[rede.APPIA] Computational Creativity (ICCC) papers due Feb 18, 2019

International Conference on Computational Creativity 2019

17-21 June 2019 – Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
We’d like to invite you to submit your papers/workshops/demo proposals for the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2019 to be held 17-21 June 2019 in Charlotte, NC

Computational creativity is the art, science, philosophy and engineering of computational systems which, by taking on particular responsibilities, exhibit behaviours that unbiased observers would deem to be creative. As a field of research, this area is thriving, with progress in formalising what it means for software to be creative, along with many exciting and valuable applications of creative software in the sciences, design, the arts, literature, gaming and elsewhere. The ICCC conference series organized by the Association for Computational Creativity since 2010 is the only scientific conference that focuses on computational creativity alone and also covers all aspects of it.

The conference programme will include paper presentations, workshops, poster sessions, doctoral consortium and an art/demo exhibition, along with prominent keynote speakers. All submitted papers will be reviewed by experts in the field based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity.

Important Dates:
Paper and Workshop proposal Submissions Due: 18 February 2019
Doctoral Consortium Submissions Due: 18 March 2019
Art/Demo Submissions Due: 17 May 2019
Acceptance Notification : 29 April 2019
Camera Ready Submission : 17 May 2019
Conference Dates : 17-21 June 2019

Complete details are available on the conference website http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2019/

Please share this information. We are looking forward to your contributions.

Mary Lou Maher
Chair, ICCC 2019
Professor Mary Lou Maher
Chair, Software and Information Systems
Director, Center for Education Innovation
Woodward 310A, UNC Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-687-1940| Fax: 704-687-6065


[rede.APPIA] Winter School on AI for Games – Student Session

    3rd Winter School on Artificial Intelligence for Games
 http://ai4g.ipca.pt/                      14/15 February, 2019

                 S T U D E N T S   S E S S I O N


 Next 14th and 15th February, 2019, the Third Winter School on
 Artificial Intelligence for Games will be held in Instituto
 Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, in Barcelos, Portugal.

 The two days will include talks on different topics, and
 will have as invited lecturers Éric Jacopin, Marco Scirea,
 Rui Prada, Gustavo Reis, Luís Teófilo and Samuel Mascarenhas.

 At the end of the second day, a Students Session will take
 place. This session will be an open session to students doing
 their Master or Doctoral degrees on Artificial Intelligence
 applied to Games to present their ongoing work.

 This is an extremely interesting opportunity to see your ideas
 discussed by some well known researchers on the area.

 If you are willing to participate, drop us an e-mail with your
 name, supervisor, institution, a tentative title for your work
 and a small summary of your work — asimoes@ipca.pt

Alberto Simões
Direção de Curso da Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas Informáticos
Escola Superior de Tecnologia – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave

[rede.APPIA] Prémio Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2017-2018: Deadline 17 de maio de 2019

Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2017-2018
Prémio da Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial 

A APPIA institui o Prémio para a Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2017-2018, com a finalidade de distinguir trabalhos doutoramento de elevado mérito na área da Inteligência Artificial e que tenham sido obtidos numa instituição de ensino superior portuguesa durante o ano de 2017 ou 2018.

Em anexo segue o regulamento do prémio, sendo que as candidaturas devem ser efectuadas via preenchimento deste formulário até à data limite: 17 de Maio de 2019.

O prémio tem um valor simbólico de 1000 euros, sendo que o candidato (ou seu representante) receberá o certificado do Prémio de Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Inteligência Artificial 2017-2018 em Setembro de 2019, no Porto, durante a realização da 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2019, http://epia2019.utad.pt)

ISEP/IPP – Engineering Institute – Polytechnic of Porto
Director of GECAD – Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development
Vice-president of APPIA the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431; 4200-072 Porto – Portugal
Email: mgt@isep.ipp.pt ; gormarreiros@gmail.com
Web: www.gecad.isep.ipp.pt
Phone: +351-22-8340511
Fax: +351-22-8321159

Goreti Marreiros
Professor Adjunto
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto – PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt

[rede.APPIA] CFP: 6th Computational Creativity Symposium at AISB 2019 (deadline: January 18th 2019)

6th Computational Creativity Symposium at AISB 2019
Convention organised by The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation for Behaviour
Falmouth University, United Kingdom, April 16-18th 2019




Please check the symposium website for updates: https://sites.google.com/site/aisb2019cc/home

More details about AISB can be found at the convention website:


Computational Creativity
Over the last few decades, computational creativity has attracted an increasing number of researchers from both arts and science backgrounds.  Philosophers, cognitive psychologists, computer scientists and artists have all contributed to and enriched the literature. 


Many argue a machine is creative if it simulates or replicates human creativity (e.g. evaluation of AI systems via a Turing-style test), while others have conceived of computational creativity as an inherently different discipline, where computer generated (art)work should not be judged on the same terms, i.e. as being necessarily producible by a human artist, or having similar attributes, etc.


This symposium aims at bringing together researchers to discuss recent technical and philosophical developments in the field, and the impact of this research on the future of our relationship with computers and the way we perceive them: at the individual level where we interact with the machines, the social level where we interact with each other via computers, or even with machines interacting with each other.


This is a one-day workshop which will be held at AISB 2019, at Falmouth University, United Kingdom.



Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Novel systems and theories in computational creativity, in any domain, e.g. drawing and painting, music, story telling, poetry, games
  • The evaluation of computational creative systems, processes and artifacts
  • Theory of computational aesthetics
  • Representational issues in creativity, including visual and perceptual representations
  • Social aspects of computational creativity, and intellectual property issues
  • Creative autonomy and constraint
  • Computational appreciation of artifacts, including human artwork

Authors of accepted papers (up to 8-pages) will be expected to give 30 minute presentations, including 5 to 10 minutes for questions, on the day of the symposium.
Keynote Speaker: Jeremy Gow
See our website for details.

Submission Dates
Dates are provisional, please check our website for the most up-to-date information.
·   Papers                                         January 18th 2019 (Fri)
·   Notification                               March 11th 2019 (Mon)
·   Camera Ready Submission      March 25th 2019 (Mon)
·   Convention                                April 16-18th 2019 (Tue-Thur)
Organizing Committee
·   Maximilian Droog-Hayes

·   Juan Manuel Alvarado López


Programme Committee (confirmed so far)
·   Tarek Besold
·   Amilcar Cardoso
·   Simon Colton
·   Mike Cook
·   Joe Corneli
·   Anna Jordanous

·   Rafael Perez y Perez

·   Tony Veale

·    Geraint Wiggins

[rede.APPIA] Universidade do Minho concedeu o título de Emérito ao Professor José Maia Neves

É com grande prazer que a APPIA informa que a Universidade do Minho concedeu o título de Emérito ao Professor José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves.
José Maia Neves é um dos fundadores da nossa Associação, Professor Catedrático Jubilado da Universidade do Minho no Departamento de Informática da Escola de Engenharia, Investigador no Centro ALGORITMI e membro fundador do grupo de Inteligência Artificial da referida universidade.

[rede.APPIA] 1 Posdoc Position – Applied machine Learning – formal methods applied to artificial intelligence

——– Mensagem reencaminhada ——– Assunto: Pedido Data: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 13:50:26 +0000 De: Eduardo Fermé <eduardo.ferme@staff.uma.pt> Para: Paulo Novais <pjon@di.uminho.pt>

Boa tarde,
Podes difundir na rede Appia?
1 Posdoc Position – Applied machine Learning – formal methods applied to artificial intelligence
The NOVA LINCS Knowledge-Based Systems Group at Madeira University is seeking candidates for a PostDoc position to work within the scope of the following project: Project BRANT – Belief Revision applied to Neurorehabilitation Therapy (PTDC/CCI-COM/30990/2017).
Cognitive deficits are common after brain injury, dementia and in normal cognitive decline due to aging. Current cognitive rehabilitation therapy has been shown to be the most effective way to address this problem. However, a) they are not adaptive for every patient and b) have a high cost, and is usually implemented in clinical environments.
The Task Generator (TG) is a free tool for the generation of cognitive training tasks. However, TG is not designed to adapt and monitor the evolution of the patient. Here we propose BRaNT, an enhancement of TG with Artificial Intelligence modules, gamification and remote monitoring capabilities to enable Health Professionals to provide long-term personalized cognitive rehabilitation therapy at home. BRaNT is an interdisciplinary effort that addresses scientific limitations of current practices as well as provides solutions towards the sustainability of health systems and contributes towards the improvement of quality of life of patients.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. Suitable disciplines include Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Machine Learning and other related areas. A strong publication record is considered a plus. Candidates are expected to be fluent in spoken and written English. PostDocs can, optionally, supervise MSc and/or PhD projects.
It is desirable that the candidate has the following experience/skills:
1. Knowledge in logic or formal methods applied to artificial intelligence.
2. Knowledge in Applied Machine Learning and Data Science.
3. Strong programming skills
Tasks will include, among others, to participate in a interdisciplinary team to perform:
(a) Patient Profile Generator
Based in normalized data in a database, we will create a assistive tool to create a patient profile which represents his/her cognitive competences. This training profile will be created by operationalizing tasks according to how their different parameters impact different cognitive domains (Attention, Memory, Executive Functions, Language, Processing Speed). This will be achieved by means of a participatory design methodology involving 20 rehabilitation experts and end-user groups. Through modeling we expect to quantitatively determine how independent variables (task parameters) impact each of the profile domains. For each patient, this profiling and parameter matching process will result in the selection of a number of tasks that are adjusted to the patient and delivered as the prescribed training.
(b) Belief Revision adaptation engine (BR-E: Adaptation).
The aim of this WP is to create the computational infrastructure based on the Belief Revision framework that will enable the accurate generation of cognitive profiles for patients, as well as the update of these profiles over time to accurately capture the patients’ evolution over time and the consequent adaptation of cognitive training (Belief Revision adaptation engine). The BR-E must be capable to  detects inconsistencies (i.e., formal contradictions) and incoherencies (i.e., results between different assessment that are outside of expected differences). In case of normal evolution/involution the system will be update the profle accordingly and cycle the process with the updated profile.
Gross Salary: Approx. 36K€ x year.
The positions are available from 1/4/2018. The positions are fixed-term and filled initially for 1 year with the option to be renewed until the end of the project (30/9/21).
Applicants should express their interest by sending the following documents by email to Eduardo Fermé (ferme@uma.pt) no later than 20/12/2018, according to the instructions below:
– a cover letter briefly describing your background and interests;
– a Curriculum Vitae (with contact details);
– names and contact information (email) of at least two references;
– a link to electronic copy of Ph.D. Thesis (if available);
– links to electronic copies of 1-2 most relevant publications.