EPIA 2017
18th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence
September 5-8, 2017
Porto — Portugal
Special Issue on Computational Models for Social and Technical Interactions
The journal track invites high-quality submissions that present original work in the areas of computational models for understanding, modelling, and facilitating social interaction between people, organizations and systems. Topics covering intelligent socio-technical systems, adaptive and social-aware intelligent systems, evolving social systems, adaptive and reactive intelligent systems, Governance mechanisms, Organizational learning, Social media analysis, Social network analysis, Social robotics, smart cities, V2V, etc. are welcome.
Accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the New Generation Computing journal and, moreover, a presentation slot at the EPIA 2017 conference will be assigned.
Given the special nature of the EPIA 2017 journal track, only papers that naturally lend themselves to conference talks will be considered. For instance, journal versions of previously published conference papers, or survey papers will not be considered for the special issue. Such submissions might be submitted to the regular submission track of the journal.
How to submit?
To submit to EPIA’17 journal track, authors must send an e-mail to the Editor of NGC Dr.Masami Hagiya to <ngcj@ohmsha.co.jp> and CC to the e-mail <epia2017@fe.up.pt>. The Subject of the e-mail should be “Submission for the EPIA 2017 special issue”. Papers must be submitted in PDF format, using the style format of NGC. In the body of e-mail, authors should specify one of the six major fields of the paper, and any previous publication with overlapping material. The EPIA 2017 Chairs will coordinate the review process.
Authors who submit their work to the special EPIA 2017 journal track commit themselves to present their results at the EPIA conference in case of acceptance. If you are not interested in presenting your work at EPIA 2017, please do not submit to this special issue of the journal.
It is recommended that submitted papers do not exceed 20 pages including references and appendices, formatted in the New Generation Computing journal style.
This is a soft limit, but if a submission exceeds the limit, please provide a brief justification regarding the length in the cover letter.
Important dates for the journal track
Authors can submit at any time to this Special Issue. Once a paper is submitted, the review process starts. At least, two independent reviewers will review each paper. The expected review time is 2 months. We strongly suggest earlier submissions to accommodate the usual iterative review process. The very last date for submission is 1 April 2017.
Notes on quality threshold
The submissions will be treated as regular NGC journal submission with the same quality criteria; any paper accepted in the special issue will have to satisfy the high quality standards of the journal.
Potential outcomes of the evaluation process
Depending on the decisions of the handling editors, multiple outcomes are possible for a paper submitted to the journal track:
Accept or Accept conditional to minor revisions in case the paper meets the journal acceptance criteria; if the final acceptance of the paper occurs before June 2017, a regular presentation slot for the paper will be allotted in the EPIA 2017 program.
Reject in case the paper does not meet the quality criteria of the journal.
In exceptional cases, the editors may decide that the research presented in the paper is not mature enough to be acceptable for the journal special issue, yet consider it, due to its originality and potential, a valuable asset for the EPIA 2017 conference. In such cases, the authors will be invited to revise and shorten their paper and submit to an EPIA 2017 regular track (in case the corresponding deadline can still be met), where the paper will be subject to a light reviewing process.
The Journal Track Guest Editors
Eugenio Oliveira, João Gama