[rede.APPIA] ISSAI 2019: First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI

A APPIA apela à divulgação e ao incentivo de estudantes para se inscreverem nesta EAIA.

ISSAI 2019: First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI
Focus Theme: “New paths for Intelligence

Jointly organised by APPIA and AEPIA
June 5-7, 2019
Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

– The works will start on the 5th of June at 9:00; participants are thus invited to arrive at Vila Nova de Cerveira on the evening of the 4th June.
– The School will close on the 7th of June, in the afternoon.

The ISSAI is intended as an interdisciplinary forum with the aim to create a multi-directional flow between AI and other disciplines. The spirit of the meeting is that a forum where practitioners from different fields both present ideas from their fields and learn about ideas from other fields is the best atmosphere for all the disciplines to prosper together. The event is an initiative of the Portuguese and Spanish associations for AI (APPIA and AEPIA). It is aimed at graduate students, post-docs, and researchers willing to advance their knowledge and gain new insights by actively participating in an interdisciplinary dialogue.

The focus theme for the first edition in 2019 will be “New paths for

Confirmed Lectures:
– Luc Steels (Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies – ICREA):
– Insights from evolutionary biology can be the basis of future AI
– Matteo Valleriani (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
– Early modern Mathematically Hardcoded Historical Reasoning: Is it Relevant for the Development of Artificial Intelligence?
– Itziar de Lecuona (Universitat de Barcelona)
– Making Technical, legal and social aspects of Artificial Intelligence
– JJ Merelo (University of Granada)
– From computer science and engineering to AI: cloud native artificial intelligence and artificial life.
– Jochen Büttner (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
– New tools for a long-established discipline: Using machine learning approaches for corpus research in the history of science
– Nuno Sousa (University of Minho)
– AI in the medical arena
– Tony Veale (University College Dublin)
– Making Machines That Make Meaning: Exploring Spaces of Varying Dimensionality in Computational Creativity.

We invite all the graduate students, post-docs and researchers interested in this interdisciplinary forum to book these dates and pay attention to our website. The registration IS OPEN.

The ISSAI will take place in the Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, which is the main stage of the prestigious Biennial of Art of Vila Nova de Cerveira. This venue offers an excellent set up for three intensive days of lectures, panels, formal and informal discussions, networking and fun.

We have booked a number of places with controlled prices, primarily for students, in the Youth Hostel (Pousada da Juventude). Detailed information on how to apply is available in ISSAI website.
Vila Nova da Cerveira has a good offer of alternative accommodations available in the most known booking platforms.

– Amparo Alonso (University of A Coruña)
– Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra)
– Luís Correia (University of Lisbon)
– Pablo Gervás (University Complutense of Madrid)
– Paulo Novais (University of Minho)
– Alicia Troncoso Lora (University Pablo de Olavide)

[rede.APPIA] ISSAI 2019 – Program available – (correction)

Just a correction regarding the message below: the Registration is already open!

Sorry for the mess.


On 19 May 2019, at 11:41, Amílcar Cardoso <amilcar@dei.uc.pt> wrote:

[Apologies for cross-postings]

** Program available: http://issai.dei.uc.pt/menu/program.html **

ISSAI 2019: First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI
Focus Theme: “New paths for Intelligence”

Jointly organised by APPIA and AEPIA
June 5-7, 2019
Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

(NEW) Keynote Speaker: Helder Coelho (University of Lisbon, ECCAI Fellow)

Confirmed Lectures:
  – Luc Steels (Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies – ICREA): Insights from evolutionary biology can be the basis of future AI
  – Matteo Valleriani (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science): Early modern Mathematically Hardcoded Historical Reasoning: Is it Relevant for the Development of Artificial Intelligence?
  – JJ Merelo (University of Granada): From computer science and engineering to AI: cloud native artificial intelligence and artificial life.
  – Jochen Büttner (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science): New tools for a long-established discipline: Using machine learning approaches for corpus research in the history of science
  – Nuno Sousa (University of Minho): AI in medical arena
  – Tony Veale (University College Dublin): Making Machines That Make Meaning: Exploring Spaces of Varying Dimensionality in Computational Creativity.
  – (NEW) Paulo Gomes (Critical Software): Industry Lecture

The ISSAI is intended as an interdisciplinary forum with the aim to create a multi-directional flow between AI and other disciplines. The spirit of the meeting is that a forum where practitioners from different fields both present ideas from their fields and learn about ideas from other fields is the best atmosphere for all the disciplines to prosper together. The event is an initiative of the Portuguese and Spanish associations for AI (APPIA and AEPIA). It is aimed at graduate students, post-docs and researchers willing to advance their knowledge and gain new insights by actively participating in an interdisciplinary dialogue.

We invite all the graduate students, post-docs and researchers interested in this interdisciplinary forum to book these dates and pay attention to our website. The registration will open soon is open.

The ISSAI will take place in the Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, which is the main stage of the prestigious Biennial of Art of Vila nova de Cerveira. This venue offers an excellent set up for three intensive days of lecturers, panels, formal and informal discussions, networking and fun.

We have booked a number of places with controlled prices, primarily for students, in the Youth Hostel (Pousada da Juventude). Detailed information on how to apply is available in ISSAI website.
Vila Nova da Cerveira has a good offer of alternative accommodations available in the most known booking platforms.

– Amparo Alonso (University of A Coruña)
– Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra)
– Luís Correia (University of Lisbon)
– Pablo Gervás (University Complutense of Madrid)
– Paulo Novais (University of Minho)
– Alicia Troncoso Lora (University Pablo de Olavide)

[rede.APPIA] ISSAI 2019 – Program available – 1st Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI

[Apologies for cross-postings]
** Program available: issai.dei.uc.pt/menu/program.html **
ISSAI 2019: First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI (issai.dei.uc.pt) Focus Theme: “New paths for Intelligence”
Jointly organised by APPIA and AEPIA June 5-7, 2019 Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
(NEW) Keynote Speaker: Helder Coelho (University of Lisbon, ECCAI Fellow)
Confirmed Lectures: – Luc Steels (Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies – ICREA): Insights from evolutionary biology can be the basis of future AI – Matteo Valleriani (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science): Early modern Mathematically Hardcoded Historical Reasoning: Is it Relevant for the Development of Artificial Intelligence? – JJ Merelo (University of Granada): From computer science and engineering to AI: cloud native artificial intelligence and artificial life. – Jochen Büttner (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science): New tools for a long-established discipline: Using machine learning approaches for corpus research in the history of science – Nuno Sousa (University of Minho): AI in medical arena – Tony Veale (University College Dublin): Making Machines That Make Meaning: Exploring Spaces of Varying Dimensionality in Computational Creativity. – (NEW) Paulo Gomes (Critical Software): Industry Lecture
The ISSAI is intended as an interdisciplinary forum with the aim to create a multi-directional flow between AI and other disciplines. The spirit of the meeting is that a forum where practitioners from different fields both present ideas from their fields and learn about ideas from other fields is the best atmosphere for all the disciplines to prosper together. The event is an initiative of the Portuguese and Spanish associations for AI (APPIA and AEPIA). It is aimed at graduate students, post-docs and researchers willing to advance their knowledge and gain new insights by actively participating in an interdisciplinary dialogue.
We invite all the graduate students, post-docs and researchers interested in this interdisciplinary forum to book these dates and pay attention to our website. The registration will open soon.
Venue: The ISSAI will take place in the Fórum Cultural de Cerveira, which is the main stage of the prestigious Biennial of Art of Vila nova de Cerveira. This venue offers an excellent set up for three intensive days of lecturers, panels, formal and informal discussions, networking and fun.
Accommodations: We have booked a number of places with controlled prices, primarily for students, in the Youth Hostel (Pousada da Juventude). Detailed information on how to apply is available in ISSAI website. Vila Nova da Cerveira has a good offer of alternative accommodations available in the most known booking platforms.
Chairs: – Amparo Alonso (University of A Coruña) – Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra) – Luís Correia (University of Lisbon) – Pablo Gervás (University Complutense of Madrid) – Paulo Novais (University of Minho) – Alicia Troncoso Lora (University Pablo de Olavide)

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: EurAI Bulletin 2019 (Issue No. 1)

——– Mensagem reencaminhada ——– Assunto: EurAI Bulletin 2019 (Issue No. 1) Data: Tue, 14 May 2019 18:31:32 +0100 De: Barry O’Sullivan <b.osullivan@cs.ucc.ie> Para: euraisocieties@eurai.org, euraifellows@eurai.org CC: euraiboard@eurai.org
Dear EurAI Colleagues,
Please find attached the current issue of the EurAI newsletter.
Contents: o Call for Nominations: EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2018 o Preliminary Call for Papers: ECAI 2020 o Report from the IJCAI-ECAI 2018 o Advanced Course on AI 2019 o Report on ACAI 2018 o Magazines & Journals
Kindest regards,
Barry O’Sullivan President, EurAI

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2018: deadline extension 24th May, 2019

——– Mensagem reencaminhada ——– Assunto: EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2018: deadline extension 24th May, 2019 Data: Tue, 14 May 2019 08:43:56 +0000 De: Michela Milano <michela.milano@unibo.it> Para: eccaisocieties08@ECCAI.ORG <eccaisocieties08@eccai.org>

Dear EurAI Societies,
we have extended the deadline for submitting nominations for the EurAI dissertation award 2018 at the 24th of May, 2019.
We would greatly appreciate if you could circulate this widely and encourage nominations of strong candidates.
Kind regards,
Michela Milano Deputy President, EurAI

Call for Nominations: EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2018
Nominations are invited for the 2018  Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI, the European Association of Artificial Intelligence.
Please take a moment to nominate your students, or to recommend to your colleagues to nominate their students.
This Award includes a certificate signed by the EurAI President and 1500 Euros (which includes the travel grant for the Award ceremony). Nominations are due by *May 24, 2019* by
submitting a single PDF file as described below listing both the NOMINATED candidate and the NOMINATOR as the AUTHORS through EasyChair:
Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended after December 1, 2017 in the general area of Artificial Intelligence. The dissertation must have been defended at a European university and
the author must be a personal member of a EurAI member society. In case a thesis is nominated for another national or international award before or during its review for the EurAI dissertation award,
 the author is requested to inform the EurAI dissertation award committee about this fact.
To be considered, a dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor, who must submit the following items as a SINGLE PDF file in the order:
– Nomination cover-page that includes: the name, affiliation, and contact details of the nominator; the date of the defense of the dissertation; and the names of the jury/examiners involved in its defense;
– nomination letters, either digitally signed or scanned original, from two referees supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award.
– if the thesis was not written in English the nomination must include an English paper describing the core ideas of the thesis that has been submitted for publication in an international journal or a prestigious conference.
– the full nominated dissertation. The selection will be based on the originality, impact, and written quality of the work. Work that has been submitted to and/or accepted at workshops, conferences, or journals will be considered more favourably.
Work that is primarily attributed to the student’s own initiative will also be considered more favourably. Finally, the quality of the written document will be considered.
Please address any queries to Michela Milano – michela.milano@unibo.it <mailto:michela.milano@unibo.it>
The outcome will be announced by the end of June.
The Award will be presented during IJCAI2019.

[rede.APPIA] Call for papers ISAP 2019 – December 10-14 – New Delhi, India

*** Apologies for multiple copies of this mail ***

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of the local organizing committee and of the ISAP Board Directors, we invite you to attend to the 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems (ISAP). The ISAP 2019 continues the tradition of preceding conferences on topics selected from current Power Systems problems and applications of intelligent systems.

ISAP is specially dedicated to provide a forum for academics, industry, and students to discuss innovative intelligent systems applications in the area of operation, control, planning and maintenance of large interconnected and isolated or weakly interconnected power systems, and their particular components. ISAP 2019 focuses on power systems operation in a competitive environment, renewable energy and distributed generation, and also other subjects of interest in modern power systems. Employment of artificial intelligence technologies is in the special scope of the conference, but also intelligent approaches achieved with conventional programming are sought. Proposed subjects should be beyond the phase of declarations of interest or presentations of ideas; papers reporting practical realization and application will have priority.

The conference will provide opportunities for tutorials and technical visits.

Preferential Subjects

The conference welcomes papers on intelligent systems techniques applied to electrical power and energy systems (generation, transmission, distribution, markets, and electrical installation) with preference to:

·    Load and renewables forecasting and estimation;

·    Fault diagnosis and prognosis;

·    Condition monitoring and asset management;

·    Intelligent enterprise systems, e.g., intelligent outage management;

·    System reliability, security, and adequacy;

·    Big data, data science, data analytics, and machine learning applications in power systems;

·    Innovative and/or emerging applications of intelligent systems in power systems, e.g., machine learning, deep learning, and autonomous power systems;

·    Special systems e.g., vessel systems, underwater systems, micro-grids, nano-grids, and autonomous power system;

·    Social, legal, ethical, and business issues linked with the conference topics;

·    Intelligent estimation and classification techniques including neural nets, fuzzy systems, data mining, and decision tree;

·    Knowledge-based system including rule-based systems, expert systems, and model-based reasoning;

·    Advanced optimization techniques including genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, ant colonies, immune system, and bacterial foraging;

·    Multi-agent systems, evolutionary intelligent agents, and adaptive distributed computing and control;

·    Hybrid intelligent systems;

·    Computational neuroscience;

·    Game Theory;

·    Molecular and quantum computing.

To the Authors

·    The authors are invited to submit a PDF file of the full paper in IEEE PES standard double column format, not exceeding 6 pages.

·    All papers must be submitted by 1st July 2019 on the conference submission website.

·    Authors will be notified via email the acceptance or rejection of the paper by 15th August 2019.

Conference Venue

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,

Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India-110016

Important Dates

1st Jul, 2019: Full Paper Submission

15th Aug, 2019: Notification of Acceptance

5th Sep, 2019: Final Paper Submission

16th Sep, 2019: Early Bird Registration

10th-14th Dec, 2019: Conference

Check full info in http://isap-power.org/2019.

The organizing committee,