[rede.APPIA] Call for papers: Journal of Computational Creativity

Begin forwarded message:

From: “‘Geraint Wiggins’ via Computational Creativity Forum” <computational-creativity-forum@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [computational-creativity-forum] Call for papers: Journal of Computational Creativity
Date: 9 July 2019 at 11:15:15 WEST
To: Computational Creativity Forum <computational-creativity-forum@googlegroups.com>
Reply-To: Geraint Wiggins <geraintwiggins@me.com>

Dear Colleagues,

Following its launch at ICCC 2019 in Charlotte, NC, we are pleased to draw your attention to

which is now open for submission.

We are in the first instance accepting articles in three categories:

RESEARCH: substantive papers presenting research which has reached a recognisable level of completion and achievement.

SURVEY: papers surveying and synthesising the literature in the field of computational creativity.

POSITION: shorter papers presenting more philosophical or polemic viewpoints. These papers may be intended, for example, to begin a new debate relevant to the field, or provide commentary on aspects of current topics. 

In all cases, clear relevance to the research field of the journal is necessary and will be determined by the editors.

You may submit your work, in PDF, generated by LaTeX in “article” document class in the first instance, by creating an account on the journal website, logging in, and uploading your file. We aim for a quick turnaround in the review process, but quality is the primary determinant.

Please submit your excellent work here: THE JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CREATIVITY .

Geraint A. Wiggins
Dan Ventura
Kazjon Grace

[rede.APPIA] Chamada à Organização do EAIA 2020 e EPIA 2020

Caros colegas Associados@APPIA:
A APPIA tem, entre os seus objectivos estatutariamente estabelecidos, o estímulo à investigação e aplicação prática da Inteligência Artificial (IA), promovido através da realização de conferências, colóquios e mesas redondas.
À Direcção da APPIA compete, em particular, para o cumprimento dos objectivos gerais estabelecidos, organizar anualmente um encontro na área científica da IA.
Deste modo, a Direcção da APPIA vem convidar os seus associados a candidatar-se à organização dos seguintes eventos:
– EAIA 2020 – 12ª Escola Avançada de Inteligência Artificial; – EPIA 2020 – 20ª Conferência EPIA em Inteligência Artificial.
A direção da APPIA decidiu-se alterar a periodicidade do EPIA, tornando o evento numa conferência anual.
As candidaturas à organização de Eventos APPIA deverão ser preparadas de acordo com o descrito no documento “Procedimentos de Candidatura à Organização de Eventos APPIA” (em anexo e disponível em www.appia.pt).
As condições particulares para a organização da EAIA 2020 e EPIA 2020 estabelecem-se nos respetivos documentos “Chamada à Organização do EAIA 2020” e “Chamada à Organização do EPIA 2020” (também em anexo e disponível em www.appia.pt).
A Direcção da APPIA
———————————- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Associação Portuguesa Para a Inteligência Artificial Universidade do Minho Departamento de Informática Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga PORTUGAL
Tel: +351 604 470 Fax: +351 604 471 e-mail: infos \at appia.pt

[rede.APPIA] Medalha de Mérito da Ciência: Luís Moniz Pereira

Caros colegas@APPIA:
A APPIA vem por este meio felicitar o Luís Moniz Pereira, Professor Catedrático (emeritus) da FCT NOVA, investigador do NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics e fundador da Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial que irá receber a Medalha de Mérito da Ciência, no Encontro Nacional com a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ciência 2019.
Com os meus melhores cumprimentos, Pela APPIA Paulo Novais

[rede.APPIA] Oportunidade para estudantes apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas : extensão de prazo – 15/julho


O Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial (EPIA 2019) vai organizar uma sessão de posters para estudantes de mestrado apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas. Serão aceites não só projetos terminados ou em conclusão, mas também projetos em fases mais preliminares. A submissão consiste num resumo com 2 páginas.

A organização vai atribuir bolsas a alguns destes estudantes de forma a cobrir a inscrição e parte das despesas de participação.

Esta sessão será organizada no âmbito da track “Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence” (BAAI – https://epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/83-thematic-tracks/104-baai). 

*** Prazo de submissão: extensão de prazo – 15/julho ***

Algumas das empresas associadas ao EPIA e ao BAAI são:

-Millennium BCP

-IT Sector



Mais informação pode ser encontrada no CFP abaixo ou contactando os organizadores.

Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal





Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI – EPIA 2019)


Thematic Track of 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)

September 3-6, 2019, Vila-Real, Portugal

Submission deadline: April 15, 2019



AI is undoubtedly becoming a commodity in the business world. In fact, AI technology is increasingly used in major industries such as health, manufacturing, retail, automotive, education, marketing, sales, financial services, entertainment and security, to increase productivity and reduce costs. The Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) track will focus on bringing new insights on successful applications of AI technology in business as well as identifying challenges that can only be addressed by collaborative efforts between industry and academia.  Industry leaders need to learn with researchers how and where AI technologies can be applied in their organizations. On the other hand, researchers need to understand the challenges that companies are facing, the potential for solving them with AI technologies but also the additional challenges raised by developing solutions to real world problems with those technologies. The track will promote the discussion concerning challenges and potential solutions and the sharing of ideas and experiences between researchers (especially young ones, such as M.Sc. and Ph.D. students) and industry leaders. It also aims to disseminate recent research, innovative approaches and techniques, current trends and concerns.

Topics of Interest

The topics relevant to the track include, but are not limited to, the following:

AI applications in business, industry and government involving technologies such as:

-Agent based systems

– Data science (data mining, big data, machine learning and deep learning)

– Evolutionary computation

– Expert and decision support systems

– Intelligent search

– Metaheuristics

– Intelligent planning

– Robotics

– Solutions based on the integration of multiple AI and other types of technologies

– Methodological issues in the development of AI projects

– Social impact of AI

– Business problems in need of AI solutions

Program Committee

Adam Woznica, Expedia, Switzerland
António Castro, FEUP/LIACC-NIADR, University of Porto, Portugal
Carlos Rodrigues, Marionete, United Kingdom

Carmela Comito, ICAR-CNR, Italy

Dario Oliveira, IBM Research, Brazil

Efi Papatheocharous, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Elaine Ribeiro de Faria, Universidade Federal Uberlândia, Brazil
Francesca Spezzano, College of Engineering, Boise State University, Italy

Gustavo Batista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Ida Mele, Universita’ della Svizzera, Italy
Jean-Pierre Briot, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (Paris6-CNRS) & PUC-Rio, Brazil

Kaustubh Patil, MIT, USA

Lourdes Borrajo, Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Marisa Affonso Vasconcelos, IBM Research, Brazil

Paulo Cavalin, IBM Research, Brazil
Pedro Henriques Abreu, FCTUC-DEI/CISUC, Portugal
Peter Van der Putten, Pegasystems /U. Leiden, Netherlands

Rodrigo Mello, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
YongHong Peng, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom



Submission Information


All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019.


We accept three types of submissions, regular EPIA papers, M.Sc. project posters and industrial solutions and case studies, as detailed next.


Regular Submission

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in length and must adhere to the formatting instructions of the conference. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewing process is double blind, so authors should remove names and affiliations from the submitted papers, and must take reasonable care to assure anonymity during the review process. References to own work may be included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. Acceptance will be based on the paper’s significance, technical quality, clarity, relevance and originality. All accepted papers must be presented orally the conference by one of the authors and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.

All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIA 2019 EasyChair submission page. Prospective authors should select the thematic track to which their paper is to be submitted.


Student project posters

M.Sc. students are invited to submit a 2 pages summary of their project (same formatting rules as for the regular papers). Although the discussion of results will be beneficial, it is not required. This means that students at early phases of their projects are encouraged to submit. Accepted submission will present their work at a poster session, where they will have the opportunity to interact with participants from the companies. Accepted submissions will be published in the local (online) web-page.

Industrial solutions and case studies

Submissions are invited for industrial solutions and case studies. Submit a 2 pages summary of solutions (general-purpose or specific tools) and case studies (success stories, lessons learned and challenges). The same formatting rules for the regular papers apply. Accepted submissions will present their work at a specific session, where the speakers will have the opportunity to discuss their work with academic experts on AI. Accepted submissions will be published in local (online) proceedings.


Registrations associated with student project posters and Industrial solutions and case studies

have access to the technical program, participation in the welcome session, coffee-breaks and lunch on the first day. More information about registration can be found at the EPIA 2019 site.



Important Dates


Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019
Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019
Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019



Organizing Committee



Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal



Please see more instructions for authors on the BAAI web page


[rede.APPIA] Oportunidade para estudantes apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas

O Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial (EPIA 2019) vai organizar uma sessão de posters para estudantes de mestrado apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas. Serão aceites não só projetos terminados ou em conclusão, mas também projetos em fases mais preliminares. A submissão consiste num resumo com 2 páginas.

A organização vai atribuir bolsas a alguns destes estudantes de forma a cobrir a inscrição e parte das despesas de participação.

Esta sessão será organizada no âmbito da track “Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence” (BAAI – https://epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/83-thematic-tracks/104-baai). 

*** Prazo de submissão: 30/junho ***

Algumas das empresas associadas ao EPIA e ao BAAI são:

-Millennium BCP

-IT Sector




Mais informação pode ser encontrada no CFP abaixo ou contactando os organizadores.

Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal





Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI – EPIA 2019)


Thematic Track of 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)

September 3-6, 2019, Vila-Real, Portugal

Submission deadline: April 15, 2019



AI is undoubtedly becoming a commodity in the business world. In fact, AI technology is increasingly used in major industries such as health, manufacturing, retail, automotive, education, marketing, sales, financial services, entertainment and security, to increase productivity and reduce costs. The Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) track will focus on bringing new insights on successful applications of AI technology in business as well as identifying challenges that can only be addressed by collaborative efforts between industry and academia.  Industry leaders need to learn with researchers how and where AI technologies can be applied in their organizations. On the other hand, researchers need to understand the challenges that companies are facing, the potential for solving them with AI technologies but also the additional challenges raised by developing solutions to real world problems with those technologies. The track will promote the discussion concerning challenges and potential solutions and the sharing of ideas and experiences between researchers (especially young ones, such as M.Sc. and Ph.D. students) and industry leaders. It also aims to disseminate recent research, innovative approaches and techniques, current trends and concerns.

Topics of Interest

The topics relevant to the track include, but are not limited to, the following:

AI applications in business, industry and government involving technologies such as:

-Agent based systems

– Data science (data mining, big data, machine learning and deep learning)

– Evolutionary computation

– Expert and decision support systems

– Intelligent search

– Metaheuristics

– Intelligent planning

– Robotics

– Solutions based on the integration of multiple AI and other types of technologies

– Methodological issues in the development of AI projects

– Social impact of AI

– Business problems in need of AI solutions

Program Committee

Adam Woznica, Expedia, Switzerland
António Castro, FEUP/LIACC-NIADR, University of Porto, Portugal
Carlos Rodrigues, Marionete, United Kingdom

Carmela Comito, ICAR-CNR, Italy

Dario Oliveira, IBM Research, Brazil

Efi Papatheocharous, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Elaine Ribeiro de Faria, Universidade Federal Uberlândia, Brazil
Francesca Spezzano, College of Engineering, Boise State University, Italy

Gustavo Batista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Ida Mele, Universita’ della Svizzera, Italy
Jean-Pierre Briot, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (Paris6-CNRS) & PUC-Rio, Brazil

Kaustubh Patil, MIT, USA

Lourdes Borrajo, Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Marisa Affonso Vasconcelos, IBM Research, Brazil

Paulo Cavalin, IBM Research, Brazil
Pedro Henriques Abreu, FCTUC-DEI/CISUC, Portugal
Peter Van der Putten, Pegasystems /U. Leiden, Netherlands

Rodrigo Mello, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
YongHong Peng, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom



Submission Information


All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019.


We accept three types of submissions, regular EPIA papers, M.Sc. project posters and industrial solutions and case studies, as detailed next.


Regular Submission

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in length and must adhere to the formatting instructions of the conference. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewing process is double blind, so authors should remove names and affiliations from the submitted papers, and must take reasonable care to assure anonymity during the review process. References to own work may be included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. Acceptance will be based on the paper’s significance, technical quality, clarity, relevance and originality. All accepted papers must be presented orally the conference by one of the authors and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.

All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIA 2019 EasyChair submission page. Prospective authors should select the thematic track to which their paper is to be submitted.


Student project posters

M.Sc. students are invited to submit a 2 pages summary of their project (same formatting rules as for the regular papers). Although the discussion of results will be beneficial, it is not required. This means that students at early phases of their projects are encouraged to submit. Accepted submission will present their work at a poster session, where they will have the opportunity to interact with participants from the companies. Accepted submissions will be published in the local (online) web-page.

Industrial solutions and case studies

Submissions are invited for industrial solutions and case studies. Submit a 2 pages summary of solutions (general-purpose or specific tools) and case studies (success stories, lessons learned and challenges). The same formatting rules for the regular papers apply. Accepted submissions will present their work at a specific session, where the speakers will have the opportunity to discuss their work with academic experts on AI. Accepted submissions will be published in local (online) proceedings.


Registrations associated with student project posters and Industrial solutions and case studies

have access to the technical program, participation in the welcome session, coffee-breaks and lunch on the first day. More information about registration can be found at the EPIA 2019 site.



Important Dates


Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019
Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019
Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019



Organizing Committee



Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal



Please see more instructions for authors on the BAAI web page


[rede.APPIA] Oportunidade para estudantes apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas

O Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial (EPIA 2019) vai organizar uma sessão de posters para estudantes de mestrado apresentarem os seus projetos a empresas. Serão aceites não só projetos terminados ou em conclusão, mas também projetos em fases mais preliminares. A submissão consiste num resumo com 2 páginas.

A organização vai atribuir bolsas a alguns destes estudantes de forma a cobrir a inscrição e parte das despesas de participação.

Esta sessão será organizada no âmbito da track “Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence” (BAAI – https://epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/83-thematic-tracks/104-baai). 

*** Prazo de submissão: 30/junho ***

Algumas das empresas associadas ao EPIA e ao BAAI são:

-Millennium BCP

-IT Sector




Mais informação pode ser encontrada no CFP abaixo ou contactando os organizadores.

Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal





Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI – EPIA 2019)


Thematic Track of 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)

September 3-6, 2019, Vila-Real, Portugal

Submission deadline: April 15, 2019



AI is undoubtedly becoming a commodity in the business world. In fact, AI technology is increasingly used in major industries such as health, manufacturing, retail, automotive, education, marketing, sales, financial services, entertainment and security, to increase productivity and reduce costs. The Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) track will focus on bringing new insights on successful applications of AI technology in business as well as identifying challenges that can only be addressed by collaborative efforts between industry and academia.  Industry leaders need to learn with researchers how and where AI technologies can be applied in their organizations. On the other hand, researchers need to understand the challenges that companies are facing, the potential for solving them with AI technologies but also the additional challenges raised by developing solutions to real world problems with those technologies. The track will promote the discussion concerning challenges and potential solutions and the sharing of ideas and experiences between researchers (especially young ones, such as M.Sc. and Ph.D. students) and industry leaders. It also aims to disseminate recent research, innovative approaches and techniques, current trends and concerns.

Topics of Interest

The topics relevant to the track include, but are not limited to, the following:

AI applications in business, industry and government involving technologies such as:

-Agent based systems

– Data science (data mining, big data, machine learning and deep learning)

– Evolutionary computation

– Expert and decision support systems

– Intelligent search

– Metaheuristics

– Intelligent planning

– Robotics

– Solutions based on the integration of multiple AI and other types of technologies

– Methodological issues in the development of AI projects

– Social impact of AI

– Business problems in need of AI solutions

Program Committee

Adam Woznica, Expedia, Switzerland
António Castro, FEUP/LIACC-NIADR, University of Porto, Portugal
Carlos Rodrigues, Marionete, United Kingdom

Carmela Comito, ICAR-CNR, Italy

Dario Oliveira, IBM Research, Brazil

Efi Papatheocharous, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Elaine Ribeiro de Faria, Universidade Federal Uberlândia, Brazil
Francesca Spezzano, College of Engineering, Boise State University, Italy

Gustavo Batista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Ida Mele, Universita’ della Svizzera, Italy
Jean-Pierre Briot, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (Paris6-CNRS) & PUC-Rio, Brazil

Kaustubh Patil, MIT, USA

Lourdes Borrajo, Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Marisa Affonso Vasconcelos, IBM Research, Brazil

Paulo Cavalin, IBM Research, Brazil
Pedro Henriques Abreu, FCTUC-DEI/CISUC, Portugal
Peter Van der Putten, Pegasystems /U. Leiden, Netherlands

Rodrigo Mello, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
YongHong Peng, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom



Submission Information


All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019.


We accept three types of submissions, regular EPIA papers, M.Sc. project posters and industrial solutions and case studies, as detailed next.


Regular Submission

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in length and must adhere to the formatting instructions of the conference. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewing process is double blind, so authors should remove names and affiliations from the submitted papers, and must take reasonable care to assure anonymity during the review process. References to own work may be included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. Acceptance will be based on the paper’s significance, technical quality, clarity, relevance and originality. All accepted papers must be presented orally the conference by one of the authors and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.

All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIA 2019 EasyChair submission page. Prospective authors should select the thematic track to which their paper is to be submitted.


Student project posters

M.Sc. students are invited to submit a 2 pages summary of their project (same formatting rules as for the regular papers). Although the discussion of results will be beneficial, it is not required. This means that students at early phases of their projects are encouraged to submit. Accepted submission will present their work at a poster session, where they will have the opportunity to interact with participants from the companies. Accepted submissions will be published in the local (online) web-page.

Industrial solutions and case studies

Submissions are invited for industrial solutions and case studies. Submit a 2 pages summary of solutions (general-purpose or specific tools) and case studies (success stories, lessons learned and challenges). The same formatting rules for the regular papers apply. Accepted submissions will present their work at a specific session, where the speakers will have the opportunity to discuss their work with academic experts on AI. Accepted submissions will be published in local (online) proceedings.


Registrations associated with student project posters and Industrial solutions and case studies

have access to the technical program, participation in the welcome session, coffee-breaks and lunch on the first day. More information about registration can be found at the EPIA 2019 site.



Important Dates


Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019
Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019
Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019



Organizing Committee



Célia Talma Gonçalves, CEOS – ISCAP P.PORTO / LIACC, Portugal (celia@iscap.ipp.pt)

Carlos Soares, LIAAC, INESC TEC/FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, UVIGO, Spain 

Ana Paula Appel, IBM  Research, Brazil 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Global Innovation Strategies / Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 

Eugénio Oliveira, LIAAC / FEUP-Universidade do Porto, Portugal



Please see more instructions for authors on the BAAI web page


[rede.APPIA] Fwd: 23 CO-fund postdoc positions at ULB


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Lenaerts <tlenaert@gmail.com>
Subject: 23 CO-fund postdoc positions at ULB
Date: 15 June 2019 at 13:08:03 WEST
To: Tom Lenaerts <tlenaert@gmail.com>

Dear colleagues.

There are again opportunities for postdoctoral positions at the ULB.  If you think someone would be interested in joining either the ULB Machine Learning Group (http://mlg.ulb.ac.be)  or the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (http://www.ibsquare.be), feel free to forward them this message.  

Kind regards
We are pleased to inform you that the second call of our COFUND, IF@ULB will be open from June 15th 14.00 AM to October 1st 2019 17.00 PM (Brussels Time – UTC +2). 

This programme offers a unique opportunity to welcome researchers in international mobility in your research team. IF@ULB will enable ULB to recruit 63 international postdoctoral researchers in total. 21 postdoc researchers were granted a fellowship for the first call. They will start their project from April 1st 2020. 

All the information related to the second call are available on the programme website: http://if-at-ulb.ulb.be

The website details all the information related to the second call (e.g. application procedure and file). 

Do not hesitate to contact the IF@ULB management team for any further information: ulb-cofund@ulb.ac.be 

Best regards,

IF@ULB Management Team