On 14 Jun 2019, at 20:04, Paulo Jorge Freitas Oliveira Novais <pjon@di.uminho.pt> wrote:
Caros colegas @APPIA:Na qualidade de Presidente da Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial (APPIA), é com grande satisfação que venho comunicar que por proposta da nossa associação, a colega Ana Paiva, Professora Catedrática do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa, foi eleita EurAI fellow pelo EurAI Fellows committee 2019.A APPIA endereça a colega Ana Paiva as maiores felicitações e congratula-se por mais esta demonstração da excelência da investigação em Inteligência Artificial em Portugal.Parabéns Ana.Pela APPIA,Paulo Novais
Category: [rede.APPIA]
A [rede.APPIA] é a lista de distribuição de correio electrónico da APPIA, com o objectivo de divulgar notícias de interesse para a comunidade científica da Inteligência Artificial, disponível através do endereço rede [at] appia [ponto] pt.
[rede.APPIA] EurAI fellow – Ana Paiva
Caros colegas @APPIA:
Na qualidade de Presidente da Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial (APPIA), é com grande satisfação que venho comunicar que por proposta da nossa associação, a colega Ana Paiva, Professora Catedrática do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa, foi eleita EurAI fellow pelo EurAI Fellows committee 2019.
A APPIA endereça a colega Ana Paiva as maiores felicitações e congratula-se por mais esta demonstração da excelência da investigação em Inteligência Artificial em Portugal.
Parabéns Ana.
Paulo Novais
[rede.APPIA] PhD scholarships in human thinking and explainable artificial intelligence
[rede.APPIA] Stuart Russell, referência mundial em Inteligência Artificial na Culturgest
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt
[rede.APPIA] EPIA 2019 – CFP: Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence::DEADLINE EXTENSION: June 16th
Doctoral Symposium on AI
Thematic Track of 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)
3-6 September 2019, Vila Real, Portugal
Submission deadline: June 16th, 2019
EPIA’19 invites submissions to the Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, SDIA. The goal of this symposium is to provide an informal environment where students in early stages of their doctoral research can present their main ideas and discuss them with other students and the senior scientific community. The main advantages of SDIA-19 are three-fold:Students obtain feedback from the scientific community, in a early stage of the doctoral research.
To give students the opportunity to present their work in an informal environment, as a preparation to future presentations in international workshops and conferences.
Students have the opportunity to know the work of other students that are in the same stage of doctorial work and that have similar research interests.
SDIA is promoted by APPIA – Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial (Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence), and it aims at improving the quality of Ph.D. thesis in Artificial Intelligence.———————————————————————————————-
The main topics of interest, but not restricted to are the following:
– Activity Recognition
– Agents and Multiagent Systems
– AI and Medicine
– AI and Law
– AI and the Web
– AI Architectures
– Ambient Intelligence
– Applications of AI
– Automated Reasoning
– Bio-Informatics
– Cognitive Sciences
– Collaborative Networks
– Computational Biology
– Computational Sustainability
– Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
– Constraint Programming
– Control
– Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Mining
– Description Logics
– e-Commerce and e-Business
– e-Learning and Intelligent Tutoring
– Evolutionary Computation
– Fuzzy Logic
– Game Playing
– Game Theory
– Graphical Models
– Human Computer Interaction
– Human Robot Interaction
– Information Retrieval
– Knowledge Discovery
– Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
– Logic
– Machine Learning
– Multi-Robot Systems
– Natural Language
– Neural Networks
– Ontologies
– Optimization
– Plan Recognition, Execution and Monitoring
– Planning
– Preferences
– Probabilistic Reasoning
– Qualitative Reasoning
– Reinforcement Learning
– Relational Learning
– Robotics
– Scheduling
– Scientific Discovery
– Search
– Sensor Fusion
– Statistical Learning————————————————————————————————
Submission Information and paper publication
SDIA’19 accepts the submissions of full-papers, short-papers, position papers or thesis proposals. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the Springer LNC format (http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines), with a maximum of 12 pages. The papers include the following information: title, author, Ph.D. supervisor(s), abstract, keywords, starting and estimated conclusion date of Ph.D.All papers should be submitted in PDF format though the EPIA 2019 EasyChair submission page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epia2019).
Accepted submissions will be published in the SDIA Symposium, a APPIA edition with ISBN.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: June 16th, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: July 15st, 2019
Camera ready papers deadline: July 30, 2019
Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019
Special Conditions
Students with accepted papers in the SDIA session have a reduced registration fee. Please check the Registration page (http://www.epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/bregistration).
Organizing Committee
Goreti Marreiros, Polytechnic of Porto (mgt@isep.ipp.pt)
Luís Macedo, University of Coimbra (macedo@dei.uc.pt)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt
[rede.APPIA] 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval | Lisbon, 2020 | Call for Papers
ECIR 2020 :: 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval http://www.ecir2020.org/
April 14 -17, 2020
The European Conference on Information Retrieval is the prime European forum for the presentation of original research in the field of Information Retrieval.
ECIR 2020 is seeking high-quality and original submissions on theory, experimentation, and practice regarding the retrieval, representation, management, and usage of textual, visual and multi-modal information.
ECIR strongly supports user, system, application, and evaluation focused papers:
* User aspects including information interaction, contextualisation, personalisation, simulation, characterisation, and information behaviours.
* System aspects including retrieval and recommendation algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, content representation, natural language processing, system architectures, and efficiency methods.
* Applications such as search and recommender systems, web and social media apps, domain specific search (professional, bio, chem, etc.), novel interfaces, intelligent search agents/bots, and related innovative search tools.
* Evaluation research including new measures and novel methods for the measurement and evaluation of users, systems and/or applications.
In addition to these traditional topic areas, ECIR 2020 will be encouraging the submissions of papers on a specialised theme (eHealth, DeepLearning, education IR etc.)
Full Paper Track
The Full paper track provides the opportunity for researchers to present their state of the art research in Information Retrieval, which makes, or have the potential to make, a significant contribution to the field. Full paper submissions should be 12 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
NEW!!!: As of 2020, a selection of the best papers at ECIR will be published in a special issue of the Information Retrieval Journal.
Information Retrieval Journal
Selected papers from ECIR 2020 will be published in a special issue of the Information Retrieval Journal in early 2021.
Short Paper Track
The Short Paper Track calls for original contributions presenting novel, thought-provoking ideas and addressing innovative application areas within the field of Information Retrieval. The inclusion of promising (preliminary) results is encouraged but not required. Papers that stimulate and promote discussion are particularly encouraged. Short paper submissions should be 6 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
Reproducibility Track
ECIR also strongly encourages the submission of reproducibility papers that repeat and analyze prior work. In particular we solicit classical reproducibility papers, which replicate prior experiments and show how, why, and when the methods work (or not), along with two other types of reproducibility papers: generalizability papers, that focus on assessing how well technology performs in new contexts (e.g., different time, location, access device, task), and predictability papers, that focus on developing theory and methods that assess and evaluate how generalizable methods are and whether they will work in other contexts.
Reproducibility submissions are welcome in any of the ares related to aspects of Information Retrieval, and either fits with the classical or alternative types of reproducibility papers. Reproducibility submissions should be 12 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
Demonstration Track
The Demo Track provide the opportunity for researchers to present their research prototypes and operational systems which they wish to share with the community, obtain feedback from experts, and exchanges knowledge on implementing and developing such systems. Submissions should clearly define their purpose, scope, and audience. All submissions should provide a URL to a live online version of their demo or, alternatively, provide a URL to a video showcasing the main features of their demo. Demonstrations that make their source code freely available are especially encouraged.
Demonstration submissions are welcome in any of the areas related to Information Retrieval (IR), as identified in the Topics of Interest listed above. Demo submissions should be 4 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be written in English and be formatted according to the LNCS author guidelines. All papers should be submitted electronically through the conference submission system. Full papers (e.g. main paper track and reproducibility track) are up to 12 pages in length plus additional pages for references, short papers are up to 6 pages in length plus additional pages for references, and demonstration papers are to be 4 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
Full paper and short paper submissions will be refereed through double-blind peer review. Demonstration papers will undergo single-blind review. Accepted full papers, short papers, and demo papers will be published in the conference proceedings published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the conference. Accepted full papers, short papers, and demos papers will have to be presented at the conference–and at least one author will be required to register.
Workshop submission: 1 September 2019
Workshop notifications: 1 October 2019
Full paper submission: 1 October 2019
Short paper submission: 15 October 2019
Demo submission: 15 October 2019
Doctoral consortium submission: 15 December 2019 Full/short/demo notifications: 30 November 2019 Camera-ready copy: 27 December 2019
Tutorials submission: 15 November 2019
Tutorials notifications: 15 December 2019
Workshops and tutorials: 14 April 2020
Main Conference: 15-17 April 2020
[rede.APPIA] CFP: IoT Stream 2019: IoT Stream for Data Driven Predictive Maintenance
IoTStream 2019:IoTStream for Data Driven Predictive Maintenance ECML-PKDD 2019 Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019
Conference website abifet.wixsite.com/iotstream2019 <abifet.wixsite.com/iotstream2019> Submission link easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iotstream2019 <easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iotstream2019> Abstract registration deadline June 7, 2019 Submission deadline June 7, 2019
Topics: predictive maintenance <easychair.org/cfp/topic.cgi?a=21955490;tid=24891> fault detection <easychair.org/cfp/topic.cgi?tid=2906;a=21955490> internet of things <easychair.org/cfp/topic.cgi?tid=200145;a=21955490> data streams <easychair.org/cfp/topic.cgi?tid=6455;a=21955490>
Maintenance is a critical issue in the industrial context for the prevention of high costs or injures. The emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 empowered data production and exchange which lead to new concepts and methodologies exploitation for maintenance. Intensive research effort in data driven Predictive Maintenance (PdM) has been producing encouraged outcomes. Therefore, the main objective of this workshop is to raise awareness of research trends and promote interdisciplinary discussion in this field.
Submission Guidelines
Regular and short papers presenting work completed or in progress are invited. Regular papers should not exceed 12 pages, while short papers are maximum 6 pages. Papers must be written in English and are to be submitted in PDF format online via the Easychair submission interface:
easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iotstream2019 <easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iotstream2019>
Each submission will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, quality of presentation and technical quality by at least two members of the program committee.
List of Topics
This workshop solicits contributions including but not limited to the following topics:
Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD)
Fault Isolation and Identification
Estimation of Remaining Useful Life of Components, Machines, ….
Forecasting of Product and Process Quality
Early Failure and Anomaly Detection and Analysis
Automatic Process Optimization
Self-healing and Self-correction
Incremental, evolving (data-driven and hybrid) models for FDD and anomaly detection
Self-adaptive time-series based models for prognostics and forecasting
Adaptive signal processing techniques for FDD and forecasting
Concept Drift issues in dynamic predictive maintenance systems
Active learning and Design of Experiment (DoE) aspects in dynamic predictive maintenance
Systems Fault tolerant control
Decision Support Systems for Predictive Maintenance
Data visualization for Prescriptive Maintenance
Real world applications such as:
Manufacturing systems
Production Processes and Factories of the Future (FoF)
Wind turbines (offshore/onshore/floating)
Smart management of energy demand/response
Energy and power systems and networks
Transport systems
Power generation and distribution systems
Intrusion detection and cyber security
Internet of Things,
Next Generation Airspace Applications, etc.
Big Data challenges in energy transition and digital transition
Solar plant monitoring and management
Active demand response
Distributed renewable energy management and integration into smart grids
Smart cities
Program Committee
Carlos Ferreira, LIAAD INESC Porto LA, ISEP, Portugal
Edwin Lughofer, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Sylvie Charbonnier, Université Joseph Fourier-Grenoble, France
Bruno Sielly Jales Costa, IFRN, Natal, Brazil
Fernando Gomide, University of Campinas, Brazil
José A. Iglesias, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Anthony Fleury, Mines-Douai, Institut Mines-Télécom, France
Teng Teck Hou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK
Igor Skrjanc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Indre Zliobaite, Aalto University, Austria
Elaine Faria, Univ. Uberlandia, Brazil
Mykola Pechenizkiy, TU Eindonvhen, Netherlands
Raquel Sebastião, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal
Organizing committee
* Rita P. Ribeiro, INESC TEC, Portugal *
Sepideh Pashami, Halmstad University
Albert Bifet, Telecom-ParisTech; Paris, France
* João Gama, INESC TEC, Portugal
All accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings and will be publically available on the conference web site. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop to present.
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases will take place in Würzburg, Germany, from the *16th to the 20th of September 2019*.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to one of the Chairs
Carlos Ferreira
[http://www2.isep.ipp.pt/assinatura_email/EMAIL_ISEP.png]<www2.isep.ipp.pt/assinatura_email/> ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt<www.isep.ipp.pt>