[rede.APPIA] CFP -Artificial Intelligence for Games (AI4G’19) Track of EPIA’19

*********** CALL FOR PAPERS ***********

Artificial Intelligence for Games (AI4G’19) Track of EPIA’19

AI4G 2019 will be held at the 18th Portuguese Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019) taking place at Vila Real,Portugal, from

3rd to 6th September, 2019.  The call for papers of EPIA’19 and all information
about other tracks can be found at the EPIA URL:

Playing games has been considered a relevant task for AI research since
the very inception of the field. Some of the AI accomplishments have been
based on solving Games like Checkers, Chess and Go. Often, competitions
based on games are organized to foster the research on AI and define
frameworks for comparison of work. One example is the General Game Playing
that challenges AI players to play and win games they do not know beforehand.
Games can also be the base of research on computational creativity. The procedural
design of new levels for games or the design of complete games with novel gameplay
has been an interesting challenge. The generation of game content has been
addressed in the sense of story creation and interactive storytelling as well, which is
one of the very promising fields of research on AI for games, and one that attracts the
interest of the game development industry. Finally, the social nature of games, and in
particular of videogames, present good scenarios for exploring the social skills of AI
agents, in particular by interacting with humans. This thematic track brings together leading researchers to discuss recent advances and explore future directions in the applied field of
Artificial Intelligence for Games.


    Decision Making
    Learning in games
    Search-based approaches for games
    Neural-based approaches for games
    Player/Opponent modeling
    AI based game design
    Procedural content generation
    Intelligent interactive narrative
    Character development and narrative
    AI for virtual cinematography
    AI for non-player characters
    Multi-agent and multi-strategy learning in games    General game playing
    Theoretical or empirical analysis of AI techniques for games
    Comparative studies and game-based benchmarking of AI algorithms
    Applications of artificial intelligence in (non-inclusive list):
        Digital games (any platform)
        Board and card games
        Economic or mathematical games
        Serious games
        Realistic games for simulation or training
        Augmented and mixed-reality games


  April 15, 2019: Paper submission deadline
  May 31, 2019: Notification of paper acceptance
  June 15, 2019: Deadline for camera‐ready versions
  September 3‐6, 2019: Conference dates


Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original,
and previously unpublished research. Papers can have a maximum length
of 12 pages. All papers should be prepared according to the formatting
instructions of Springer LNAI series. Authors should omit their names
from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care to avoid
indirectly disclosing their identity. References to own work may be
included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. All
papers should be submitted in PDF format through the conference
management website at:


Track participants must register at the main EPIA 2019 conference.
No extra fee shall be paid for attending this track.


Alberto Simões, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
Antonios Liapis, University of Malta, Malta
Gustavo Reis, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal


Carlos Martinho, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Christoph Salge, University of Hertfordshire, UK
David Carneiro, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Daniele Gravina, University of Malta, Malta
Daniel Karavolos, University of Malta, Malta
David Melhart, University of Malta, Malta
Diego Perez Liebana, University of Essex, UK
Duarte Duque, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
Éric Jacopin, ESM Saint-Cyr, France
Eva Hudlicka, Psychometrix Associates, US
Fernando Silva, New York University, USA
Gabriella A. B. Barros, New York University, USA
João Dias, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
José Valente de Oliveira, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Konstantinos Karpouzis, National University of Athens, Greece
Luís Paulo Reis, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Marco Scirea, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Michael Green, New York University, USA
Pedro Moreira, Portugal
Penousal Machado, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Phil Lopes, GAIPS, Portugal
Rui Prada, INESC-ID / IST, Lisboa, Portugal

Alberto Simões
Responsável pela Área Estratégica dos Sistemas de Informação
Direção de Curso da Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas Informáticos
Escola Superior de Tecnologia – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: [EurAI Societies] European Commission Consultation


——– Mensagem reencaminhada ——–

Assunto: [EurAI Societies] European Commission Consultation
Data: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 10:24:48 +0000
De: Barry O’Sullivan <barry.osullivan@insight-centre.org&gt;
Para: euraisocieties@eurai.org

Dear EurAI Societies,

You may be aware that the European Commission established a High-Level Expert Group on AI last June to propose a set of ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI and also to make policy and investment recommendations for the field of AI.

The output of the first of these activities – the ethics guidelines – are in draft form and have been made available for comment through a consultation process on the European Commission web-site:

“Have your say: European expert group seeks feedback on draft ethics guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence”


The deadline for comments on the draft guidelines is February 1st.

Please consider circulating this email to your members who may wish to comment on the draft.

Kindest regards,

Barry O’Sullivan
President, EurAI
Professor Barry O’Sullivan, FEurAI, FICS, MRIA
School of Computer Science, University College Cork, Ireland
Director, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, UCC
Vice Chair, European Commission High-level Expert Group on AI
President, European Artificial Intelligence Association
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barryosullivan/

Professor Barry O’Sullivan, FEurAI, FICS, MRIA
School of Computer Science, University College Cork, Ireland
Director, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, UCC
Vice Chair, European Commission High-level Expert Group on AI
President, European Artificial Intelligence Association
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barryosullivan/

--   Paulo Novais  Universidade do Minho  Escola de Engenharia  Departamento de Informática / Centro ALGORITMI  ISLab - Synthetic Intelligence Lab   Campus de Gualtar  4710-057 Braga, PORTUGAL        Phone: +351 253604437/70  Fax:   +351 253604471  Email: pjon@di.uminho.pt  Web:   www.di.uminho.pt/~pjn         islab.di.uminho.pt

[rede.APPIA] CFP: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM@EPIA-2019)

(Apologies for cross-posting)

======================================================================  CFP: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM@EPIA-2019)  Thematic track of the 19th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)  3-6 September 2019, Vila Real, Portugal  Webpage: https://epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/83-thematic-tracks/99-aim  ======================================================================    IMPORTANT DATES  - Full Paper Submission: April 15, 2019  - Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2019  - Camera ready Papers: June 15, 2019  - Conference Date: September 3-6, 2019    IMPORTANT NEWS  - LNCS/LNAI Proceedings (Springer)  - Special issue of the journal Medical Systems with selected papers*     INTRODUCTION  Every day medicine is facing new challenges: new diseases, cost reductions, new therapeutics, rapid and accurate decisions, new techniques and technologies.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an important role in the decision making process, in the way the data of the patients are collected, treated, processed, anticipating and avoiding critical situations, as well to test and simulate new treatments and devices.   The big question to be answered is: How Artificial Intelligence can help to overcome these challenges and improve the efficiency of medicine?   Data Science, Sensing, Pervasiveness, Ubiquity and Intelligent Agents in Medicine, can contribute with new artefacts and new knowledge for health professionals.   AI aims to improve the usability of programs for assisting physicians in figuring out what is wrong with the patients and provide new solutions to help making better decisions.   AI systems are intended to support healthcare practitioners in the normal course of their duties, assisting with tasks that rely on the manipulation of data and knowledge.   In particular, these systems have for example the capacity to learn, leading to the discovery of new phenomena and the creation of medical knowledge improving human health and longevity.  This track promotes a forum to discuss and present emergent topics, new projects and ideas about how AI can contribute to the field of Medicine and, improve patient conditions.   By bringing together researchers from two distinct areas is expected to produce new scientific and technical knowledge in a particular area as is medicine.   Special attention will be given to the social impact/gain of the AI contributions in medicine.     TOPICS OF INTEREST  Innovative and exciting works are welcome in areas including but not limited to:    Medical methodologies, architectures, environments, and systems.  •	Agents for information retrieval;  •	AI in Medical Education and Clinical Management;  •	Wellbeing and lifestyle support;  •	Interoperability, Security, Pervasiveness, Ubiquity and Cloud Computing in Medicine;  •	Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in Medicine;  •	Pervasive Healthcare Environments;  •	Software architectures.  Knowledge engineering and Decision Support Systems:  •	AI-based clinical decision making and Clinical Decision Support Systems;  •	Automated reasoning, Case-Based Reasoning or Reasoning with medical knowledge;  •	Business Intelligence in Health Care;  •	Clinical Data Mining;  •	Data Streaming;  •	Diagnostic assistance;  •	Expert, agent-based or knowledge-based systems;  •	Medical knowledge engineering;  •	Pervasive or Real-Time Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Critical Health Care.  Medical Applications and Devices  •	Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine;  •	Electronic Health Records (eHealth);  •	Image recognition and interpretation;  •	Intelligent devices and instruments;  •	Sensor-based applications;  •	Telemedicine and mHealth solutions;  •	Ubiquitous devices in the storage, update, and transmission of patient data;  •	Usability and acceptability.  AI in Healthcare Information Systems  •	Autonomous systems to support independent living;  •	Healthcare System Based on Cloud Computing;  •	Intelligent Healthcare information systems;  •	Pervasive Information Systems;  •	Pervasiveness and Security in Clinical Systems;  •	Smart homes, hospitals and Intelligent Systems;  •	Simulation Computer systems.     PAPER SUBMISSION  Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research. Papers can have a maximum length of 12 pages.   All papers should be prepared according to the formatting instructions of Springer LNCS series (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science).   Authors should omit their names from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care to avoid indirectly disclosing their identity.  All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIA2019 submission Website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epia2019) selecting the track Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM).  All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of the LNAI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (indexed by the Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge).  *Authors of the best papers presented at the AIM track of EPIA will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for a Special Issue in Journal of Medical Systems (Springer)    ORGANIZING COMMITTEE  * Manuel Filipe Santos, University of Minho, Portugal (contact person) mfs@dsi.uminho.pt  * Carlos Filipe Portela, University of Minho, Portugal cfp@dsi.uminho.pt  * Allan Tucker, Brunel University London, Uk, allan.tucker@brunel.ac.uk  

[rede.APPIA] CFP: Ambient Intelligence and Affective Environments (AmIA@EPIA2019)

— Please distribute. Apologies for cross-posting.
Ambient Intelligence and Affective Environments (AmIA@EPIA2019)
Thematic Track of 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019)
3-6 September 2019, Vila Real, Portugal

Submission deadline: April 15, 2019

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a paradigm emerging from Artificial Intelligence (AI), where computers are used as proactive tools assisting people with their day-to-day activities, making everyone’s life more comfortable.

Affect and social behavior plays an important role in the development of Ambient Intelligent Environments. Consideration of aspects like emotions, mood, personality traits, and attitudes in human-computer, human-robot, and human-environment interaction, especially insofar as they provide better or more "natural" support for humans. These environments should be aware of the needs of people, customizing requirements and forecasting behaviors.

AmI environments may be highly diverse, such as homes, offices, meeting rooms, schools, hospitals, control centers, transport facilities, tourist attractions, stores, sport installations, music devices, etc.

In the Thematic track on AmIA Environments we will create a multi-disciplinary discussion forum that will bring together researchers from the different fields addressed discussing issues in Artificial Intelligence topics included in the Ambient Intelligence and affective environments. Researchers are welcome to present both theoretical and practical works as well as the lessons learned with their application in the varied range of domains. Emphasis will be placed on the presentation of concrete systems, discussion of implementation and development challenges and sharing of conclusions achieved and relevant results. 


In order to fulfill these objectives, submissions of substantial, original and previously unpublished work are invited in all areas of Ambient Intelligence and Affective environments. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
– Applications
– Ambient Assisted Living
– Ubiquitous Computing
– Artificial Intelligence for AmI
– Intelligent Environments
– Pervasive Computing
– Context Aware Computing
– Agent & Multiagent Systems for AmI
– Mobile Computing
– Sentient Computing
– e-Health
– Context Modelling
– AmI for e-Learning
– On-line Dispute Resolution
– Memory Assistant
– Computational models of emotions
– Group Emotion
– Affect and learning
– Artificial characters
– Affect and emotion recognition

Submission Information and paper publication
Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research. Papers can have a maximum length of 12 pages. All papers should be prepared according to the formatting instructions of Springer LNCS series (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Authors should omit their names from the submitted papers, and should take reasonable care to avoid indirectly disclosing their identity.
All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIAí2019 submission Website (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epia2019) selecting the track Ambient Intelligence and Affective Environments.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of the LNAI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (indexed by the Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge).
Important Dates
  • Full Paper Submission: April 15, 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2019
  • Camera ready Papers: June 15, 2019
  • Conference Date: September 3-6, 2019

Organizing Committee
Goreti Marreiros, Polytechnic of Porto (mgt@isep.ipp.pt)
Paulo Novais, University of Minho, Portugal (pjon@di.uminho.pt)
Ana Almeida, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (amn@isep.ipp.pt)
Sara Rodriguez, University of Salamanca, Spain (srg@usal.es)
Peter Mikulecky, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic (Peter.Mikulecky@uhk.cz)
ISEP/IPP – Engineering Institute – Polytechnic of Porto
Director of GECAD – Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development
Vice-president of APPIA the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431; 4200-072 Porto – Portugal
Email: mgt@isep.ipp.pt ; gormarreiros@gmail.com
Web: www.gecad.isep.ipp.pt
Phone: +351-22-8340511
Fax: +351-22-8321159

Goreti Marreiros
Professor Adjunto
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] MultiAgent Systems: Theory and Applications 2019 — CALL FOR PAPERS

10th Thematic Track on

MultiAgent Systems: Theory and Applications (MASTA @ EPIA2019)

3-6 September 2019, Vila Real, Portugal




Aims and Scope

Research on Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) has a vigorous, exciting tradition and has led to important theories and systems. However, new trends and concerns are still emerging and form the basis of current and future research. The 10th thematic track on “MultiAgent Systems: Theory and Applications”, to take place at EPIA 2019, and will provide a discussion forum on the most recent and innovative work in all areas of MAS.

The unifying focus of the thematic track will be on methodological aspects. Both theoretical and practical research should be situated in the context of existing or new methodologies. This will not preclude any specific topic, but preference will be given to research work that establishes some connection with the methodological aspects or to successful applications built upon some methodology.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Agent theories, architectures and models

  • Agent-based systems Interoperability

  • Agreement technologies

  • Applications of agents and MAS (industrial and commercial)

  • Artificial social systems

  • Automated negotiation and computational argumentation

  • Cognitive models, including emotions and philosophies

  • Communication: languages, semantics, protocols, and conversations

  • Cooperation, coordination and teamwork in MAS

  • Ethical and legal issues raised by autonomous agents and MAS

  • Formal methods for modelling agents and agent-based systems

  • Human-agent interaction

  • Learning in MAS

  • Multiagent evolution, emergent behavior and adaptation

  • Multiagent modelling and simulation

  • Scalability and performance of MAS

  • Societal issues: organizations, institutions, norms, socio-technical systems

  • Trust, reputation, privacy and security

Paper Submission Instructions

All accepted papers will be published by Springer in a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) corresponding to the proceedings of the 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019.

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in length and must adhere to the formatting instructions of the conference. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewing process is double blind, so authors should remove names and affiliations from the submitted papers, and must take reasonable care to assure anonymity during the review process. References to own work may be included in the paper, as long as referred to in the third person. Acceptance will be based on the paper’s significance, technical quality, clarity, relevance and originality. All accepted papers must be presented orally the conference by one of the authors and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.

All papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EPIA 2019 EasyChair submission page. Prospective authors should select the thematic track to which their paper is to be submitted.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019

Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019

Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019

Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019

Organizing Committee

Henrique Lopes Cardoso (hlc@fe.up.pt), FEUP / LIACC

Viviane Torres da Silva (vivianet@br.ibm.com), IBM Research Brazil

Dave de Jonge (davedejonge@iiia.csic.es), IIIA-CSIC, Spain

Luís Antunes (lantunes@fc.ul.pt), FCUL / BioISI

Steering Committee

Eugénio Oliveira (eco@fe.up.pt), FEUP / LIACC

Hélder Coelho (hcoelho@di.fc.ul.pt), FCUL

João Balsa (jbalsa@di.fc.ul.pt), FCUL

Luís Paulo Reis (lpreis@fe.up.pt), FEUP / LIACC

Program Committee

Adriana Giret, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Alberto Gil, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Alejandro Guerra-Hernández, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Ana Paula Rocha, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Andrea Omicini, Università di Bologna, Italy

António Castro, TAP Air Portugal + LIACC, Portugal

Carlos Carrascosa, GTI-IA DSIC Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Carlos Martinho, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Daniel Silva, University of Porto, Portugal

Diana Adamatti, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil

F. Jordan Srour, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Francisco Grimaldo, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Jaime Sichman, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Javier Carbó, Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain

João Leite, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

John-Jules Meyer, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands

Jordi Sabater-Mir, IIIA-CSIC, Spain

Jorge Gomez-Sanz, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain

Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar, IIIA-CSIC, Spain

Juan Burguillo, Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Juan Corchado, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Lars Braubach, Universität Hamburg, Germany

Laurent Vercouter, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France

Luís Correia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Luís Nunes, ISCTE, Portugal

Luís Macedo, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Marin Lujak, Institute Mines-Télécom, France

Michael Schumacher, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzerland

Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Olivier Boissier, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France

Paolo Torroni, Università di Bologna, Italy

Paulo Novais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Rafael Bordini, Pontífica Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Ramón Hermoso, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Reyhan Aydogan, Ozyegin University, Turkey

Wamberto Vasconcelos, University of Aberdeen, UK

[rede.APPIA] 3rd Workshop on Women in Web Data Science (WinDS) co-located with The Web Conference 2019

Dear colleagues


** Please distribute. Apologies for cross-posting **




The Third Women in Web Data Science (WinDS) Workshop



Important Dates


Submission date: January 22, 2019

Notification date: February 21, 2019

Camera Ready: March 3, 2019


The Third Women in Web Data Science (WinDS) workshop is a half-day event that will be held on May 13-14, 2019 in San Francisco, US in conjunction with The Web Conference (WWW 2019).


This workshop aims to bring together female faculty, graduate students, research scientists and industry researchers for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas and learn from each other in the field of Data Science. Underrepresented minorities, graduates, and undergraduates interested in pursuing data science, machine learning, and related research are encouraged to participate. While most presenters should be women, everybody is invited to attend.


We strongly encourage female participants — students, post-docs, early-career, and senior researchers — in all areas of data mining, machine learning, and applications of data science related to health, finance, natural resources, and so on to participate.


Data science is an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured, which is a continuation of some of the data analysis fields such as statistics, machine learning, data mining, and predictive analytics. Data science encompasses several areas such as data analytics, machine learning, statistics, optimization, and big data management.


WinDS will bring together women researchers and practitioners in the field to bring emphasis and discuss the emerging challenges in data science and advanced analytics, including both theoretical and practical perspectives.


General areas of interest to WinDS include but are not limited to:


*    KDD foundations

*    Big data analytics

*    Machine learning and knowledge discovery

*    Big data processing, storage, retrieval, and search

*    Privacy and security

*    Applications, practices, tools, and evaluation


This year we have three different tracks:

·       Traditional Academic submission: authors can submit original work, unpublished ideas in the form of completed work or work-in-progress papers of at least 4 pages and up to 8 pages in length (including references).

·       Problems in the Data Science field that women face in their daily job: Work in progress on approaches in data science that analyze and tackle bias and increase data diversity or industry project/cases led by women. For this, authors can submit a two pages in length paper presenting the case and how it was solved to help other women.

·       Lighting Talk: women that are presenting at the main conference and would like to participate in the workshop by presenting their work can submit a one page abstract. We also accept abstracts of papers presented at other venues.


Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the new ACM format published in ACM guidelines (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template), selecting the generic “sigconf”  sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions must be self-contained and in English. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, may be rejected without review.

Microsoft Word users should convert their document to the PDF format for submission.


All submissions should clearly present the author information including the names of the authors, affiliations and the emails. The main author should be a woman.


The proceedings of the workshops will be published jointly with the conference proceedings.


Please use the following Easychair link for submission:





Workshop Chairs:


Ana Paula Appel

IBM Research – apappel@br.ibm.com


Marisa Affonso Vasconcelos

IBM Research – marisaav@br.ibm.com


Francesca Spezzano

Boise State University – francescaspezzano@boisestate.edu


Célia Talma Gonçalves

CEOS.PP – ISCAP – Polytechnic Institute of Porto /LIACC – celia@iscap.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] [CFP]EPIA_2019_Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems

Dear colleagues,


We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems of EPIA 2019, to be held in Vila Real, Portugal between 3rd and 6th September 2019 (https://epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/83-thematic-tracks/100-aipes).


Thematic Track Organizers:

Zita Vale – Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Pedro Faria- Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Juan M. Corchado – University of Salamanca (Spain)

Tiago Pinto – University of Salamanca (Spain)


Important Deadlines:

Deadline for full paper submission: 15th April, 2017

Notification of acceptance: 31st May, 2017

Camera-Ready papers: 15th June, 2017

Conference: 3rd and 6th September 2017


AIPES welcomes full length papers (of up to 12 pages, according to EPIA guidelines) and also short papers (up to 6 pages), demonstrating practical applications.

Accepted papers will be included in EPIA 2019 proceedings, published by Springer. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to special issues published in international journals.



The Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems aims at providing an advanced discussion forum on recent and innovative work on the application of artificial intelligence approaches in the field of power and energy systems, including agent-based systems, data-mining, machine learning methodologies, forecasting and optimization. A description of the special session can be found at:


Submission Topics include:

·       Agent-based Smart Grid Simulation

·       Big Data Applications for Energy Systems

·       Coalitions and Aggregations of Smart Grid and Market Players

·       Consumer Profiling

·       Context Aware Systems

·       Data-Mining Approaches in Smart Grids

·       Decision Support Approaches for Smart Grids

·       Demand Response Aggregation

·       Demand Response Integration in the Market

·       Demand Response Remuneration Methods

·       Electric vehicles

·       Electricity Market Modelling and Simulation

·       Electricity Market Negotiation Strategies

·       Energy Resource Management in Buildings

·       Information technology applications

·       Innovative Demand Response Models and Programs

·       Innovative Energy Tariffs

·       Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Power System

·       Intelligent Approaches for Microgrid Management

·       Intelligent Home Management Systems

·       Intelligent methods for Demand Management

·       Intelligent Resources Scheduling

·       Intelligent Supervisory Control Systems

·       Knowledge-based approaches for Power and Energy Systems

·       Load Forecast

·       Market Models for Variable Renewable Energy

·       Multi-Agent Applications for Smart Grids

·       Multi-Agent Systems in Power and Energy Systems

·       Other Artificial Intelligence-based Methods for Power and Energy Systems

·       Phasor Measurement Units Applications

·       Real-time simulation

·       Reliability, Protection and Network Security Methods

·       Renewable Energy Forecast using Computational Intelligence

·       Semantic communication and data

·       Smart Sensors and Advanced Metering Infrastructure


Best regards

AIPES organizers