[rede.APPIA] Jubilação do Professor Eugénio Oliveira

A APPIA informa que a cerimónia de jubilação de Eugénio da Costa Oliveira, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e membro fundador do LIACC, terá lugar no dia 26 de Setembro de 2018, às 17h00, no Auditório da FEUP, Porto, Portugal.

[rede.APPIA] 2nd Call for papers: INTETAIN 2018 (Springer, Guimarães, Portugal)

Dear all,

Please distribute the 2nd call for papers of 10th INTETAIN Conference among your contacts.

New deadline: 1st September 2018.

Intetain 2018 Conference Call for Papers (http://intetain.org)

November 21 – 23, 2018 | Guimarães, Portugal
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2018


The 10th INTETAIN celebrates the future of Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment by inviting researchers to submit novel contributions around developments and insights in art, design, science, and engineering regarding computer based systems (algorithms, models, software and tools) or devices (smartphone, digital cameras, …) that provide intelligent human interaction or entertainment experiences.

Intetain 2018 is part of the 4th annual Smart City 360˚Summit, promoting multidisciplinary scientific collaboration to solve complex societal, technological and economic problems of emerging Smart Cities.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to INTETAIN 2018. They should be in English, following the Springer formatting guidelines.


The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

• Artificial Intelligence (Data Science, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation, Multi-Agent Systems, …) for Human Interaction or Entertainment;
•  Artificial Intelligence (Data Science, Machine Learning, ….) in Games, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality;
• Intelligent Human-computer Interaction (including interaction Interfaces and sensors).
•  Other Intelligent Interaction or Entertainment Applications: smart cities, media and social media, decision-support systems, visual analytics, engineering, science, production (e.g., Industry 4.0) and marketing.

All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Authors of selected best accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games
• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies
Intetain proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Paper submission: http://intetain2018.eai-conferences.org/initial-submission/

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format: http://intetain.org/authors-kit/

Important dates

Important dates

Full Paper Submission deadline
1 September 2018

Notification deadline
20 September 2018

Camera-ready deadline
10 October 2018

Start of Conference
21 November 2018

End of Conference
23 November 2018

Paulo Cortez
Luís Gonzaga
Pedro Branco
(conference organizers)

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R

[rede.APPIA] 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG2019) – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – deadline August 17.

Dear all,

Please spread this call for papers.

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R

Begin forwarded message:

From: 3rd-ICITG2019 <3rd-icitg2019@civil.uminho.pt>
Subject: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG2019) – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – deadline August 17.
Date: 17 July 2018 at 10:48:30 GMT+1
Cc: llamas@lnec.pt” <llamas@lnec.pt>, Paulo Alexandre Ribeiro Cortez <pcortez@dsi.uminho.pt>, Joaquim Agostinho Barbosa Tinoco <jtinoco@civil.uminho.pt>

Dear All,
I will appreciate if you can spread this email through your contacts.
Thank you so much for your support.
Best kind regards,
Only One Month Left for Abstract Submission
Dear Colleague,
Share your knowledge in Geo-Engineering with professionals and academics from around the world at the 3rd ICITG 2019, September 29-October 2, Guimarães, Portugal.
All accepted papers will be published by Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering and further submitted for indexing by Scopus and Web of Science.
In addition, authors can also submit full-length papers for special issues of the following journals:
Journal of Smart Infrastructure and construction (https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/page/jsmic/promo)
Please feel free to submit your abstract until August 17, 2018, to this conference through:
Please kindly forward to those who may be interested.

Should you no longer wish to receive this type of information, please, click on the following link:  Unsubscribe

A. Gomes Correia
Chair of ICITG2019


— Call for Papers —
NMR 2018 is co-located with KR 2018 and DL 2018, in particular, NMR 2018 will share a joint session with DL 2018.
NMR has a long history — it started in 1984, and is held every two years. Recent previous NMR workshops were held in Cape Town (2016) Vienna (2014) Rome (2012), Toronto (2010), Sydney (2008), and Lake District (UK) (2006).
As in 2016, NMR 2018 will no longer have different tracks in order to not force submissions and presentations into a strict format. Instead, we would like to foster connections between the different fields of nonmonotonic reasoning and provide a forum for emerging topics. We especially invite papers on systems and applications, as well as position papers and papers addressing benchmark issues. The workshop will be structured by topical sessions fitting to the scopes of accepted papers.
The workshop will be held at the Arizona State University, from October 27-29, 2018. Workshop activities will include invited talks and presentations of technical papers.
Important dates:
Paper registration deadline *** EXTENSION ***: July 22, 2018 Paper submission deadline *** EXTENSION ***: July 29, 2018
Notification of acceptance: September 10, 2018 Camera-ready copies: October 4, 2018 Workshop: October, 27-29 2018
Submissions Information:
Papers should be at most 10 pages in AAAI style including references, figures, and appendixes, if any; for further instructions on the format, please see the KR 2018 website. Papers must be submitted in PDF only. Paper submission will be handled electronically by means of the easychair system. The submission page ishttps://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nmr2018.
Papers already published or accepted for publication at other conferences are also welcome, provided that the original publication is mentioned in a footnote on the first page. In the same vein, papers under review for other conferences can be submitted with a similar indication on their front page. Papers that have already been published or submitted elsewhere may have overlength.
Proceedings There are no formal proceedings for NMR. The accepted papers will be published as a technical report and will be made available in the Computing Research Repository (CoRR). The papers will be compiled in the homepage of NMR 2018 (www4.uma.pt/nmr2018/). The copyright of the papers lies with the authors, and as far as NMR is concerned, they are free to submit to other conferences and workshops as well.
Program chairs
Eduardo Fermé Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering University of Madeira Campus Universitário da Penteada 9000-390 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. + 351 291 705179
Serena Villata CNRS – Laboratoire I3S Campus Sophia Tech – Building Templier 1 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex +33 4 92 96 50 47

[rede.APPIA] Call for papers: 9th international Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018 – IS, 31st July

Dear all,

Please spread this call for papers among your contacts:

9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS’18
Call for Papers – Extended Deadline for Full Papers – 31st July

The conference (IEEE Conference Nr. 45088) is mainly concerned with recent advances and challenges in the theory, design and applications of broadly perceived intelligent systems. With respect to tools and techniques, a special emphasis will be on modern artificial intelligence, computational intelligence (fuzzy sets, rough sets, evolutionary computation, neural networks, swarm intelligence, etc.), calculi of uncertainty, nonstandard logics, data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, information aggregation and fusion, multimedia information processing, Web technology and intelligence, cognitive and affective computing, multiagent systems, ontologies for intelligent systems, “big data”, etc.Main application areas include, but are not limited to: bioinformatics, business and finance, intelligent decision support systems, database systems, e-learning, e-administration, environmental engineering, healthcare, security, sensors, automation, mobile robotics, manufacturing systems, logistics, electrical and power engineering, telecommunication, infrastructure and transportation, etc.

Papers will be selected in a blind refereeing process based on the submitted full papers. Final papers should have no more than 7.000 words (all inclusive) or 8 pages and should be in the correct format. The paper should clearly describe its purpose and relevance, reference to existing theories and related works, research methods used and major results in the conference topics. Papers are expected to show the following structure: (i) Introduction, (ii) Relation to existing theories and work, (iii) Research/Technology/Innovation approach, (iv) Findings, (v) Conclusion, and (vi) References.

Review criteria will be (a) whether and (b) how the paper extends the existing body of knowledge in intelligent systems as its contribution, and (c) therefore its relevance for the conference topics, (d) the scientific/innovation quality of the approach and (e) the clarity of presentation. Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis.Papers will only be accepted for review on the condition that the material is original, that it has not been copyrighted, published, presented or is currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editorial committee will allocate submissions for oral presentation of papers and/or for poster presentations. Speakers will have 20 minutes for presentation and discussion of their paper. The official language of the conference is English.

The conference will publish one paper per presenting author only. All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings to be available via IEEE Xplore® (with ISBN Number and DOI for the paper), only if at least one author pays a full registration fee before the deadline.
Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing  (A&I) databases. All A&I providers can be found here: http://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/when-your-article… and include amongst other, Scopus and Web of Science.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extensions of the presented work to special issues of indexed scientific journals, e.g.:

• Journal of IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing
• Special Issue on: “Interoperability Enablers for Cyber-Physical Enterprise Systems” at the Enterprise Information Systems (Journal) [Impact Factor: 2.269]
• Journal Technology Analysis & Strategic Management [Impact Factor: 1.273]
• Special Issue on: “Data Analytics for Energy, Water and Environment” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]
• Special Issue on: “Tech Mining” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]
• Special Issue on: “Design Science in IS/IT” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]
• Special Issue on: “Cyber-Attacks, Strategic Cyber-Foresight and Security” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]
• Special Issue on: “Blockchain Ecosystem: Technological and Management Challenges and Opportunities” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]
• Special Issue on: “Modelling and Simulation in Disaster & Emergency Management: Planning, Strategy Formulation, Decision-Making, and Training” at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal) [Impact Factor: 1.94]

Papers must be submitted using the on-line system available at the conference website. For any questions please contact the secretariat at is2018_sec@uninova.pt.

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: Re: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Pledge

Caros colegas @APPIA
Envio a vossa consideração.
Paulo Novais
——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: Re: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Pledge Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 14:10:11 +0200 From: Gerhard Lakemeyer <gerhard@kbsg.rwth-aachen.de> To: euraisocieties@eurai.org

Dear EurAI Society,
I am forwarding a message by Ariel Conn from the Future of Life Institute asking for support of the lethal autonomous weapons pledge (see below). Please, distribute this message to your members and consider signing also as a society, as the Italian Association has done already.
Best regards, Gerhard Lakemeyer
——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: Invitation Resent-From: lakemeyer@informatik.rwth-aachen.de Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 22:43:16 -0600 From: Ariel Conn <ariel@futureoflife.org> To: gerhard@informatik.rwth-aachen.de CC: Max Tegmark <tegmark@mit.edu>, Anthony Aguirre <anthony@futureoflife.org>

Dear Gerhard, I’m writing to invite the European Association for Artificial Intelligence to join Google DeepMind, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, University College London and others as signatories of the lethal autonomous weapons pledge <futureoflife.org/lethal-autonomous-weapons-pledge>, whose key sentence is /”we will neither participate in nor support the development, manufacture, trade, or use of lethal autonomous weapons”. /It will be terrific if you decide to join, because this will help increase the chances that the AI will continue to benefit society overall and not trigger a devastating new arms race.
If there’s anything we can do to help support discussions involved in this decision, please let me know. In the meantime, and perhaps to get the conversation started, it would be wonderful if you could pass the pledge on to your members to see if they might be interested in signing as individuals.
The pledge will be announced at an IJCAI/ECAI <www.ijcai-18.org/> press conference, and all organizations joining the pledge before July 16 will be featured in the “Hall of Fame” section. Again, lethal autonomous weapons are narrowly defined as AI-powered weapons that can decide to target and kill somebody without a human in the loop. Note that this definition does /not/ include currently deployed drones where humans make these decisions, and that the policy of many countries, including the U.S. and the U.K., requires a human in the loop. Also note that signing the pledge does /not/ require abstaining from defense work/funding more generally.
You can read and sign the pledge here <futureoflife.org/lethal-autonomous-weapons-pledge>, where you’ll also find the current signatories. Can we count you in?
Fingers x’ed, Ariel
Ariel Conn Director of Media and Outreach Future of Life Institute futureoflife.org <futureoflife.org> 415.640.1780

[rede.APPIA] Intetain 2018 is Open for Submissions (Springer, Guimarães, Portugal)

Dear all,
Please distribute the 1st Intetain 2018 Conference Call for Papers among your contacts. See also: intetain.org
— Paulo Cortez Luís Gonzaga Pedro Branco (conference organizers)
—————— Intetain 2018 Conference Call for Papers (intetain.org)
November 21 – 23, 2018 | Guimarães, Portugal Submission Deadline: July 31, 2018
The 10th INTETAIN celebrates the future of Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment by inviting researchers to submit novel contributions around developments and insights in art, design, science, and engineering regarding computer based systems (algorithms, models, software and tools) or devices (smartphone, digital cameras, …) that provide intelligent human interaction or entertainment experiences.
Intetain 2018 is part of the 4th annual Smart City 360˚Summit, promoting multidisciplinary scientific collaboration to solve complex societal, technological and economic problems of emerging Smart Cities.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to INTETAIN 2018. They should be in English, following the Springer formatting guidelines.
The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
• Artificial Intelligence (Data Science, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation, Multi-Agent Systems, …) for Human Interaction or Entertainment; • Artificial Intelligence (Data Science, Machine Learning, ….) in Games, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality; • Intelligent Human-computer Interaction (including interaction Interfaces and sensors). • Other Intelligent Interaction or Entertainment Applications: smart cities, media and social media, decision-support systems, visual analytics, engineering, science, production (e.g., Industry 4.0) and marketing. Publication
All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
Authors of selected best accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Artificial Intelligence • EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games • EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies Intetain proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Paper submission: intetain2018.eai-conferences.org/initial-submission/
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format: intetain.org/authors-kit/
Important dates
Full Paper Submission deadline 31 July 2018
Notification deadline 10 September 2018
Camera-ready deadline 30 September 2018
Start of Conference 21 November 2018
End of Conference 23 November 2018
Cumprimentos / Regards,