[rede.APPIA] Special Session WCCI /IJCNN 2018 on Cognition and Neurocomputation

Dear Colleagues and Researchers,

A special session on “Cognition and NeuroComputation” has been organized by L. Manevitz, B. Ribeiro and A. Frid at this summers WCCI/IJCNN meeting in Rio de Janeiro. 2018   The submissions will undergo the standard reviewing process for this meeting;    the main advantage in submitting to the special session will be the common interest of the participants.   you should indicate when submitting the main research topic is “S20. Special Session on Neurocomputation and Cognition”.    A link to the special session is below.

We encourage you to submit and/or to attend.

We will be interpreting ” NeuroComputation and Cognition” widely but around such topics such as:

The special session invites submissions in any of the following (and related) areas:

  • Use of Neurocomputation and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Complex Physiological Features
  • Neurocomputational Models for Cognition and Cognitive Tasks
  • Finding Computational Biomarkers for cognitive tasks using Machine Learning tools
  • Validation of cognitive models using machine learning methods
  • Discovering Computational Biomarkers for Diseases (especially neurological diseases)
  • Applications of Machine Learning and Neurocomputation to Cognitive Data
  • Neurocomputational and Architectural Models of Creativity
  • Innovative Neurocomputational Models appropriate for Cognition and Brain simulations
  • Design of Feature Selection and other Machine Learning Tools for Classifying Cognitive and Brain Data

For a more complete description visit the link: http://www.ecomp.poli.br/~wcci2018/ijcnn-sessions/#ijcnn20 .

You can also visit the home pages of the organizing laboratories:  Neurocomputation Laboratory (neurocomputation.wordpress.com) of Prof. Manevitz at U. Haifa and https://apps.uc.pt/mypage/faculty/uc25930

 of the LARN Laboratory of Prof. Ribeiro at Coimbra University.


Conference Links: 

Main conference pagehttp://www.ecomp.poli.br/~wcci2018/

Link to the Special Session: IJCNN-20 Neurocomputation and Cognition


— Bernardete Ribeiro

[rede.APPIA] IV 2018 – 10 – 13 July – Palerno – Italy – Call for Papers, Videos and Participation

Call for Papers, Videos and Participation 

Theme and scope is planned as series of symposia with details and further information is available at: iV2018 – Symposium & Theme

iV2018 – Information visualisation:

o   Information Visualisation Theory & Practice

o   Narrative

o   Visualization and Storytelling 

o   Glyphs: Shapes, Icons, Text and Imagery in Visualization

o   Information Visualization Evaluation

o   Visual Analytics

o   Social media analytics

o   GeoVisual Analytics and Spatial-Temporal Analytics

o   Knowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking 

o   Advances in Interactive and Visual Data Clustering

o   Visualisation in Business Intelligence and Open Data 

o   Knowledge Domain Visualisation

o   Open Source Intelligence and Web Mining & Web Visualization

o   Co-operative Design Visualisation 

o   Human-Computer Interaction for Information Visualization

o   Graph and Network Visualisation  

o   Digital Humanities Knowledge Visualization

Medivis2018 – BioMedical Visualization:

o   BioMedical Visualization 

vis2018 – Visualization:

o   Visualization

o   Visualization, Art, & Design

o   Symposium of Digital Art and Gallery

o   Augmented Reality Visualization and Art

o   Computer Animation, Information Visualisation, and Digital Effects

o   Computer Games and their applications (CGa)

o   Multimedia and E-learning

o   Digital Entertainment

GMAI2018 – Geometric Modelling and Imaging 

BuiltViz2018 – Visualisation in Built and Rural Environments

Preconference course: Doctoral Research Workshop


Important Dates : 

1 March 2018 – Submission of papers & Submission of tutorials:

18 May 2018 – Submission of camera-ready & early registration closes


Conference Co-ordinator


Tel: +44 1707 – 652 224

Email: iV_CGiV <iV_CGiV@graphicslink.co.uk>

URL: http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/IV2018/





[rede.APPIA] Fwd: AI Researchers Create Video to Call for Autonomous Weapons Ban at UN


Para vossa informação.

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R

Begin forwarded message:

From: Future of Life Institute <Ariel@futureoflife.org>
Subject: AI Researchers Create Video to Call for Autonomous Weapons Ban at UN
Date: 14 November 2017 at 05:37:55 GMT

Dear Paulo,

Thank you again for signing the 2015 open letter on autonomous weapons! This week, the United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons began discussions to consider a treaty to ban autonomous weapons. 

At a UN side event hosted by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, AI researcher Stuart Russell unveiled a short film, depicting a disturbing future in which lethal autonomous weapons have become cheap and ubiquitous. The video is fiction, but it represents a scenario that could become all too real if we don’t act soon. 

We encourage you to watch the video below, share the video, and keep up with our efforts to ban lethal autonomous weapons at autonomousweapons.org.

The FLI Team

Sent to: pcortez@dsi.uminho.pt


Future of Life Institute, PO Box 454, Winchester, MA 01890, United States

[rede.APPIA] Programa Gulbenkian Novos talentos em Inteligência Artificial: 1º workshop

Estimados colegas:
No âmbito do Programa Gulbenkian Novos talentos em Inteligência Artificial o 1º workshop realizar-se-á no próximo dia 17 de novembro de 2017, no Instituto Superior Técnico (Alameda), Pavilhão de Informática II (edifício 7), sala 0.20
Programa em anexo e no seguinte link:
Cumprimentos, Paulo Novais

[rede.APPIA] PhD and Post-doc openings (DeepSPIN project)

Hi all,
I’m posting this message to advertise this position to former LxMLS participants.
The University of Lisbon will soon be announcing 3 PhD student and 3 post-doctoral positions for my forthcoming ERC-funded project DeepSPIN (“Deep Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing”). This 5-year frontier research project will start in January 2018, and it also involves Unbabel, a vibrant start-up doing AI-powered crowd-sourced translation. Detailed information about the positions and how to apply can be found at:
(The application deadline is December 2017, but there’s flexibility about the dates depending on the candidate’s availability. For example, PhD students finishing next year can still apply to the post-doc position.)
I would be grateful if you could circulate this information in your department or among any potentially interested colleagues or young researchers you may know.
Thanks, and best regards,

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[rede.APPIA] Open position for a PhD researcher in Machine Learning

We (me and CCG) are looking for a researcher holding a PhD (or almost finishing) in the area of Machine Learning, see:
CCG: www.ccg.pt/recrutamento/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/421189/ Net-empregos: www.net-empregos.com/4260759/machine-learning-developer-m-f/#.Wct1jtFJncs ITJOBS: www.itjobs.pt/oferta/216966/machine-learning-developer
Cumprimentos / Regards,

[rede.APPIA] EPIA 2017 — Call for Participation

*** Please distribute. Apologies for cross-posting. ***

EPIA 2017: 18th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2017

The EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence is a well-established European conference in the field of AI. The 18th edition, EPIA 2017, will take place at Porto in September 5th-8th, 2017. The purpose of the conference is to promote research in AI and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers in related disciplines.

Program highlights

The full program of EPIA 2017 can be found at https://web.fe.up.pt/~epia2017/program/

The program includes:

  • Doctoral Symposium on AI (SDIA)
  • Business Applications of AI student / industry session, with presentations of the sponsors of the event
  • Beneficial AI Panel, OPEN to the general public
  • Keynote speakers:
    • Philipp Slusallek, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
    • Simon M. Lucas, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex
    • Francesco Bonchi, Research Leader at the ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy
  • Thematic sessions on:
    • Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence
    • Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    • Intelligent Robotics
    • Social Simulation and Modelling
    • Agent-Based Modelling for Criminological Research
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
    • Text Mining and Applications
    • Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms
    • Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
    • Ambient Intelligence and Affective Environments
    • Artificial Intelligence in Games
    • Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Systems
    • Artificial Intelligence in Power and Energy Systems


EPIA 2017 will take place at Porto. The technical program will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

The welcome reception will take place at the headquarters of Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes (CVRVV).

The conference dinner will take place at Ateneu Comercial do Porto.



Registration fees are available at https://web.fe.up.pt/~epia2017/registration/

A student reduced fee is available.

The opening session, which includes the Beneficial AI Panel, is open to the general public (no registration required).


Event Chairs

  • Eugénio Oliveira, LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • João Gama, LIAAD-INESC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Program Chairs

  • Eugénio Oliveira, LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • João Gama, LIAAD-INESC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Henrique Lopes Cardoso, LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Zita Vale, GECAD, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Organization Chairs

  • Ana Paula Rocha, LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Goreti Marreiros, GECAD, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal