[rede.APPIA] 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG2019) – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS


P.f. divulguem a conferência ICITG2019, que envolve as áreas de Geotecnia e Inteligência Artificial, ver: http://www.3rd-icitg2019.civil.uminho.pt/conference-themes/  

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R
De: 3rd-ICITG2019 
Enviada: 29 de junho de 2018 11:51
Para: 3rd-ICITG2019 <3rd-icitg2019@civil.uminho.pt>
Assunto: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG2019) – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
Dear Colleague,
Share your knowledge in Geo-Engineering with professionals and academics from around the world at the 3rd ICITG 2019,September 29-October 2, Guimarães, Portugal.
All accepted papers will be published by Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering and further submitted for indexing by Scopus and Web of Science.
Please feel free to submit your abstract until August 17, 2018, to this conference through:
Please kindly forward to those who may be interested.

Should you no longer wish to receive this type of information, please, click on the following link:  Unsubscribe

A. Gomes Correia
Chair of ICITG2019
A. Gomes Correia, PhD
Full Professor
Vice-Dean of School of Engineering
Director of the PhD in Civil Engineering
Editor-in-Chief, Transportation Geotechnics
University of Minho
School of Engineering
Campus de Azurem
4800-058 GUIMARAES

[rede.APPIA] Research positions in Natural Language Processing (Lisbon)

Research positions in Natural Language Processing (Lisbon)

Applications are invited for 1-year position initially in the area of Natural Language Processing, Conversational Interfaces and Machine Translation.
Successful candidates will be based in the Department of Informatics of the University of Lisbon, the leading university of the country.
The Department of Informatics consists of more than 40 faculty members and over 50 PhD students. Members of the institute are actively pursuing a variety of research initiatives, including natural language processing, human computer interaction, social network analysis, bioinformatics, multi-agent systems, etc.
The Department of Informatics is coordinating a number of projects, including the implementation of the CLARIN research infrastrutcure, and there will be also ample opportunities for collaborative work with other international research centers and industrial partners.
Lisbon is an Atlantic city full of charm, and one of the best places to work and live: www.lisbonlux.com/
The application period will be open until the positions are filled, with the starting dates for the positions occurring since September 1, 2018.
The net monthly salary is in the range of 1500-2000 euro (Postdoc) and 1000-1500 euro (MA holders), with 12 payments per year. Insurance and social security contributions are ensured by the projects.
Applicants must have an MA or PhD in computer science, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics or a related area, with focus on natural language processing and/or machine translation. Having a good track record in publications, solid programming skills, and knowledge of neural methods for natural language processing are competitive factors.
We are looking for candidates that have good communication skills in English, both oral and written, enjoy to work in a closely collaborating team in view of participating in exciting multi-year research projects.
How to apply
Please send a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications), and the names and contact information of two referees to António Branco <Antonio.Branco@di.fc.ul.pt>.


************************************************** CALL FOR THEMATIC TRACKS ************************************************** EPIA 2019 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence www.epia2019.utad.pt/index.php/call-for-papers September 3-6, 2019 Vila Real – Portugal
************************************************** The EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a well-established European conference in the field of AI. The 19th edition, EPIA 2019, will take place at Vila Real in September 3rd-6th, 2019. As in previous editions, this international conference is hosted with the patronage of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). The purpose of this conference is to promote research in all areas of AI, covering both theoretical/foundational issues and applications, and the scientific exchange among researchers, engineers and practitioners in related disciplines.
******************** Conference format ******************** To promote discussions among participants, the scientific program of EPIA 2019 will be composed of a set of thematic tracks. In addition to the parallel sessions for the different tracks, there will be plenary sessions with invited lectures given by leading scientists, tutorials focusing on specific subjects of AI, demonstrations and a doctoral symposium. More detailed and up-to-date information may be found at: www.epia2019.utad.pt/
********************* Call-for-tracks ********************* The worldwide AI research community is invited to submit thematic track proposals for EPIA 2019. Thematic tracks are intended to provide an environment that fosters an active exchange of ideas between researchers within specific sub-areas of AI, including theoretical/foundational, integrative, application-oriented and newly emerging areas. Each track is coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, researchers from two different countries. Track organizers should also create a highly international Program Committee for the track, with recognized researchers within the corresponding scientific areas. The selection of proposed thematic tracks will be made by the Program Chairs and Steering Committee of EPIA 2019. We aim to build a strong, well-balanced conference program. If there are significant thematic gaps in the program after the track proposal submission closes, the chairs may actively solicit additional proposals. Likewise, significant overlap between tracks will be addressed by suggesting merging tracks. Papers accepted in thematic tracks will be published by Springer, in a volume of the Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the corresponding format, with a maximum of 12 pages. Presentation slots will be accommodated in the conference program for every accepted paper, in thematic sessions that may run in parallel.
******************** Responsibilities ******************** The Organizing Committee of each track will be responsible for: – Creating an international Program Committee for the track. – Publicizing the track by all necessary means, including distributing the call-for-papers of EPIA 2019. – Coordinating a double-blind review process for papers submitted to the track, ensuring that each paper is reviewed by at least three program committee members. – Assisting the Program Chairs of the conference in the paper selection process. – Ensuring the delivery of camera-ready versions of papers accepted for the track in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by the conference organizers. – Coordinating track session chairing assignments.
The organizers of EPIA 2019 will ensure: – A web-based tool to support the scientific organization process (paper submission, reviewing, selection, etc.). – The coordination and final deliberation on paper acceptance decisions. – The publication of thematic track papers in the conference proceedings. – A meeting place and time for holding the track sessions, including common equipment (e.g. computer and beamer). EPIA 2019 organizers reserve the right to cancel a track if deadlines are missed, or if the track organizers are unable to attract a minimum number of quality paper submissions. If that is the case, track session merges may also be imposed. ******************** Proposal submission ******************** Track proposals should not exceed 3 pages and must be submitted as a PDF file, at the conference submission system: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=epia2019 The proposal should contain the following information: 1. Thematic track title. 2. Name, affiliation, postal address, phone and email address of all members of the track Organizing Committee, which must include researchers from institutions in at least two different countries. 3. Identification of the Organizing Committee contact person. 4. A brief description of the specific scientific/technical scope of the track 5. A list of topics of interest. 6. The reasons why the track should be held within EPIA 2019. 7. A tentative list of members of the proposed track Program Committee, which should be highly international (e.g. no more than 50% from a single country). 8. A preliminary version of the track call-for-papers. 9. The planned format (e.g., invited talks, paper presentations, panel discussions, etc.) and duration of the track. 10. Any plans on preparing a journal special issue for selected and extended versions of papers accepted in the track. 11. Planned forms of publicizing the track. 12. A list of technical/room requirements for the track. 13. Specific initiatives to support and improve the quality of the overall conference. 14. Sponsors or other funding initiatives for the thematic track. ******************** Important dates ******************** Thematic-track proposal deadline: September 15, 2018 Notification of track acceptance: October 15, 2018 1st Call-for-papers: November 15, 2018 Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019 Notification of paper acceptance: May 31, 2019 Camera ready papers deadline: June 15, 2019 Conference dates: September 3-6, 2019
********************* EPIA 2019 Committees ********************* Event and Program Chairs ********************* Paulo Moura Oliveira, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal Paulo Novais, ALGORITMI, UMinho, Portugal Luís Paulo Reis, LIACC, UPorto, Portugal
******************** Organization Chairs ******************** Eduardo Solteiro Pires, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal José Boaventura Cunha, INESC-TEC, UTAD, Portugal Paulo Jorge Matos, IPB, Portugal
**************************** International Steering Committee **************************** Amedeo Cesta, CNR-ISTC, Italy Ana Bazzan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Ana Paiva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Ernesto Costa, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Eugénio Oliveira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal François Pachet, Spotify, France Helder Coelho, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal José Júlio Alferes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Juan Pavón, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain Luís Paulo Reis, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Marco Dorigo, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Paulo Novais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Pavel Brazdil, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Peter McBurney, King’s College London, UK Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz, Germany
EPIA 2019 Event/Program Chairs epia2019@utad.pt <mailto:epia2019@utad.pt>

[rede.APPIA] Divulgação SDA 2018

cid:<a href=image002.png@01D3F35D.FE98EF20” v:shapes=”Imagem_x0020_2″ apple-inline=”yes” id=”BC2F0C4C-1E77-464B-B722-10C5CB7E9FF9″ src=”http://www.appia.pt/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/image001.png” class=””>Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis
Viana do Castelo, Portugal, October 18-20, 2018
…. Abstract Submission deadline: July 22—-   
This year the Symbolic Data Analysis Workshop will take place at the School of Technology and Management – Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo – Portugal, next October 18-20.
Please visit the website: https://sda2018.wixsite.com/ipvc to get information about the abstract submission process and deadlines, as well as practical issues regarding your stay in Viana do Castelo.
We are looking forward to meeting you at SDA 2018!
Kind regards,
Conceição Rocha, Paula Brito, Paula Cheira, Sónia Dias
Organizing Committee, SDA 2018

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: IBERAMIA 2018 : 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Paper submision deadline extended till June, 3th, 2018

——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: IBERAMIA 2018 : 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Paper submision deadline extended till June, 3th, 2018 Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 16:48:13 +0200 From: Sociedad Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial <iberamia@gmail.com> To: IBERAMIA <iberamia@iberamia.org>

*Paper submision deadline extended till June, 3th, 2018*
Apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email, or if its content is irrelevant for you. —————————————————————————————————————
*16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence* ** ***IBERAMIA 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Trujillo, Perú*
iberamia2018.iberamia.org <iberamia2018.iberamia.org>
Contact: iberamia@iberamia.org <mailto:iberamia@iberamia.org>, iberamia2018@iberamia.org <mailto:iberamia2018@iberamia.org>
IBERAMIA 2018 is the 16th edition of the Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, a leading symposium where the Ibero-American AI community comes together to share research results and experiences with researchers in Artificial Intelligence from all over the world. The conference is sponsored by the main Ibero-American Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science societies.
IBERAMIA 2018 will welcome papers in all subareas of AI, including (but not limited to) traditional topics such as Machine Learning, Planning, Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Computational Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Robotics and Perception, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AI in Education, General AI, and AI Applications.
Papers must be written in English, and will be reviewed on the basis of their relevance, significance of the contribution, originality, technical soundness, quality and clarity. As in previous years, accepted papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series of Springer-Verlag.
A ‘Best Paper Award’ will be given to the authors of the best paper, as judged by the Best Paper Award Selection Committee. The winners will receive a monetary prize. Moreover, the best referred papers will be invited to publish an extended version in selected international journals (indexed by JCR, Scopus etc.).
*IMPORTANT DATES * *Paper submission deadline : June 3th, 2018, Notification : July 9th, 2018* Camera ready papers: August 1st, 2018 Conference dates: November, 13-16th, 2018
*ORGANIZATION* Program Chair: Prof. Guillermo R. Simari, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina. Program Vice chair: Eduardo Fermé. Universidad de Madeira, Portugal.
Local Organization Chair: Ph. D. Flabio Gutierrez, Universidad Nacional de Piura, Perú.
* Area Chairs*
* Eduardo Fermé. Universidad de Madeira, Portugal. * Paulo Novais. Universidade do Miño, Portugal * Marcelo Errecalde. Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. * Blai Bonet. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela * Aline Villavicencio. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil * Vicente Julian. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
The conference IBERAMIA’2018 will feature a pre-conference program of workshops. Proposals for workshops should be a maximum of five pages in length, and should contain the following information: 1) Title of the workshop and a brief description of the workshop, specifying the workshop goals, the technical issues addressed and the relevance of the workshop to the Iberamia Conference. Proposals of workshops with open discussions on specific topics are welcome. 2) Specific information regarding the organizers: names, affiliations, postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and expertise in the topic of the workshop. The organization committee should include at least two members. 3) Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards, including a preliminary list of the workshop program committee with names, titles and affiliations. 4) Expected duration of the workshop. All proposals should be submitted, by electronic mail, to the Workshop Chair (iberamia2018@iberamia.org <mailto:iberamia2018@iberamia.org>). The list of accepted IBERAMIA 2018 workshops will be published along with the submission details on the conference’s Web site. Papers for the workshops can be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. Deadline for workshop proposals: 4, June, 2018 , Notification : July 9th, 2018 Camera ready papers: August 1st, 2018 Conference dates: November, 13-16th, 2018

[rede.APPIA] Fwd: CFP CCIA2018

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: CFP CCIA2018
Date: 29 April 2018 at 23:27:38 GMT+1

Dear Paolo: this is Karina Gibert, from UPC in Barcelona. I’m organizing a
very nice conference in october in the costa brava.

Have a look to the website ccia2018.upc.edu

I’m sorry I didn’t think about mailing you till now. But There is still some time to submit and there is possibility of submitting short paper.

Plase disseminate the link to your contacts and think if you are interested in submitting a work



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