copy. Please share with students and colleagues. **

Dear all,

We are organizing the next iteration of the Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALA) workshop at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) in Auckland. Please find the CfP below.

Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS (Auckland, New Zealand)

Extended submission deadline: February 24, 2020

Extended versions of all original contributions at ALA 2020 will be eligible for inclusion in a special issue of the Springer journal Neural Computing and Applications (Impact Factor 4.213).

* Workshop with a long and successful history, now in its twelfth edition.
* Covering all aspects of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent systems research.
* Open to original research papers, work-in-progress, and visionary outlook papers, as well as presentations on recently published journal papers.
* ACM proceedings (AAMAS) format up to 8 pages (excluding references) for original research, up to 6 pages for work-in-progress and outlook papers (shorter papers are also welcome and will not be judged differently) and 2 pages for recently published journal papers.
* Accepted papers are eligible for inclusion in a post-proceedings journal special issue.
* Submissions through easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ala2020


* Submission Deadline:          February 24, 2020
* Notification of acceptance:  March 10, 2020
* Camera-ready copies:         March 24, 2020
* Workshop:                           May 9 & 10, 2020

Adaptive and learning agents, particularly those interacting with each other in a multi-agent setting, are becoming increasingly prominent as the size and complexity of real-world systems grows. How to adaptively control, coordinate and optimize such systems is an emerging multi-disciplinary research area at the intersection of Computer Science, Control Theory, Economics, and Biology. The ALA workshop will focus on agents and multi-agent systems which employ learning or adaptation.

The goal of this workshop is to increase awareness of and interest in adaptive agent research, encourage collaboration and give a representative overview of current research in the area of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent systems. It aims at bringing together not only scientists from different areas of computer science but also from different fields studying similar concepts (e.g., game theory, bio-inspired control, mechanism design).

This workshop will focus on all aspects of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent systems with a particular emphasis on how to modify established learning techniques and/or create new learning paradigms to address the many challenges presented by complex real-world problems.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

   * Novel combinations of reinforcement and supervised learning approaches
   * Integrated learning approaches that work with other agent reasoning modules like negotiation, trust models, coordination, etc.
   * Supervised multi-agent learning
   * Reinforcement learning (single and multi-agent)
   * Novel deep learning approaches for adaptive single and multi-agent systems
   * Multi-objective optimisation in single- and multi-agent systems
   * Planning (single and multi-agent)
   * Reasoning (single and multi-agent)
   * Distributed learning
   * Adaptation and learning in dynamic environments
   * Evolution of agents in complex environments
   * Co-evolution of agents in a multi-agent setting
   * Cooperative exploration and learning to cooperate and collaborate
   * Learning trust and reputation
   * Communication restrictions and their impact on multi-agent coordination
   * Design of reward structure and fitness measures for coordination
   * Scaling learning techniques to large systems of learning and adaptive agents
   * Emergent behavior in adaptive multi-agent systems
   * Game theoretical analysis of adaptive multi-agent systems
   * Neuro-control in multi-agent systems
   * Bio-inspired multi-agent systems
   * Adaptive and learning agents for multi-objective decision making
   * Applications of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent systems to real world complex systems


Papers can be submitted through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ala2020

We invite submission of original work, up to 8 pages in length (excluding references) in the ACM proceedings format (i.e. following the AAMAS formatting instructions). This includes work that has been accepted as a poster/extended abstract at the AAMAS 2020 conference (we encourage authors to append the received reviews and a short letter highlighting the changes carried out on the paper; the reviews can be appended at the end of the submission file and do not count towards the page limit). Additionally, we welcome submissions of preliminary results, i.e. work-in-progress, as well as visionary outlook papers that lay out directions for future research in a specific area, both up to 6 pages in length, although shorter papers are very much welcome, and will not be judged differently. Finally, we also accept recently published journal papers in the form of a 2 page abstract.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed (single-blind). Accepted work will be allocated time for poster and possibly oral presentation during the workshop. Extended versions of all original contributions at ALA 2020 will be eligible for inclusion in a special issue of the Springer journal Neural Computing and Applications (Impact Factor 4.213). Deadline for submitting extended papers: September 15, 2020.

We look forward to receiving your submissions,

– The Organizers
Patrick MacAlpine (Microsoft Research, USA)
Fernando P. Santos (Princeton University, USA)
Felipe Leno da Silva (University of São Paulo, BR)
Roxana Rădulescu (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)


[rede.APPIA] Fwd: 1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anthony Cohn <A.G.Cohn@LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: 1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI
Date: 9 February 2020 at 02:16:43 WET
Reply-To: Anthony Cohn <A.G.Cohn@LEEDS.AC.UK>

1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI


                    * Second Call for Papers *





In June 2018, the European Commission has appointed a “AI High Level

Expert Group” (AI-HLEG) to support the implementation of the European

Strategy on Artificial Intelligence.  One of the first results of the

AI-HLEG has been to deliver ethics guidelines on Artificial Intelligence


These guidelines put forward a human-centered approach to AI, and list

seven key requirements that human-centered, trustworthy AI systems

should meet, summarized by the following headers:


1. Human agency and oversight

2. Technical robustness and safety

3. Privacy and data governance

4. Transparency

5. Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness

6. Societal and environmental wellbeing

7. Accountability


Many of today’s most popular AI methods, however, fail to meet these

guidelines: making them compliant is a scientific endeavor that is as

crucial as it is challenging and stimulating.  Systems based on deep

learning are a case in point: while these systems often provide

impressive results, their ability to _explain_ these results to the user

is very limited, challenging requirements 4 and 7; in most cases we lack

ways to formally _verify_ their correctness and assess their boundary

conditions, challenging requirement 2; and we don’t yet have methods to

allow humans to _collaboratively_ influence or question their decisions,

challenging requirement 1.  Similar criticalities are present in many

other popular AI methods.


This full day workshop will collectively address the fundamental

questions of what are the scientific and technological gaps that we have

to fill in order to make AI systems _human-centered_ in terms of the

above guidelines.





Contributions are seeked on new foundations for building Human-Centered

AI systems, able to comply with AI-HLEG recommendations.  Contributions

may present mature results, but position papers and reports of relevant

ongoing work may also be acceptable.  More specific topics include, but

are not limited to:


– Explainable AI

– Verifiable AI

– Technical robustness and safety of AI systems

– Collaboration between humans and AI systems

– Integrating model-based and data-driven AI

– Integrating symbolic- and sub-symbolic AI

– Mixed initiative AI-Human systems

– Proactive AI systems in human environments

– Understanding and naturally interacting with humans

– Understanding and interaction in complex social settings

– Reflexivity and expectation managament

– Integrating Learning, Reasoning and Acting in AI systems


Papers should be formatted according to the ECAI2020 formatting style,

available at the ECAI2020 website (ecai2020.eu), and should not exceed

six pages.  Submissions are not anonymous.


Submit your paper by February 25 via Easychair here:







Alessandro Saffiotti (Orebro University, Sweden)

Luciano Serafini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy)

Paul Lukowicz (DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany)





This worskhop is jointly organized by AI4EU (ai4eu.eu), the EU landmark

project to develop a European AI on-demand platform and ecosystem; and

by Humane-AI (humane-ai.eu), the EU FET preparatory action devoted to

designing a European research agenda for Human Centered AI.









To unsubscribe from the AI-SGES list, click the following link:

[rede.APPIA] [CFP]EPIA_2202_Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems

Dear colleagues,


We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems of EPIA 2020, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal between 7 and 9 September 2020 (https://epia2020.inesc-id.pt).


Thematic Track Organizers:

Zita Vale – Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Tiago Pinto – Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Pedro Faria – Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Elena Mocanu – University of Twente (The Netherlands)

Decebal Constantin Mocanu – Technical University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands)


Important Deadlines:

Deadline for full paper submission: 15th April, 2020

Notification of acceptance: 31st May, 2020

Camera-Ready papers: 15th June, 2020

Conference: 7-9 September 2020



AIPES welcomes full length papers (of up to 12 pages) and also short papers (up to 6 pages), demonstrating practical applications.

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.

Accepted papers will be included in EPIA 2020 proceedings (a volume of Springer’s LNAI-Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). EPIA 2020 proceedings are indexed in Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP and Google Scholar.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to special issues published in international journals.




The Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems aims at providing an advanced discussion forum on recent and innovative work on the application of artificial intelligence approaches in the field of power and energy systems, including agent-based systems, data-mining, machine learning methodologies, forecasting and optimization.


Submission Topics:

·       Agent-based Smart Grid Simulation

·       Big Data Applications for Energy Systems

·       Coalitions and Aggregations of Smart Grid and Market Players

·       Consumer Profiling

·       Context Aware Systems

·       Data-Mining Approaches in Smart Grids

·       Decision Support Approaches for Smart Grids

·       Demand Response Aggregation

·       Demand Response Integration in the Market

·       Demand Response Remuneration Methods

·       Electric vehicles

·       Electricity Market Modelling and Simulation

·       Electricity Market Negotiation Strategies

·       Energy Resource Management in Buildings

·       Information technology applications

·       Innovative Demand Response Models and Programs

·       Innovative Energy Tariffs

·       Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Power System

·       Intelligent Approaches for Microgrid Management

·       Intelligent Home Management Systems

·       Intelligent methods for Demand Management

·       Intelligent Resources Scheduling

·       Intelligent Supervisory Control Systems

·       Knowledge-based approaches for Power and Energy Systems

·       Load Forecast

·       Market Models for Variable Renewable Energy

·       Multi-Agent Applications for Smart Grids

·       Multi-Agent Systems in Power and Energy Systems

·       Other Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for Power and Energy Systems

·       Phasor Measurement Units Applications

·       Real-time simulation

·       Reliability, Protection and Network Security Methods

·       Renewable Energy Forecast using Computational Intelligence

·       Semantic communication and data

·       Smart Sensors and Advanced Metering Infrastructure


Best regards

AIPES organizers